WELL!!!What do you guys think of the Rev-xp challenge vs Artic Cat.Polaris and Yamaha

Compromise? Its right in the spec sheet where ski-doo compromised performance for weight. The track is almost half the thickness of a normal ripsaw. I'm sure i'm not the only one who has seen some shredded tracks before, and they were regular thickness! And one inch shorter? com on. At least make it easy to replace the junk you put on. How about the shocks? They are using smaller diameter shocks most of the xp's to save weight. Not only will they fade faster but they're probably more prone to bending too.

But of course its a "snowcross proven" design. What they forget it that there are no stumps, rocks and culvert pipes on a sowcross track to catch an a-arm or ski on. Replacing a trailing arm is one thing, but if i'm in to it for a new bulkhead i'd just scrap the thing.
Hey as long as they can snag a few new customers and hope nothing happens before warranties expire,do they care.My Yamaha dealer has told me many stories last year about how many Skidoo riders were fed up with the breakdowns and switched over to Yamie.Says one guy called it quits with doo when he had to rebuild his engine 7 times.Imagine having to rebuild/replace the bulkhead and the front suspension parts more then normal.Down time is not a laughing matter.
Now if BRP has found a way to trim weight by re-inventing new tracks,shocks,suspension parts..etc and they survive for a couple of years,then the rest of the industry will have no choice but to follow.
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When you remove that much weight off of a sled you have to compensate in the suspension to make it ride the same. Ski Doo found that their SC10-III, which everyone would agree is a really nice riding suspension, rode like crap in the prototype XP (I rode one last winter). When you hit a bump, that suspension is going to have to compensate big time because their is less sled to keep it on the ground. Just think how much adjustment you would make in your rear skid if you (yourself) dropped 60 pounds???

For me, I want a nice riding sled. I think the whole weight issue is a red herring.
I was told the musturd buckets are scaled with no fluids in them and the rest are wieghed with all fluids full. I don't know this for sure though. A couple of guys i ride with got them so i'll be able to tell you more on performance when we get snow.
I like fair competition

is there any need to tell me more things I didn't know.Isn't there honesty in competition anymore. It's like one brand is using steriods against another which is not. They should be banned for 3 years....LOL. GO "BLUE" GO!!!
mulderdad said:
I think we should just remember this thread five years down the road and we'll see what is left of that lightweight doody! Park a five year old yammy beside it and do some comparison's.


You can put my 97 SX next to a new XP in five years and it will still look better, lol.
"Yamha's may not always be the fastest or the lightest, but, I love it when I am riding some of my stuff that is 13-14 years old & go past some late model Poo or Polcat & they are broke down!!!

Bugs em when ya stop & ask if they need help!!!"

I totally agree, I once towed a ZR900 off the river with my old 89 phazer, it was priceless.
I saw the video and thought it was kind of silly, though watching the cornering on the snocross track did make me a bit of a believer, because I was able to see how the sled was handling with my own eyes instead of seeing their silly demo. The hillcross events I thought were a bit odd. I really find it hard to believe that the Mountain Cat was so inferior to the rest.

But... on to durability. My prediction is that the chassis will prove to be very durable, but everything bolted to it will be junk. I've looked at the new XPs a couple times at the local dealer. Here are my impressions:

1. Looks killer (not that this is what this post is about)
2. Has some great engineering (gas tank location, forward secondary, etc) that will make what weight it has feel well balanced.
3. Plastic body panels are extremely thin, flimsy, and hard to fasten. I predect seeing a lot of these along the sides of trails this winter.
4. Suspension components are thin. A-arms are tiny. They don't look durable. Front springs are thin... they aren't going to retain their spring rate for long.
5. Single ply track. Maybe it'll hold up, maybe it won't.

I haven't ridden the XP yet, but a friend did this spring. That means it was a prototype, so take it with a grain of salt. He described it as "silly fast". He's a guy that buys a new sled every year, and then mods the hell out of it, so he's used to very fast sleds.

I did pick up the front end of one of the new XPs, and it is truely very light. I struggle to pick up the front end of my Crossfire, and I'm completely unable to lift an Apex off its skis. Lifting the skis off the ground on the XP was very simple.

My impression is that people are going to break a lot of suspension components, and the thin springs are going to result in flabby handling and lots of bottomming (which will break even more stuff) within a short time. Another issue is that these lightweight sleds are going to be impacted more by rider weight. A lightweight sled sprung for a 180lb rider is going to be way too soft for a heavier rider. I weigh 250 and when I sat on the XP it sank a lot. My stock Crossfire Sno Pro doesn't budge when I sit on it.
we soon shall see what happens.I know it is not the same division,but
Bombardier Plane Division is in a little problem.Not sure what model,but 3 off their plane crashed.One country is sueing them for $ 130 million because one side of the landing gear and wheel blew apart on landing causing the plane to crash down on it's nose.Saw it on the news.Another country stop using their planes because of these crashes.Money was lost in ticket sales for flights.
If the planes are starting to fall apart,they better hope the sleds also don't start falling apart.A couple of bad products could hurt the company as a whole overall.
as for them doo's being level in the corners on the DVD,it looks to me like they are running the corners at a slower speed.Wereas the other sleds are ripping thru..thus sleds are lifting dramatically.Could be a little bit of a set up.
Hey Blue,
Bombardier aerospace program is huge compare to the recreation department. Totally different. There is a hell of alot of outsourcing going on in the aircraft overhaul world right now. You would be surprised or maybe even scared to know where aircraft go to be repaired. But don't worry about Bombardier the Feds. will just give them more of our tax dollars to keep them going.
The xp has made everything else obselete...there will be a massive "weight loss" competition the next few years... like the horsepower race in the 90's
"The xp has made everything else obselete..."
TOTALLY disagree, The XP may prove to a great sled but what Yamaha has done with the four strokes is also amazing, the reliability and styling are second to none. Yamaha's trim and fit has always been ahead of the competition. We will just have to revisit this thread in four or five years to see what is "obsolete".
