oil---which to use?

the post to DON was talking about CYLINDER WALLS and PISTON RINGS?????? WHERE are YOU COMING FROM???????
Fleetman, you should show a little respect for the senior members on this site man!
Gary knows oil!!!

Hey pro, I think we all look forward to seeing Gary yell and rant when it comes to oil.
I know I look forward to his posts!
It shows his passion for oil, and the sport we all love so much!
These posts always bring smiles to my day. I can have the worst day of my life, then I read these posts and simply smile. I'm sorry but I love it.
Fleetman, you should show a little respect for the senior members on this site man!

Ok... Well for starters I do respect others and their opinions. At the same time I would like that respect returned. Just because I'm new here doesn't mean I'm a dumbass. I may have a lot to offer. But people are really annoying when the push their knowledge on to others. As if its my way or the highway according to them. The way I take it all the others opinions and comments (except Gary's) aren't worth a fart in a windstorm according to him. Gary has all the answers and the only answers. Thats BS. There are other folks on this earth that also have expertise in this field. Myself being one of them. No I'm not an engineer or chemist, but I do have some extensive real world experience. I'm just shy of being an ASE certified auto tech for 30 years in the engine performance and engine repair sector. I don't SHOUT to everyone who tends do differ with me and I don't push what I know onto others. I offer and if someone wants to know more they ask.

In one sentence he states synthetics aren't worth a crap and then in the next they are the only oil to use. I have never seen a person contradict themselve as often as Gary does. Maybe its the way he words posts. Maybe it is the way I'm interpreting them, I don't know.

Mulderdad, what I meant in my last post was it's not worth it to try to explain the thought I had as it only would have been shot down. It wasn't worth it. Lifes too short to get in a pissin' match over a stupid oil thread. I know what I know and from now on I'll keep it to myself.

Gary, I was wrong for posting what I did. I should have just kept my fingers off the keyboard.
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I here ya on the pissin match thing. Life is too short.
Everbody is entitled to their opinion.
I get EXACTLY what you are sayin venom, his posts always make me smile too! LOL!
Cheers man,
Well, Because I have a houseful of kid's, many with ADD/HD, I'll attempt to interpret what Gary was trying to say. For STORAGE (not yelling, it's just for emphasis) he feels that a conventional 2-stroke product OR ATF is best. It would seem he AGREES that synthetic oil, whether Amsoil, Klotz, etc., are superior for RUNNING the engine. fleet man, I understand where you are coming from. Gary does come on with some fire when he post's LOL. Don't take it personally. And as far as being a newbie, we ALL were at one time. Your respose in your last post was great. We all need to show respect, whether it's a new member or an old timer. This site is run so that everyone, again, EVERYONE show respect for other's opinions. Have a great weekend everyone.
I have ADD/HD REALLY BAD!!!! If you knew me, you would see me blink and twitch all the time.. Thoughts come into my head and a second or two later....poof,,, they're gone... THANKS VIPER DAVE for explaining it correctly... SYNTHETIC oils have a tendency to ATTRACT moisture (sepecially through the hot-cold-hot-cold cycles and high humidity) of SUMMERTIME... The condensation (like a beercan sweating in the summer) has a tendency to oxidize the crank bearings and the inside of the motor (steel parts) because of the LACK of fogging oil and/or ATF... When you start your sled up ONCE A MONTH ( REALLY BAD IDEA!!!) to warm it up and get it's juices flowing,,, you've actually created a puddle of water in the bottom of the motor ( NOT LITERATELY!!!!!!) and also another puddle in the exhaust (literately!!!)... these puddles CONTRIBUTE to the rapid deterioration of your CRANK BEARINGS!!!! When you start your sled up,,,the RUST ( I don't like the word RUST) destroyes your WHOLE ENGINE let alone destroying your crank bearings..... I am a CONSTRUCTION MACHINIST for a living and have an ASE certification in either 5 or 6 fields ( 2 engine certs) and also a BS in Chemical engineering!!! ( the ase certification expired a while ago, and there was no need to recertify!!!) Gary Oles nosboy
My posts are not to disrespect (usually), but to enlighten and educate and help people,,, NOT TO control people into thinking like I do!!! there are certain TRUTHS and theorys (like the SUN rising in the east and setting in the west) that aren't going to change (in the near future)!!! Some of the truths or theorys are NON NEGOTABLE,, Maybe I do not point out the non negotiable theorys as NON negotiable and thats where the confusion lies!!!!! SYNTHETIC OIL doesn't "stick to your RIBS" as well as conventional oil does!!! I DID NOT make up that FACT and yes,,, its NOT just my opinion.. IT IS A FACT!!!!! PLEASE e mail some CHEMICAL ENGINEER at AMSOIL and not some CARPENTER who sells it out of his garage and MAYBE he will tell you the truth!!!! ( THE CARPENTER statement was to prove a point that amsoil lets anyone sell it's product wheather they know about oil or NOT) ANYONE KNOWS that leaving ANY OIL in your vehicles engine for MORE THAN 3 months OR 3000 miles is detrimental to their engine!!! Installing a 1 micron filter and changing to a HIGHLY DETERGENT synthetic after running conventional oil for YEARS is ANOTHER MISTAKE!!! ANY car mechanic can tell you that!!! They dont even have to be certified (ASE).. Installing a 1 micron oil filter is USUALLY a bad idea altogether.. its an AUTOMOTIVE engine... not an AIRPLANE!!!!! OBERG makes 1 micron oil filters for prop jobs!!!1 ( and they usually clean it out after every trip or two!!!!)
In closing,,, leaving ANY OIL in your vehicle for 2 and 1/2 years (10,000 miles per year average times 2.5 years) is ABSOLUTELY ASSININE!!!! although there are people selling it and bragging about it ALL OVER THE WEB!!!! I dont know if they bragg about getting 500,000 miles out of their escort wagon,,but,,, If you have an ITALIAN BEEF stand here in chicago,,, AMSOIL will let you be an oil distributor!!!! If you have a pushcart and sell SNOW CONES and ELOTES and bottles of AMSOIL (throughout the streets of chicago),,,, amsoil will be PROUD of you!!!! ( and keep sending you cases of oil to sell!!!!)
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nosboy said:
In closing,,, leaving ANY OIL in your vehicle for 2 and 1/2 years (10,000 miles per year average times 2.5 years) is ABSOLUTELY ASSININE!!!! although there are people selling it and bragging about it ALL OVER THE WEB!!!! I dont know if they bragg about getting 500,000 miles out of their escort wagon,,but,,, If you have an ITALIAN BEEF stand here in chicago,,, AMSOIL will let you be an oil distributor!!!! If you have a pushcart and sell SNOW CONES and ELOTES and bottles of AMSOIL (throughout the streets of chicago),,,, amsoil will be PROUD of you!!!! ( and keep sending you cases of oil to sell!!!!)

HOLEY CRAP, I actually agree with NOSBOY for once!!!!! if the WORLD ends in 2012 (diff post) I can HONESTLY say that I have come FULL circle LMAO

I too am NOT a big fan of the multi level marketing thing, I think it somewhat cheapens the look of the product but ONLY from a sales level. Although I have used Klotz, Redline, and Amsoil in my stuff, I settled on Amsoil in my all of my vehicles. They make a very good product despite the marketing thing and that should not be dismissed, and in one of my previous posts I ran extended drain intervals but only after monitoring it by frequent oil analysis testing.

And to think I only have a BS in BS :rofl:
I try and NOT say anything bad about the product because I BELIEVE in synthetic oils 100%.. When I was in school,,, amsoil and ESTERLUBE (hence the name) (ester)( came out... There were synthetic oil wars (late 1970's) and there were only 2 synthetic lubricants on the "market".. AMSOIL was around $7.00 a quart and esterlube was $30.00 a quart.. It seemed to get the "ester" in ESTERLUBE ( a trade joke) it would cost another 23.00 a quart.. In all reality,,, the "base stock" in esterlube was EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE and people would NOT SPEND 30.00 on a quart ( i think it was $28 not $30) a quart for MOTOR OIL..... Thats $150.00 an oil change with another SAWBUCK for a filter... $160.00 for an oilchange did NOT SIT WELL with ANYONE and AMSIOL pushed esterlube (and esterlube did a number with helping) out of the synthetic market... YES,,, there were guys like Me who wanted to design my OWN lubricants and market it,,,but,,, AMSOIL would MARKET synthetic oils and MARKET AND MARKET AND MARKET them !!!! (which is a good thing!!!) Maybe NOT FOR ME,,,,but,,,,,business was business!!!!!! I was NEVER REALLY interested in the synthetic oil maket as much as I was interested in AMMONIUM PERCOLATE and solid fuel rocket boosters... Needless to say,,, MY RAP SHEET would keep me away from Morton Thiacol and Dow chemical and even JPL and NASA!!! ( you need an UNCLE or a chinaman to get into JPL or NASA).. Needless to say... I had to find out the hard way!!!!!
I DID have an ELOTE for lunch today!!!! It was REALLY GOOD TOO!!! jealous????
To get back to the subject at hand ,
(no disrespect to those who have seemingly lost their minds when it comes to this subject !)
I use klotz , not because im worried about carbon buildup , sticking valves rusted bearings or any other mechanical failure that im sure can happen and has happened by at least 1 person that has used any of the brands out there .
I use Klotz because it doesnt smoke alot and it smells good too !
simple as that . Just my 2cents .
Yamalube all the way, power valves may get a little dirty but clean them once a year and you'll be good. 14,000 miles on a '00 SRX and engine has never been apart, still has cross hatches as well. Steams, how many times did your Doo blow up last year while running ams? There's some good info in this post, read up then go buy a gallon of yammylube. :)
i have 10 000 km on my engine and it ran great last winter, only reason its apart is cuz i wanna a little more hp out of it... I've ran amsoil since i bought the machine so that would roughly be 9000 km and i've never had any issues. I find the yamalube smells bad and burns your eyes... just my 2 cents
"Yamalube all the way, power valves may get a little dirty but clean them once a year and you'll be good. 14,000 miles on a '00 SRX and engine has never been apart, still has cross hatches as well. Steams, how many times did your Doo blow up last year while running ams? There's some good info in this post, read up then go buy a gallon of yammylube."--Tim Oswald

I've told you many times Craig, it wasn't the amsoil that made my ski-doo burn down. It was the air leak from the seam where the crackcase halves mate together. My Banshee loves the amsoil that I feed it. As I recall my Banshee beats yours. Craig you must not have seen all the guys on hear that posted amsoil all the way. Some are even using Ski-doo oil over the Yamalube. Tells you how good Yamalube is versus other oils. Oh yeah, Craig how many valves and cables have you and your pa gone through on your sleds, due to the yamalube gunking up the valves so bad that they get stuck? :letitsnow
