"NEW"Free Porting Contest/Details #2


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
Free Porting Contest/Details
Don (MrViper700) has offered up another Port Job!!!

To enter the contest a member will have to make a $15 entry fee in the form of a donation to Totallyamaha.com. Each donation will get you one ticket into the drawing for the Free Porting. The winner will get complete top end port job for any 2 stroke sled, doesn’t matter which brand even though we prefer Yamaha. This contest will run until March 1, 2008 when I will make the drawing.

If you would like to send PayPal donation please send money to webmaster@totallyamaha.net and in the notes make sure you supply what the donation is for and all of your contact information and member name. If you would like to send check or money order mail to:
PO Box 331
Schofield, WI 54476
With the same info required for paypal.

Once I receive the donation I will email you a number for the drawing.

Please take the time to thank MrViper700 for the great idea along with all his hard work that will go into this great prize.
I want to do it again, but I don't think the ods will be as good, since we areso close from winter, more people is onthe site....I will go in anyways....

GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll let some of the other guys have a chance at this one, because i want to build an ice racer now.
Oh by the way Mr. Sled i forgot to tell you to give your daughter a BIG HIGH FIVE for me because she picked the winning ticket for me. ;)!
Good Luck Everyone
BenderSRX said:
I'll let some of the other guys have a chance at this one, because i want to build an ice racer now.
Oh by the way Mr. Sled i forgot to tell you to give your daughter a BIG HIGH FIVE for me because she picked the winning ticket for me. ;)!
Good Luck Everyone
You stay out of this one, lol. Actually send me your money and I'll enter twice. That way TY still benifits.
bendersrx, if you win again, I am sending you $$ to buy powerball lottery tickets for me, as your one lucky..... #$%&* ....LOL!!!! :rofl:
:rofl: at the above posts. This is for the guys that are thinking if they should enter on not. I Won the last porting contest, All i can say is I am very happy with the results. All i had to do was pay for the shipping back and forth, new rings, and gaskets. MrViper700 (Don) has been a very big help, through the whole process from start to finish. Every question i had Don answered them, from cluthing to jetting. Again Don i can't thank you enough. I was able to test it out yeterday for the first time and just to compare i was able to ride a stock viper with heel clickers (Mine still has stock cluthing) and it Wasn't even close. I tried a Rev 600 which is dialed in perfect, clutched, piped and from 0 to 70mph the rev is fast, faster than the viper. I was also able to try a stock 07 Attack and i compared all the sleds to mine and mine was still out ahead. All i can say is i can't wait to clutch mine, which should be delivered early next week. Mr Sled thank-you for running the best website on the net ;)! And another big Thank-you to Don for your Time and Knowlege and making my sled fast. :WayCool:
