"NEW"Free Porting Contest/Details #2

BenderSRX...get a grip...hold on to something.Stein just lives minutes away from me.I was just kidding when I said Florida.He has actually moved to Cuba. LMAO. Just playing around here. Sure I would love to have that Porting done to my SRX,but it'll never be. I just like to bug Jeff..that's all.
Have not moved since Nov 2007. Still around town workin my butt off.Hey blue was just in your backyard, way down at the end of Marchand (?) road. Lots of homes being built back there.I hope you been tweakin you srx because the viper is gonna kik your butt :rofl:
No. I have not had the porting done yet. Its been a very summer and have not had any time to even look at my sleds. Got to send them cylinders out soon, winter is a comin.
Hey Jeff

Jeff do you know DBD Technical Services in St. Adolphe. I was told to contact them to see if I can get Hi Speed Internet. Because I am between towns,it is very hard to get it out my way. The System is through EYE WITNESS SECURITY.
The SRX will be a rocking this season.looking forward to leave you in the dust.
huh!!!!!!!oh yeah..right,that sounds easy enough

I did that with my Hydro,haven't paid for it in 10 years.I'll go and give it a try then...where's that shovel..ah...here it is..Thanks Jeff for your HELP. LOL
It is dark enough out now,so I"ll go give it a whirl...ye haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!I will take my SRX with me in case someone catches me,then I could just pin it away from there.:o|

Well I FINALLY got the Viper up and runnig. The porting by Don is awesome.
The Viper has never run so smooth and strong as it does now. Thanks MrSLed for the contest and mrviper for for donating his expertise to the contest. ;)!
While I had the parts out to mrviper I decided to do a few more upgrades.
Installed a Rox pivot and 4inch riser with 07 Apex bars and a few tweaks of the warmers.
Sent the shocks out to Pioneer Perf. for revalving. Just AWSOME
Stuck in a low snow kit and a fourth wheel kit aswell from them.
Did the "tighten yours up" from BTV. What a difference. Almost couldn't believe how bad the bushings were.There are no now three Pepsi cans riding in the skid. Found it easier to work with than coffee a can.Skis are in the air on take off now.
All this waiting for parts to come in and now the forecast is for rain #$%&* #$%&*
Thanks MrSled for this great site and thanks to all its members. I did a great deal of reading and searching. Got alot of very good info on. Made my sled the best its ever been. :yrules:
Mileage update

Ok, the first trip out I put on 200 miles on. On the first tank I got 12mpg and on the second tank I got 11mpg.I was leading most of the time.
Power is great. Throttle response was excellent and was very easy to hit 90mph at half throttle.Trail condions were not that great.Very icy and bumpy. Did not get a chance to hold it to the pin for any long runs nor did I want to due do "engine break-in".Highest speeds I saw on the DM was 110 on a short run.
OK got another 500 miles on it and still getting between 11-12mpg even while pushing thru 4-5" inches of snow on the trails.Had to adjust the weights in the primary due to over revvin with the added hp. Don is a great guy. Everytime I had a question he is very quick to respond and is "dead-on" with the adjustments that I needed to make.
Thanks again ;)!
