"NEW"Free Porting Contest/Details #2

Porting report

Mr. Viper does a great work. ;)!
Got 800 miles on my SRX port job so far this year: Runs great, no trouble at all and can't tell any difference in gas mileage from stock.
What more could you ask for?

Keep the porting contest entries going!!!
i know this is for a topend port job but could i get my cases ported instead??? i mean if i win lol....already have my topend ported by mr viper
we could do that chevyracer, I will work with the winner no problem. ;)!

Better hurry up and get entrys in guys, time is a tickin...............tick,toc,tick,toc,tick,toc :winterrul

1 week turn around time right now, if you want to wait, thats ok as well, whatever works for you. :wel:
Just sent my money. I also had my 02 SRX ported by MrViper before this season and am very happy. Not sure what I will do if I win, but the donation is always good. If you don't have your sled ported, you are not going to find any better odds of winning!!!
I plan to enter too I just can't right this minute. I hope I win though, I need some extra power, this Bender piped 700 seems slow now after riding it for a while :rofl:
Well if I didn't have to send my top end over 4000 miles one way I wouldn't hesitate to join the contest. My 800cc is alredy ported though but I have a SX 700 (which I'm trying to sell) with AAEN triples that could use a little porting.
I was feeling lucky so I sent in two entries! My SRX will love the work if I win! My buddies Doo wont much like it though... LOL.

