What if they dont come forward? Another drawing??
Unclaimed port job, pull another ticket!
Just kidding, give him another hour or two.
Just kidding, give him another hour or two.

I would say if they dont come forward then I will draw again.
I'm sure he will come forward.
Just wanted to say thanks again for putting this on and its a good donation even if you don't win......which I wish I did....lol
Thanks again Tom and Don
Just wanted to say thanks again for putting this on and its a good donation even if you don't win......which I wish I did....lol
Thanks again Tom and Don
New member
What he said ^^^^
MrSled said:The winners name is Jeff Steingart, I dont have a username and I havent heard from him yet.
WOOOOOO HOOOOOO Thats me!!!!!!
Sorry, the phone company out here was updating the phone lines around us and not had internet or phone line for three days now.They finally got up and running today apparently they forgot to hook us up again.Been out on a trip. Put another 325 miles on the Viper.
Thank you for picking my number.
Thanking you all that put all this together to make this contest possible.
He's a liar!!!!!!!!!!! Its meee! LOL!
Good for you man, I know you'll enjoy that free port for sure. Porting really does open the engine up nice! Running an Iantomasi port job on my srx, flawless from day one.
Good for you man, I know you'll enjoy that free port for sure. Porting really does open the engine up nice! Running an Iantomasi port job on my srx, flawless from day one.

Awesome!!! Make sure you contact Don (MrViper) for info on your how you can proceed.
Thanks again to all who donated and played.
Thanks again to all who donated and played.
New member
Congratulations, it will be awsome!I am thinking of having mine done next fall as it sounds like an awsome upgrade.stein700sx said:WOOOOOO HOOOOOO Thats me!!!!!!
Sorry, the phone company out here was updating the phone lines around us and not had internet or phone line for three days now.They finally got up and running today apparently they forgot to hook us up again.Been out on a trip. Put another 325 miles on the Viper.
Thank you for picking my number.
Thanking you all that put all this together to make this contest possible.
Thanks . What a great b-day present for me.

Awesome... and Happy B-Day!!
New member
were we suppose to get numbers prior to the drawing? If so I didnt receive my two entries that were paypal sent

I sent them and if you didnt receive them then your email may have blocked them. I have all the tickets and if you give me your name I can send them to you but at this point, your number was not selected and only sent the users numbers back to make it fun!!!

stein you lucky b.Are you riding yet.I might try some with the 600 tomorrow on the rock hard melted down snow.You think the river is safe to ride on yet?
Supposed to be a mega storm heading our way by the end of next week.Talking about 50 cm of snow.Wouldn't that be just excellent or what.
Supposed to be a mega storm heading our way by the end of next week.Talking about 50 cm of snow.Wouldn't that be just excellent or what.
Thanks blue
No ,not going out until some fresh white stuff comes down again. Nothing but frozen mud and rocks from my place to the river now. 50cm yeah right, sounds like the spring of '97. Good for me but bad for you. LOL
Any chance of floodin this year with this record amount of snow that did not fall this season??
No ,not going out until some fresh white stuff comes down again. Nothing but frozen mud and rocks from my place to the river now. 50cm yeah right, sounds like the spring of '97. Good for me but bad for you. LOL
Any chance of floodin this year with this record amount of snow that did not fall this season??

seems to be getting worse every winter .Yeah don't want any flood,but it would be cool to have Lake Winnipeg around my yard again.By the way,I saved my house during the 97 flood.My yard was 9 feet deep with water also..just to give you an idea.
bluemonster1 said:seems to be getting worse every winter .Yeah don't want any flood,but it would be cool to have Lake Winnipeg around my yard again.By the way,I saved my house during the 97 flood.My yard was 9 feet deep with water also..just to give you an idea.
Must have had a big @$$ dirt dike around the house or a h$ll of alot of sandbags. How many times did the army try to kik you out of your house?
Watched guys knee board in front of your place one year in spring.

stein700sx hows the progress so far? Have you sent your top end to Mrviper700? Are you getting excited? Wait till you get to ride her for the first time. 

Stein has moved to Florida,so he said I can now have his Porting Job......lol
Stein has moved to Florida,so he said I can now have his Porting Job......lol
Holly molly Florida why?
I would love to move where theres more snow, not the opposite. Thats awsome that he gave it to you bluemonster1, have you sent your top end out yet?