Ok my 00 SXr 700 is not doing so how right now. When I drive it, it seems like the clutch is just burning up the belt like mad, and I cannot get it over 10 mph. So it seems like something is binding or something is wrong with the clutching. So got the sled up high enough up off the ground that I can run the track without it hitting the ground and then it seems like its fine, runs great doesnt seems like anything is wrong with it. SO whats going on guys? Turk did I do something wrong with the clutch?
New member
what has all been done to the clutching???
was it fine when you brought it home??
was it fine when you brought it home??
how is the centre to centre and offset?
i know on my 500 it was off bad and was costin me a burnt belt every 2 weeks.
i know on my 500 it was off bad and was costin me a burnt belt every 2 weeks.
I put on a 51/43 helix with different rivets. And yes, when they guy drove it on the trailer it went right up and was fine. SO I must have done something wrong.....if you want I can take some pictures if that helps...
New member
well that shouldn't be a problem unless you didn't do somthing right with the
rivits, right after you worked on it did it work?, or did you ride it some
and then it did this?
rivits, right after you worked on it did it work?, or did you ride it some
and then it did this?
I did it as soon as I got it so we didnt have snow, so I have no idea what could be wrong with it? Could it maybe because of the transfer rods I had to take th washer out and how tight am I supposed to tighten the bolts on the bottom of the transfer rods??
New member
before or after you worked on it?????????????????????Coles_55 said:I did it as soon as I got it

Let me see,I wander what daman would say...Perhaps your PARKING
BRAKE is on.....did you check that.Or does your clutch stick in a certain position and won't release itself.
BRAKE is on.....did you check that.Or does your clutch stick in a certain position and won't release itself.
New member
@ bluemonster1,

No brake is off, it started happening after I did the work. I didnt have the opportunity because it hasnt snowed. You can smell the clutch burning, or it may be the belt. The snow we have is really wet *** snow so maybe thats it but could it be something else?

What kind of sounds are you getting when it is barely going 10mph.
Got to be some sign of noise if it won't open up,suggesting something.Take the clutch cover off first,Get on the sled,start it up,open the hood and start to ride away on it,holding the hood with one hand and watch with your eyes what the clutches seem be be doing.Is the clutch engaging properly or binding..COULD be the clutch bushing also.
Got to be some sign of noise if it won't open up,suggesting something.Take the clutch cover off first,Get on the sled,start it up,open the hood and start to ride away on it,holding the hood with one hand and watch with your eyes what the clutches seem be be doing.Is the clutch engaging properly or binding..COULD be the clutch bushing also.
New member
Can you post up a few pictures of the secondary and how you have it set up? A shot of the helix area would help... I have an idea... although it's very unlikely and probably not the problem lol... it'll at least help narrow the problem down.
New member
well then it's somthing you did,re-step your fix's and make sure you did it right, no snow wouldn't have a affect on your problem.Coles_55 said:it started happening after I did the work.
give both clutches a good looking over..

an effect.........
^ look up...way up

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May all seem to be working fine when the track is in the air,but there are no forces acting on the drive train or clutches.Once the track is on the ground,try to see if you can see what is happening once you squeeze the throttle and start moving.Keep your eyes peeled.Weird problem to solve,ask daman...he knows.
And the noise I am hearing is a squealing sound and then it just doesnt want to move at all, I am so confused about this on how it works if there isnt a load on it.
New member
wow whats up with that secondary and being so wide open!!!!!!!!!!
New member
you have a problem with that, your belt is wayyyyy to loose, holy sh*t!!
secondary is stuck..
secondary is stuck..