New member
Looking at it a little closer... i'm not really sure what to say lol. Can you take a picture with the belt off the machine? That would make things easier for me anyway. I think what you're going to have to do is this... but it's hard to say right now.
I think you are going to have to twist the helix clockwise so that the ramp on the helix in the left of the pictures (towards the front of the sled) comes OVER the black slider button in the middle of the pictures, so essentially what you will be doing is turning the helix clockwise again until the bolt holes line up in the helix and the sliding sheave and then bolt everything down. It can be pretty tricky to hold the twist and try and bolt everything down if it's your first time doing clutch work. I'm still trying to figure out how to explain things better LOL... it'll come to me, probably real easy to say I just can't say it.
I think you are going to have to twist the helix clockwise so that the ramp on the helix in the left of the pictures (towards the front of the sled) comes OVER the black slider button in the middle of the pictures, so essentially what you will be doing is turning the helix clockwise again until the bolt holes line up in the helix and the sliding sheave and then bolt everything down. It can be pretty tricky to hold the twist and try and bolt everything down if it's your first time doing clutch work. I'm still trying to figure out how to explain things better LOL... it'll come to me, probably real easy to say I just can't say it.
New member
he's just gota hold the top part of the sheev wile turning the helix cw..
come on cole you can do it!!!!
come on cole you can do it!!!!
Ok I will be posting some pictures tomorrow for ya guys, just had to plow but I will get through this thanks to you guys and I wish you all were closer I have cold beer and a nice garage we all could have done this in.....
New member
keep us posted...
New member
sounds like the parking brake is on...Coles_55 said:Ok my 00 SXr 700 is not doing so how right now. When I drive it, it seems like the clutch is just burning up the belt like mad, and I cannot get it over 10 mph. So it seems like something is binding or something is wrong with the clutching. So got the sled up high enough up off the ground that I can run the track without it hitting the ground and then it seems like its fine, runs great doesnt seems like anything is wrong with it. SO whats going on guys? Turk did I do something wrong with the clutch?

So I should wind the helix clockwise? Cause I have been winding it counter clockwise. I am going to work on it now so I can still test it while we have some snow left...

Most guys would hold the sheave and wind the helix clockwise.Maybe some would do it the opposite...hold helix and turn sheave c-clockwise.It would be natural to put the spring tip in the sheave part first,then the other end in the helix hole and at the same time twist it clockwise while grasping sheave until the 3 holes of helix lines up with the threads of the outer sheave..push down and place the nuts on.No more explanation required here.
Done, damn do I feel dumb now. I clutched my 96 but that was 2 years ago and I forgot how to do it but I remember now and damn that 700 is quick! I can get the skis to pull right up and go about 20 yards with them off the ground....

THEN its a DONE DEAL!!!!
Yup sure is, mods you can close this one up thanks guys!
New member
cole we been telling ya all last night clock wise!!!!! lol
Lol ya I was not in the best of moods last night cause of the snow and having to go plow and it turning to ice, it was a big mess. But its all good now, so lets hope for some more snow!!
New member
Glad ya got 'er going buddy..