Wow...is right.Do you have any wrap on that secondary ,or is it at 0.Check your spring in there,is one end broken off or did you forget to wrap the secondary to 80 or 70 as an example.
The spring is at 3 I believe but how do I do the secondary wrap??
According to Turk I have to run a rx-1 helix which I have and at a 60 degree wrap...
New member
thats where things went south, you may have fogoten to wrap it.
try 60 or 70 to start with..
try 60 or 70 to start with..
What do you mean by wrap it?
New member
you did somthing wrong,there is no wrap or the spring broke or somthing..

Take your helix off,remove the 3 bolts.Check if the spring has both ends on them.Put one end of spring into #2 hole on the sheave and lets say # 6 hole on the helix,twist the spring with the helix and line up the 3 threads again and drop down over them and replace and torque nuts.There is pressure fighting you as you do it,but you will get the hang of it .If you line up 2 and 6,then you are at 80 wrap,etc.
So if I am supposed to run it at a 60 degree then do hole 3 and 3, and twist it which way? I suppose the only way it lets me and them just bolt it back up and try it right?
New member
^^ right or 3-3 if turk told ya too,,you will be turning it clockwise
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Ok I will go try that now and see how it works....

It's like you were starting out in fifth gear man.And don't pinch your fingers ,mind you 3 and 3 won't have that much pressure to over come.GOOD LUCK and send the bill to daman.
OK so I got them lined up and tighten them down and it seems that on the secondary clutch the back plate where the bolts are keep moving back and then you can see the secondary clutch shaft....so am I supposed to keep that from moving when I am putting on the helix. And your right the 3 and 3 doesnt have much pressure...
New member
yes you only want to turn the helix, keep everything else from moving..turn
clock wise, im sorry told ya wrong before..
clock wise, im sorry told ya wrong before..
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Post some more pics of the secondary again.Run it on a stand and let things fall into place and see where the belt rides on the sheaves.Belt should be a tad above the sheaves.There are 3 nuts behind the secondary with small washers on them,the sheave that faces the air box,this is where you can adjust your belt height depending on the wearness of your belt.Do some searches on this or perhaps check out the tech section,can't be sure if there is ainfo on that.You can add or remove washers to get your right height on the sheaves.
Ok now im getting pissed, we held everything tight and and the same shit happened!!!!
The rear sheave is the one that moves, we held it as close to the belt and the other one as well. I put the helix and spring on the sheave both on number 3 and got it lined up, put the helix back on turning it counter clockwise and I started it up and started to go and same crap happened the whole thing shifted. The spring compressed and the back sheave also moved...
New member
Take the belt off. Makes it easier too mess with.
New member
Something to watch for... when twisting the helix CLOCKWISE... make sure that you're going the right amount. What you actually want to do is when your spring is set in both pockets at 3 and 3 to get a 60 wrap... make sure you are actually turning your helix approximately 60 degrees from it's natural position. I think what you might be doing is either not turning the helix enough or turning it the wrong way. You want the ramps to ride on the black slider buttons when you're done. You're going to have to put quite a bit of force into twisting the helix to 60 degree twist. I'd try to explain it better but it's hard to do. lol.