at my wits end

heres an update. Went ahead and bought a new coil, put it on and thats not the problem. Sled will start and run but only the clutch side seems to be working like it should, and that is with either plug wire. The mag side will run if I pull the clutch side wire off but it will only run to about 2k and its boggy and just not good. when I had the mag side plug out looking at it I pulled the starter cord over and the sled started with only the clutch side plug in. Ther was a pretty good spray of fuel coming up out of the hole. So now I am thinking to much fuel in that side. Any help out there?
Have you checked the carbs? See if the float, needle & seat are working. One other thing is the fuel pump, does the pulse line for the pump go to that cylinder? I so and the fuel pump has a problem it will dump fuel into the crankcase through the pulse line.
yeah the pulse line does go to that cylinder. Somebody told me to pinch off that line and I did but I think I was to impatient. Realistic time, how long should I pinch the line for?
Pinch off the fuel line to that carb when running and see if it clears up. Depending on how much fuel is in the case determines how long it will take to clear up. Another way is to put a mighty vac pump on the pulse line and see if it sucks fuel out of the pump. If you don't have a mighty vac you can use a long piece of clear fuel tubing and pretend that you are syphoning gas out of a tank.(just watch that clear tubing so you dont get a drink) If gas comes out the pulse line, your fuel pump is bad.
PZ 1 said:
The plug being wet signals that it may be running rich on that side.
With the sled running, take a needle nose pliers and squeeze the hose shut that runs from the fuel pump to the crankcase and hold it for a minute or two. If it starts to run on both cylinders, the fuel pump diaphragm is ruptured which causes gas to feed through the hose to that cylinder.

If it is bad, Yamaha sells only the complete pump. You can get a diaphragm kit from an aftermarket source or from a different sled manufacturer. Put a scratch mark on the pump from top to bottom before you take it apart so that it is aligned correctly when reassembled.
Another question I had was about the reeds. When I took the reeds out one of the pettles isnt laying flat, its open enough to see light all around it. Would this be part of the problem?
Shouldn't be enough to not make it run but not good you want that to
seal tight,lay flat..

if you get new there bowed(curved)just slightly so make sure you get em
on right,bow up..
just thought of another thing! When I had the carbs apart could I have put the wrong main jet in? Arent the two different sized? How could I tell them apart? Which one goes where?
PZ 1 gave you your answer and until you eliminate the fuel pump as the problem you are chasing your tail. If the diaphram in the pump is leaking it will run fuel right into the crankcase through the pulse line. You could have 2" of fuel laying in the bottom of the crankcase on the mag side which will take a long time to clean out so just pinching the line for a few seconds won't do the job. You need to pinch it longer or just take the pulse off the fuel pump and if there are ANY signs of fuel in the line or coming out of that port on the pump the diaphram is your problem. If so replace or rebuild the pump and try it again. It could take a few time of cleaning and drying that mag side plug to get it to clean up depending on how much fuel is in the crankcase. DO NOT!!!!! use and electric vacume to try to suck any fuel out of the case unless you want to die from a vacume explosion!!!

I just fixed a Phazer with the exact same symptoms as yours and it was the pump.

as soon as I getback to the sled( its 50 miles away from me ) the pump is the first thing I will check on. I am just trying to think of everything I can so I dont have to keep traveling back and forth. I really appreciate everyones input, If it werent for you guys I would probably be paying out the a@# to my local stealership. I will report what I find out as soon as I get back to it, right now I am laying in my driveway replacing the transmission in my truck.
is choke plunger adjusted with the right freeplay at the carbs? if not and it is opened even a little it will flood out that side

Not sure if that year Phazer still runs the butterfly carbs but if it does and you had the carbs apart, pull them off again and pull the float bowls flip the carbs so you are looking at the floats, there should be a rubber plug in each body of the carb, make sure that your mag one is in the same place as your pto had that problem with my dads phazer after he cleaned the carbs and put them back together wrong, hope this helps
hers the latest

Went to where the sled is today and checked out the fuel pump. Put a brand new piece of hose on the outlet for the pulse line, sucked on it and got no gas. In fact I got good vacuum that let the hose stick to my lip. So my problem is not the fuel pump. Now what??????
Just to make sure, start the sled with the hose off the pump and see if you get any fuel from the nipple.

Edit: Also try pinching the hose shut with it connected on both ends and the motor running in case the pulses are making it leak when it would not otherwise.
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ok I will try that again today and I might even take the carbs apart again. If I cant get it to run right I am afraid I am gonna have to take it to the local stealership and have them rape me for something that I just cant figure out. Very frustrated because we have probably the best riding vermont has seen in awhile and I havent even rode ten feet #$%&*
I am back home no and its off to the stealership with the phazer tomarrow. I have tried everything everyone has suggested and the sled still will only run on one cylinder, I am just driving myself nuts with this thing. Thank you all for the help.
Well heres another update. I took the sled to a shop to have it fixed before I just stuffed a rag in the tank and lit her up. The shop calls me today and says I need a total rebuild. It cant be, I just did jugs, heads, pistons and rings they all have less than one hour total on them. No more than ten minutes at a time. They say I am only running 110+/- psi in each cyl. and that in order for it to run right it needs at least 150. With the wiseco pro lite pistons is it possible to put the rings in upside down?. I am going to pick it up tomarrow and when I get home I will take the top end apart to see if anything is wrong but I cant imagine there is, unless I put the rings in upside down.
