2009 Sleds

On snowmobilerTV on foxnorth they said they were gonna do a report this coming weekend on Yamaha's new sled. Its usually on about noonish on saturday.
horkn said:
expertx, if you can't see that they took the yzf250F cylinder design ( architechture) and used that to make a twin cylinder version, then I can't explain things any easier to you. With CAD programs like Solidworks and such, you can easily slice parts away and add material where you want to end up with the desired result. It is more of a coincidence that the yzf250 and the phazer share bore and stroke sizes. But I guess in the end you will believe what you want, so that's fine.

Actually, did they double the 250F or half the R1 :na
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ExpertXViper said:
Holic now you got the KNOWITALLS going again. Dont bother wasting your time explaining yourself, its a lost cause esp. with the tool thats posted above this. I agree with you 100% Holic that 2 strokes arent going any where for a long while esp. in sleds, dirt bikes, lawn equip., generators, etc. But theres always someone out there thats going to disagree and more and more I see it being Bakeposer cause he knows everything about everything.


Apparently he who dies with the mosts posts wins!!!!

Back on topic - I think a 136" Nytro would fit me just fine!! I really cant see Yammi putting out a 165+ hp sled, but hey ya never know. They are obviously releasing a "new sled", we will all know by Saturday.
S.X. said:

Apparently he who dies with the mosts posts wins!!!!

Well if thats the case my money is on Horkn!!!!! Over 500 posts in 4 months, thats gotta be some kinda of record.
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ExpertXViper said:
S.X. said:

Apparently he who dies with the mosts posts wins!!!!

Well if thats the case my money is on Horkn!!!!! Over 500 posts in 4 months, thats gotta be some kinda of record.

HOLEY CRAP, I dont even talk to my wife that much :rofl:
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Dr Nitro said:
3 cyl 1200 based loosly off 3 450 bike motors
bye-bye apex for 09

I cannot see that happening either, there are waaaaaaay to many people that love that intoxicating engine - Present company included !!
horkn said:
expertx, if you can't see that they took the yzf250F cylinder design ( architechture) and used that to make a twin cylinder version, then I can't explain things any easier to you. With CAD programs like Solidworks and such, you can easily slice parts away and add material where you want to end up with the desired result. It is more of a coincidence that the yzf250 and the phazer share bore and stroke sizes. But I guess in the end you will believe what you want, so that's fine.

expertx and crewchief are right. the phazer is based off the r1 motor (similar to apex) and not the 250 motor. some of the same dimensions as the 250, but that was more of a marketing ploy with the phazer being the "ditch banger" like a 250 handles the bumps. everyone seems to think that you can take the two cylinders and slap them together and walla... easier said than done. theres a bit more math and engineering behind it. therefore, i would not hold my breath on slapping to 450 cylinders together. twins are for lighter sleds and only good up to a certain point, then its more efficient to go to a 3 cylinder design, especially by yamaha's standards. but i've said this a million times and i know people will still say "yamaha's comming out with a twin based off 2 450 cylinders"...
Not to mention Yamaha has said several times that the twin would be just as heavy as the triple once they put a counterbalancer on it to even out the harmonics. So why not have a triple? I'll take more cylinders any day of the week for the same weight.
S.X. said:
HOLEY CRAP, I dont even talk to my wife that much :rofl:

What can I say, I like this forum. That and my venture needed a lot of tweaking.

to be honest, there are a lot of forums with a whole hell of a lot more traffic. 500 posts in 4 months is junior status there......
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sxviper32 said:
expertx and crewchief are right. the phazer is based off the r1 motor (similar to apex) and not the 250 motor. some of the same dimensions as the 250, but that was more of a marketing ploy with the phazer being the "ditch banger" like a 250 handles the bumps. everyone seems to think that you can take the two cylinders and slap them together and walla... easier said than done. theres a bit more math and engineering behind it. .

Like you said, its not quite that simple... I think we need to get out the micrometer to really solve this one....

it is more than a coincidence that the yzf and the phazer share bore and stroke.
horkn said:
to be honest, there are a lot of forums with a whole hell of a lot more traffic. 500 posts in 4 months is junior status there......

LMAO...... Yea but when you post 500 times in 4 months and provide members with little HELP or USEFUL INFO which I hardly find you doing. 500 posts in 4 months is alot "HERE". But Im all done racking up posts here cause all this is doing is taking up space that could be used for something useful.
I see on the Yamaha Motors website they have an announcement for the new 2009 sled. You guys think they will post a bunch of pics/info along with it? I sure hope so!
YooperMike said:
I see on the Yamaha Motors website they have an announcement for the new 2009 sled. You guys think they will post a bunch of pics/info along with it? I sure hope so!
I'm sure they will, but what I'm wondering is what will happen to the rest of the lineup? All they are really saying is the "new sled" and nothing about any refinements across the board yet. Could be just to get the buzz going!
horkn said:
Like you said, its not quite that simple... I think we need to get out the micrometer to really solve this one....

it is more than a coincidence that the yzf and the phazer share bore and stroke.

get out your micrometer and enlighten me. its half a r1 motor buddy. but you think what you want. you can wish a turd into whatever you want, but its still a turd.
ExpertXViper said:
LMAO...... Yea but when you post 500 times in 4 months and provide members with little HELP or USEFUL INFO which I hardly find you doing. 500 posts in 4 months is alot "HERE". But Im all done racking up posts here cause all this is doing is taking up space that could be used for something useful.


apparently you have not read all the posts..... :rofl:
The blog on Yamaha CA might be a hint: "Nypex" Even the picture on the us website has the nytro bumper in the "new" sled teaser.

"So! I have left the Nytro parked directly behind my Apex with a large blanket covering the two. Hopefully in a few months I may have a little Nypex to nurture and call my own. Until then I will continue to enjoy my Apex and think fondly of the Nytro when the trails degrade.

Cheers cr

All I know is that I want a new sled and knowone builds it. I dont want a 600 lb lake racer that sits like I'm standing. I dont want something that puts me right over the damn ski's. I want something with decent power, not over weight and that I can actually sit on and not feel like I'm sitting and standing at the same time. I'm not a sno cross rider.. Why do they all build the same thing and give us no option for chassis. I mean first of all my sled is only a 2001 and it is completely different then the new. I know evolution is necessary but for gods sakes I bought the sled cause I liked it and now I got nothing even close to it to replace it with. I dont see any quads that look too much different then 20 years ago.. what the hell happened to the sleds. I might settle for something similar to the new phazer without it looking retarded and disformed and that can actually go faster than a built quad. I'm only 25 and I like thing's that are older then newer. Guess I will never get why everything has to change everything else. Well with the way the economy is Knowone will be able to afford to ride the damn thing's anyway so guess they dont care anymore. I'll be riding my 01 until it blows up. Then I'll just buy the same one with a bigger motor and fix that up. These new sleds are getting too far away from reality from every manufacturer. Especially in price. It's ridiculous. Comment all you want back I still wont care and it wont change my mind. Their ruining this sport by getting rid of what we all loved about it to begin with. All of them.
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maxedout i couldnt agree more!!!reaching middle age in life dosnt lend it self to these funky riding positions.i think doo has a good idea sticking to 2-smokes and the whole lite weight deal.i cant imagine unsticking a 600 pounder!i bought a phazer new in 89 and a srx in 98,when i bought the srx i said damn this thing is heavy!and pricey!now forget about it!oh yea somebody hurt horkns feeling!!
