2009 Sleds

oh yea,does anyone else see a striking resemblence between a new phazer and a old snoscoot?????hmmm new technology
well folks does,ent matter how u shake and bake it 4 strokes are here to stay, also the apex motor has a nother 30 hp in it when yamaha wants to put it in u will see it , after all it is the street bike engine thats in it, i would never want to see yamha make the sleds another 50 lbs lighter un less u want them to fall apart in 5 years, u may only look at the v,max4800 they still rull the roost in the racing circle, weight is only a issue when u want to lift it, im only interested in how long it will last. its a matter of fact u or nobody else would know how much they weigh unless some one told u . the way yamaha builds the sleds now weight is not a factor any more, u look at doos 800r give it 5 years and ask ur self if its capable of continueing on with out a complete frame rebuild , just my 2 cents Al Larson
that's good points guys, imagine the phazer was only 485 pounds i beleive, and my 2002 mountainmax was only 505 but over 600 as we are aging, getting stuck is not going to be fun, heart attack time probabally... I just want to see them, but im not planning on buying one any time soon.
I'm just unhappy that they all went to one chassis style and expect everyone to want to pay 10,000 dollars we dont have for something we arent even used to and may not like, and only use like ten times a year in most cases. If they arent ever going to bridge the gap then the sport itself is losing alot more then it is gaining. I can't tell you how many older sleds I see in my neck of the woods every time I ride. I've never seen more then two new sleds out here on the trails in a trip, usually out of at least a hundred or so. I dont think they are building the easy riding laid back style sleds that were at least somewhat more affordable at all anymore. I know that there is a reason for that just like in every business but for gods sakes this is a freakin snowmobile we are talking about here. In most winters your lucky to drive it at all. If your lucky two months a year. Why would I pay 10,000 bucks for that and not something more important. I think there is many people leaving the sport because of this, and it's doing nothing but hurting it. Where is the sport itself going to be when all the old style sleds are dead and totally old news? If you got the money spend it but even if I had it there is no way I would buy a sled for that much. It's not worth it to me. What are they doing to provide product to the people like me? I hope they get past this and realize what reality is every time most people hit the trails.
hanker71 said:
maxedout i couldnt agree more!!!reaching middle age in life dosnt lend it self to these funky riding positions.i think doo has a good idea sticking to 2-smokes and the whole lite weight deal.i cant imagine unsticking a 600 pounder!i bought a phazer new in 89 and a srx in 98,when i bought the srx i said damn this thing is heavy!and pricey!now forget about it!oh yea somebody hurt horkns feeling!!

nobody hurt my feelings. I have no idea where you got that from.

as far as pricing, well, yami sticks to 4 strokes, so that does drive price up, and make things heavier. skidoo, polaris, and cat all have lower priced sleds that still perform. I suspect that few take into effect the effect inflation has taken on sled (and everything else) pricing. The sit down thing, well, it for one never liked the "cruiser bike style" of riding. feet forward , butt way back? that never did my back any favors, even when I was younger. But then again, I like sportbikes, and that style of "feet under me" feeling.
extreme4max4rules said:
well folks does,ent matter how u shake and bake it 4 strokes are here to stay, also the apex motor has a nother 30 hp in it when yamaha wants to put it in u will see it , after all it is the street bike engine thats in it, i would never want to see yamha make the sleds another 50 lbs lighter un less u want them to fall apart in 5 years, u may only look at the v,max4800 they still rull the roost in the racing circle, weight is only a issue when u want to lift it, im only interested in how long it will last. its a matter of fact u or nobody else would know how much they weigh unless some one told u . the way yamaha builds the sleds now weight is not a factor any more, u look at doos 800r give it 5 years and ask ur self if its capable of continueing on with out a complete frame rebuild , just my 2 cents Al Larson

when Yami makes a purpose (sled) built motor that does not rev to 12k, then they will drop some weight from the apex. The gear reduction that allows sled clutches to turn at an RPM that does not blow them up does add a bit of weight.

I think the days of R1 based motors are going to be over soon. Yamaha used that motor because it was an inexpensive way to test the market for 4 stroke machines.

One easy way to reduce the max rpm is to make the engine bigger, say 1300 cc's like the FJR mill. And that will even be a cost effective way of losing weight as well, since they might be able to get away with minimal tweaking to use it in a sled.
horkn said:
nobody hurt my feelings. I have no idea where you got that from.

as far as pricing, well, yami sticks to 4 strokes, so that does drive price up, and make things heavier. skidoo, polaris, and cat all have lower priced sleds that still perform. I suspect that few take into effect the effect inflation has taken on sled (and everything else) pricing. The sit down thing, well, it for one never liked the "cruiser bike style" of riding. feet forward , butt way back? that never did my back any favors, even when I was younger. But then again, I like sportbikes, and that style of "feet under me" feeling.

Ok so if that's true and you can "understand" the price inflation and you don't like.... in your words - "The sit down thing, well, it for one never liked the "cruiser bike style" of riding. feet forward , butt way back? that never did my back any favors, even when I was younger", then why arent you driving anything newer then the 1997 venture, and the other older sleds listed in your sig?
maxout01 said:
Ok so if that's true and you can "understand" the price inflation and you don't like.... in your words - "The sit down thing, well, it for one never liked the "cruiser bike style" of riding. feet forward , butt way back? that never did my back any favors, even when I was younger", then why arent you driving anything newer then the 1997 venture, and the other older sleds listed in your sig?

if you did not see it, my newest sled is a 2000 XCSP, and that is my #1 sled.

Just because I own and ride non "rider forward" sleds, does not mean that I prefer that kind of sled. I just don't feel like shelling 9k out for a new nytro for a 3 month riding season- not at the moment.

I want to set my XC up with the racer style tall seat, and risers to make it closer to the rider forward style. That sled always puts a nice grin on my face. Sure, the new nytros do to, but my XC is paid for, and I don't know if spending 500-700 dollars on upgrading the XC for next year won't give me as big of a grin as a new nytro. Maybe, maybe not, but I have a lot of track days to do on my bike this summer, and for 3k I could get a nice track bike so I don't need to convert my streetbike into track form every couple of weeks.

While saving up for a house, a wedding, and other things, I find it hard to justify "wasting" it on a new sled.

But if you like the sit down style, that is your decision. I know what mine is.
horkn said:
Just because I own and ride non "rider forward" sleds, does not mean that I prefer that kind of sled. I just don't feel like shelling 9k out for a new nytro for a 3 month riding season- not at the moment.

You just proved my point with your own statement.. If they offered something like say an upgraded/restyled viper that was cheaper brand new people like you and me would be riding it. We aint never going to spend 9k on a brand new sled. for the reason in your own quote above. That is why I said there is a HUGE market being over looked. And alot of us that will never buy a new sled.
maxout01 said:
You just proved my point with your own statement.. If they offered something like say an upgraded/restyled viper that was cheaper brand new people like you and me would be riding it. We aint never going to spend 9k on a brand new sled. for the reason in your own quote above. That is why I said there is a HUGE market being over looked. And alot of us that will never buy a new sled.

I have no problems with your statement. I love modding stuff from stock and making it better/ unique. However, we all know that yami will not make a 2 stroke sled again.

But if I wanted to spend 9k, I sure would buy a new nytro, that's all:)
