alright I need honest help!

Btw here is pics of the rev my buddies father is selling. He told me 4000, it's up for sale for 5500 to everyone else.. Still not sure about it. I am excited about the M10 in my yami though I can tell ya that for sure!!
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maxout01 said:
I gotta say something though.. I hear really bad motor horror stories about skidoo all the time and yet I know and ride with like 50 guys with all kinds of models and years of skidoos and they all beat the crap out of them. Most of them dont ever season their sleds even when spring comes, just park and leave. Alot of them have like 7k plus on their sleds with ABSOLUTELY no issues at all with the whole sled.. I dont understand it.

It's an internet forum, and not one for that brand, of course you will hear tons of horror stories.

the flying nun thing is true though. they are very weak, and easily bend. I would think that the aftermarket has a solution though. How could it be that for 5 years you saw revs do pretty well in SnoX with big jumps and crashes and the things didnt snap in half on landings?

good deal onthe M10:)
because sno-x guys know the right way to land, plain and simple :) they get paid well to do what they do for a reason, they are good at it :) if you have ridden and lke the sled, and feel it is a good price then do it :)
03viperguy said:
because sno-x guys know the right way to land, plain and simple :) they get paid well to do what they do for a reason, they are good at it :) if you have ridden and lke the sled, and feel it is a good price then do it :)

I have seen some horrific crashes with rev's and they only need plastic and other soft parts.

But I don't think those sleds had a stock chassis/ subframe.
horkn said:
I have seen some horrific crashes with rev's and they only need plastic and other soft parts.

A guy I know I hit a rock once this year and flipped his rev twice. Couldnt even tell anything happened. From the rock or the flips. He is accident prone.

Last year we were jumping the sled in the picture and a 600 just like it only yellow about 30 feet through a field. I parked the yami because it doesnt land well, lol. Anyway the 600x landed from at least 25ft up into a small ravine on the left front ski and the sled never tweaked.
I believe though about the nun because I have read alot of people on doo talk replacing it.
I think overall I want the skidoo, but I wont buy it without a yami too. I like the yami alot, but it rides like a brick, hopefully the M10 will solve that. I like the skidoo, but I know the yami is more relaible. So it's like the give and take thing!! I just wish yamaha would have caught up in the suspension dept.
I have to say though ALOT of people on skidoo forums have converted from yamaha to skidoo because of the yamahas ride issues and that concerns me. I asked one guy straight out why he converted from yamaha to doo after owning 19 yamahas since the 70's and he said this:
"I rode Yamaha for years due to the reliability and that was it. The sleds in my eyes were not comfortable just reliable. I never had problems with them and always was afraid to switch The switch in my eyes happened when my father bought his 04 rev 800. I bought the Rx1 due to the 4 stroke craze. What a mistake. The rx1 was heavy, uncomfortable, and I worked on it all season and with over 4000 miles logged on it, I never got it dialed in with the steering and skid problems so I sold it. When I rode my Yamahas, I always came of sore as hell and when my dad rode his rev, he was fine. He is 65 years old and could do 2000 plus miles a day. I couldn't even do that. Thats what sold me. I bought the mach and loved it! Then I bought another rev this year and love it and will never look back, I don't miss yamaha at all, period."
2000 miles in a day, thats impressive! I think yamaha has caught up in the skids, but you dont want a new sled :) the mono realy is super smooth and the dual shock is pretty good in the rough
If yamaha taught ski doo how to build a motor, and skidoo taught yamaha how to build a skid, what sled that would be!!

Your right though the fact that I dont want a brand new sled is a good part of what is my problem.. Used yamis have way odated problems in the handling/suspension dept, and skidoo cant build a reliable motor. So I'm stuck, lol!

Actually my biggest reason for starting this thread was because I was wondering if anyone has a problem like me. I stated in another thread and I state it again!! There is no yamaha built as of now to fill in the void between the phazer sled and the bigger chassis. Plus all the pricing is too high for people like me. I feel like I can look at other brands and say oh theres a model perfect for me.. I cant say that with yamaha. I'm sick of riding a trailing arm sled, but I'm not really interested in the new sleds they have. It's like it bleeds me out of a brand I LOVE!! Hopefully.. they fill the void this year, and I won't have to buy a used ski poop.. we will see on thursday!
03viperguy said:
2000 miles in a day, thats impressive! I think yamaha has caught up in the skids, but you dont want a new sled :) the mono realy is super smooth and the dual shock is pretty good in the rough

yeah, 2000 miles a day? A finger slip and double hitting the zero button is what that had to have been.
No 2000 in a weekend trip to Canada is what he was talking about. Well not really trip to canada he lives there, so his back yard, lol! Doesnt matter just shows that each manufacturer has it goods and bads.
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well yami didnt fill the void with much for 09 so I'm picking up a 2005 rev 600 ho tomorrow. I'm keeping my yami but may end up selling or trading it for a viper. If not I will have an M-10 in mint shape for sale.. Which if anyone is interested pm me. I'll post pics tomorrow.
Well, I'd be concerned on the longevity of the Doo. I saw too many PTO crank bearings piled up this season on the Doos all because they don't know how to lubicate the bearings in a two stroke. Also, lots of horror stories on the XP front with bent chassis etc. My local Motorsports shop has a brand new one in there being fixed (600 Km on it). Guy bought it in the US so there is no warrantly on it in Canada. All the motor mounts were sheered off. The mechanic (who used to ride a Doo) was NOT impressed. Probably >$1K bill.

I sold my 03 MXZ600, which was a nice riding sled, but it was time to say goodbye to it before the motor blew up (6000Km). I put 11,000Km on my 87 Exciter and when I rebuilt the motor the crank bearings were still like new!!!

I'm keeping my 2003 Viper, but I might explore a different rear suspension option. I think I''d wait to see how the whole XP story unfiods. It's still too early.
buddy let me tell you something.those revs are a colossal pain in the *** to work on!!even changing the plugs aint the place i work somebody brought one in due to a exploded motor.granted it was a 03 with 3700 miles however it took 4 hours to remove the engine!any yami including including 4 stroke is a hour with distractions.then to top it off those damn engines are filled with cageless needle bearings!major pain!that sled also had a tweaked front end also.the owner complained of darting.we inspected and found it was tweaked.there were 2 other people that came in and got oem skidoo front end parts this season also.just my 2 cents i wouldnt own one.
Its not an xp so that doesnt bother me. I can't stand the ride of my sled now and the yami dealer told me dont bother with the M10 in it cause its slow enough already, it's only a 600 twin. So I'm trying doo for one sled and trying to find a decent viper for the other.

I dont think the rev is hard to work on. I just got done helping my buddy with his
04. Did a complete topend, cudney racing head, clutch work etc. Wasnt hard at all. Pulling the motor I could see how that would be but oh well. I cant get too much in my newer 05 truck I could in my old 89 either.. technology does that.

I'm not ditching yami, but I cant ride as much as I do with the shit my sled gives me.. I'm done with that. Still looking for a viper to build up. I found one with 2500 miles with an M10 in it for 2500bucks at a dealer not far from me. Might pick that up sometime soon.

I know the reliability aint there as much in doo as yami but there isnt any yamis in my price range with much of a chassis difference so oh well.. I'll try the doo if I dont like it I'll sell it. I'm only paying 3600.00 for an 05 with 1,050 miles on it and ALOT of extras. So good for now..
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03viperguy said:
good luck with it, post pics of it when you get it home and let us know what ya think of it!

Thanks ! I will dont worry!!!!! I wish the dealer was open I want to look at the viper with m10 too.. oh well next week!
went for a 100 mile ride after I picked it up. Bought it from a member on here. Got to say I was very impressed with it. It actually is great in areas my yami is not, and is not so great in areas my yami is.. maybe doo and yami could learn a few from eachother!! Here is some pics.


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But from the discussion we had earlier in this thread, I fear you may not like it, or end up learning to like the rider forward chassis.

For me the rider forward is the only way to go, well, once I eventually go that direction. Its the whole cruiser vs sportbike riding style issue for me

Good luck!
looks pretty good :) so you like the ride, but what dont you like that the old sled does better? glad you like it so far!
The Vmax has good low end and runs smooth low end and at idle. But higher rpms the vmax runs rougher. The mxz is opposite, runs rough at idle and low rpms, but smooth as can be higher rpms/steady speed riding. The vmax is very fun at speeds 30mph and under, I love it then. Higher speeds then that it gets almost uncontrollable to handle. When riding over banks/bumps/uphill/sideways up slight banking the vmax pretty much goes where and how it wants, it's hard to manipulate it for terrain changes. The mxz is very controllable/smooth and powers through both motor wise and suspension. I rode a trail with the mxz that has awkward bumps and angled riding on a slope that with the vmax I actually stopped riding because it was an effort to keep it going straight. The vmax I need to watch my speed with trail terrain changes because of it's awkwardness where as the mxz trail changes seemed to mean nothing to it.. throttle down and go. Bumps weren't throwing me off, nothing hard to steer on etc. I think it comes down to two things.. One the vmax is an old sled design that is way outdated even though it isn't that old, and too Yamaha makes a quality running product but handling is a chore. The skidoo was very very smooth and fun to ride at higher speeds like 35-90 (fast as I could get with it with the lake conditions) but at lower speeds 35-0 I missed alot about the vmax. Basically the vmax would be alot more fun if it was more controllable through bumps and terrain changes but for smoother riding the vmax rules. The mxz was much more fun through bumps and terrain changes, and easy to operate, but on smooth terrain not as comfy as the yami. It worked out good because the trails I ride all year were still in very good shape yesterday and I just took the vmax last saturday there so it was kinda like I got a spring price on newer sled and still got to go right out and ride and almost do side by side comparisons. I dont think I could ever be without my yami though. As much as it hurts after riding sometimes I love that sled to death and skidoo definitely aint going to change that! The only way I will part with the vmax is for a viper. Period. Plus another thing with the skidoo is it only has 1000miles on it and I paid about 1300.00 under book for it, so if I end up not liking it or it gives me alot of problems I will end up ahead even by selling it. The yami cost me more then the doo three years ago, and it isnt worth anywhere near what is into it, so I'm glad I like the yami!
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it really sounds like the yamaha is set up wrong... I feel like I had a lot better luck with my 600 twin :) but if the doo makes you happy then enjoy! and good luck with the viper, I really love mine with the mono in it :)
