09 Yami's


New member
Nov 13, 2007
Cedarburg, WI
So. hmmm...

I am not impressed. the only major addition is the efi RSVenture GT.

oh yeah, there is the nytro xtx, but I rode that a month ago. And the SE nytro, but that is not as radical as we were hoping. not that I am not impressed by the nytro xtx, but I was hoping along with many of you guys for a supercharged or turbo'd apex, or at least a HP upgrade to the apex.

Nothing to rock the boat..... :Bore:
time to check out the competition I guess.Where is the New SRX I was hearing about..Yamaha is going to hold back until all the others catch up with their 4-strokes.Can pick up new doos here cheaper then the Yamahas.
yeah I was all excited b/c we are demo riding the 2009 Yami's and Doo's this Sunday here in OLD FORGE. Now I'm like dam I've already rode all the Yami's except the XTX which does nothing for me.
skidoo reinvented sleds again. Added another chassis line to an already new chassis. Added two motors, one nice 2 stroke and is starting into the four stroke line.. and yamaha calls a long nytro and an efi venture a new sled lineup.. whatever.. Its no wonder every skidoo dealer around here is beyond sold out of sleds and all the yami dealers are overstocked.. my .02 :o| #$%&*
i was real disapointed! but until i saw the new look to the apex mtx. i got convinced! that thing looks awesome. looks like im gonna have it for next winter! the black apex mtx with the flame design is the best look they ever had so far for the apex. that sled is sick! cant wait to get it!
The new cat turbo is on my mind after seeing the 09 Yammy's. Nothing to impressive there. They are very nice machines but i need more power. :roll:
maxout01 said:
skidoo reinvented sleds again. Added another chassis line to an already new chassis. Added two motors, one nice 2 stroke and is starting into the four stroke line.. and yamaha calls a long nytro and an efi venture a new sled lineup.. whatever.. Its no wonder every skidoo dealer around here is beyond sold out of sleds and all the yami dealers are overstocked.. my .02 :o| #$%&*
Yeah, and hows that working out for ski doo from a quality stand point?

The only thing I am disappointed about was lack of refinment and detail. Same skis, 7 gallon tanks, and no mention of any improvment in suspension durability. Also I noticed the phazer GT got the non rebuildable gas cell shocks like the 04 vipers; purhaps its last year?
from what ive been hearing 2010 is the big year for inovation. ive heard that atleast polaris is goin to have a totaly different sled nothing like they have now. but thats only what ive heard i have no proof to back it up. might be a big year for others too. yamaha usaly takes a year off every once in awhile. 04 gave us the warrior and venom that was nothing impressive but then we got the apex shortly after. then nothing till 07 and we got the phazer and then the nytro in 08. u cant expect them to come out with the bigest thing on the market every year. ski doo had the same chaise from for 5 years befor coming out with somthing new and so did cat. polaris is still on the same chaise they had in 05.
I really cant believe some of what I am reading here, some of you guys are complaining about the lack of an 09 that meets your style? Exactly what will make you leave your 2 strokes?
I would like to invite any of you that live in Michigan or the surrounding areas to come up to Munising the last weekend of the month (snow permitting of course) and spend some decent time on my Attak or one of the many Apex's that should be there. Weather permitting we are getting a last minute TY ride going. I really think you may have a different outlook on the potential of the 150hp sleds if you spend some time on one, or even a well tuned Nytro, you may be amazed as to exactly what is present and available from Yamaha!

I'm digging the 4 year warranty though, that's huge for snow check. I was hoping for at least another sled, but that's OK, cuz Yamaha still has a sweet lineup.
S.X. said:
I really cant believe some of what I am reading here, some of you guys are complaining about the lack of an 09 that meets your style? Exactly what will make you leave your 2 strokes?
I would like to invite any of you that live in Michigan or the surrounding areas to come up to Munising the last weekend of the month (snow permitting of course) and spend some decent time on my Attak or one of the many Apex's that should be there. Weather permitting we are getting a last minute TY ride going. I really think you may have a different outlook on the potential of the 150hp sleds if you spend some time on one, or even a well tuned Nytro, you may be amazed as to exactly what is present and available from Yamaha!


I'd like a 150HP 2 stroke that weighs 70 pounds lighter or a yami 4 stroke that weighs 22 lbs less. I love my viper but it kicks my skinny butt when we do long day trips. Also I don't care what anyone says but Doo has the best skid out there. I will have one in my viper. I've demo rode all the Yami's and they are fast but feel like I'm controlling a bus. :o| That's why I still have the viper.
stretchSXV said:
I'd like a 150HP 2 stroke that weighs 70 pounds lighter or a yami 4 stroke that weighs 22 lbs less. I love my viper but it kicks my skinny butt when we do long day trips. Also I don't care what anyone says but Doo has the best skid out there. I will have one in my viper. I've demo rode all the Yami's and they are fast but feel like I'm controlling a bus. :o| That's why I still have the viper.
Well to each his own. Although I liked my Viper it does not compare to the late model 4 strokes to me, not even in the same ballpark. Concerning rear skids! the monoshock is a hell of a trail skid, maybe the Doo skid rides better to some but once the mono is set up "appropriately" for your weight it is right up there near the the top.

I just think allot of you guys still holding on to your late 90's and early 00's sleds really need to spend some time on the 4 strokes that are available currently from Yamaha. Instead of bashing the lack of "new stuff", you may be surprised exactly how nice these sleds do indeed perform.

Not trying to start a pissin match, just my experiance coming from allot of the same sleds that you guys currently ride.
I wonder if they don't come out with higher H.P. just to save on gas mileage...may be as simple as that. $3.41 here in MI and all that snow f'ing blows to spend all money aviable on gas...
Groovetastic said:
Yeah, and hows that working out for ski doo from a quality stand point?

The only thing I am disappointed about was lack of refinment and detail. Same skis, 7 gallon tanks, and no mention of any improvment in suspension durability. Also I noticed the phazer GT got the non rebuildable gas cell shocks like the 04 vipers; purhaps its last year?

This thread is solely about the 2009 line up. Not quality control. The bottom line is skidoo sells sleds around me like they are gas from mobil. And all the yamahas, polaris', and cats are sitting piled high like the old candy under the register. Skidoo markets on inovation and most people follow. They dont care about anything else. Now with that said I dont want yamaha to give up on quality, but as far as I am concerned I will never find a dealer ever with a 2003 left over rev. I have found numerous dealers with alot of left over 2003-2007 yamahas. That tells me something from a selling standpoint. There needs to be a sled made that takes the skidoo POS head on, same weigh, better ride, better motor, and better quality. Skidoo has a sled for everyones want and needs even whether you want a 2stroke or fourstroke. And they got the most disirable chassis out there. If they arent on top then why is every yamaha dealer beggin for sales and skidoo dealers cant keep enough of them for demand?
S.X. said:
Well to each his own. Although I liked my Viper it does not compare to the late model 4 strokes to me, not even in the same ballpark. Concerning rear skids! the monoshock is a hell of a trail skid, maybe the Doo skid rides better to some but once the mono is set up "appropriately" for your weight it is right up there near the the top.

I just think allot of you guys still holding on to your late 90's and early 00's sleds really need to spend some time on the 4 strokes that are available currently from Yamaha. Instead of bashing the lack of "new stuff", you may be surprised exactly how nice these sleds do indeed perform.

Not trying to start a pissin match, just my experiance coming from allot of the same sleds that you guys currently ride.

I hear you!

If I were to buy a new sled for next year, the 09 nytro xtx would be at the top of the list from ALL manufacturers.

I strongly agree that those that are not finding what they want in the 4 stroke only yami, need to ride them, then comment.

I just (like others) hoping that Yami would challenge Cat for the top HP machine for 09. Polaris is at 154 hp, doo 152 hp or whatever they rate the 800, and Cat with 177hp out of the newly turbo'd 1100 4stroke twin. apparently 2010 will be the year the apex (or some yamaha) gets more than 150hp.
maxout01 said:
This thread is solely about the 2009 line up. Not quality control. The bottom line is skidoo sells sleds around me like they are gas from mobil. And all the yamahas, polaris', and cats are sitting piled high like the old candy under the register. Skidoo markets on inovation and most people follow. They dont care about anything else. Now with that said I dont want yamaha to give up on quality, but as far as I am concerned I will never find a dealer ever with a 2003 left over rev. I have found numerous dealers with alot of left over 2003-2007 yamahas. That tells me something from a selling standpoint. There needs to be a sled made that takes the skidoo POS head on, same weigh, better ride, better motor, and better quality. Skidoo has a sled for everyones want and needs even whether you want a 2stroke or fourstroke. And they got the most disirable chassis out there. If they arent on top then why is every yamaha dealer beggin for sales and skidoo dealers cant keep enough of them for demand?

Fred's here in syracuse has alot of left over Yami's I know he has 4 vipers and alot of left over 4 strokes. I ride with a guy that has a 2006 yami 4 stroke. I've rode his sled for 100 mile+ days. In low snow conditions it over heats. The Viper runs like a raped ape on the same trails. I just can't see me spending $10,000 on a tank. I paid $5500 for a brand new viper last yr. Putting a 3" riser and a ski doo skid(viper skid is tuned it perfect but I wanna jump it and hit mogals) in it this summer and plan on keeping it until I find something better. ;)! To each his own I guess. 4 stroke VS 2 stroke Vs other brands will always be. I just hope the new doo 4 stroke(22 pounds lighter then Yami) doesn't hold up or else Yami will need to do something. I guess I'm lucky b/c I own the best of both worlds in my mind.
stretchSXV said:
I just hope the new doo 4 stroke(22 pounds lighter then Yami) doesn't hold up or else Yami will need to do something. I guess I'm lucky b/c I own the best of both worlds in my mind.

I have no question on the reliability of the new doo 4 stroke. Doohas been making 4 strokes for PWC for a few years now, and they appear to be reliable, even supercharged. Rotax has quite a bit of 4 stroke knowledge, I think many either are not aware of that, or forget about their street bike 4 cycle cred.

I think the doo 4 stroke is based on the pwc motors, so if that is the case, the only thing to worry about is the rev xp chassis, which has now gone through 1 season.

those that think the 1200 doo 4 stroke is low powered at 120hp, you mmsut wonder what the tq is rated at on that motor. I am sure it is a lot more tq than the nytro or the vector mill. it has more CC's, so I would be amazed if it does not have a sizeable advantage in tq.
