Wondering if anybodie knows this guy D-HK45 ? or live by him?
New member
I know of him and live not far from him. Whats the problem?
well, he was selling parts in classifieds so i sent a check , well a month went by no seat ,so i pmed him he said sorry i will send tomarrow,that was on the 8th of this month now he will not respond to phone or pms, just wanted to know if anybody else has had truoble with him or if something happend to him? any input would be helpful thanks, dont want to flag him bad if something is wrong.but getting worried it was over a 100.00 bucks. his name is dan greenia.
well, he was selling parts in classifieds so i sent a check , well a month went by no seat ,so i pmed him he said sorry i will send tomarrow,that was on the 8th of this month now he will not respond to phone or pms, just wanted to know if anybody else has had truoble with him or if something happend to him? any input would be helpful thanks, dont want to flag him bad if something is wrong.but getting worried it was over a 100.00 bucks. his name is dan greenia.
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Last activity was the 15th.
I bought skis from him before. He was a bit slow and I did not hear from him for a couple weeks and got worried since I also had sent the money. Eventually he did get back to me and I finally got them.
Is that the guy who disappeared for a while and claimed he was away at a funeral or something?
pm sent
I really dont know he is( MIA ) LOL.
I really dont know he is( MIA ) LOL.
Blkhwkbob said:Is that the guy who disappeared for a while and claimed he was away at a funeral or something?
Yup, that was him.
New member
So far every transaction I have had with TY members has been positive. I know that if someone agrees to send me a check for something I go out of my way to make sure it is handled quickly. There has to be a good amount of trust between the members here to keep this a great place. Hopefully the people that don't put in the same effort as the majority will take notice.IMO
Triple X
New member
I think the communication line has to stay open, when someone sends a cheque it seems like forever for the part to come. I got a money order from WI and it took seven days to get here (Ontario, Canada) even if I sent the part the same day, It would take another week to get back to the buyer. Two weeks is a long time to wait. Usually, you can trust someone that has been a member for a while and makes regular posts, someone that has just signed up or has only made one post (to sell) I would think tiwce. Now you newbies don't hate!
I don't know what the answer is, do we have a rating system, a black list, I can see a problem with both but it seems more & more people are getting screwed.
I don't know what the answer is, do we have a rating system, a black list, I can see a problem with both but it seems more & more people are getting screwed.
New member
I've noticed that under everyone's avitar there is the opition to add to that individuals reputation... It dosent seem like many actually use it. (I'm to blame as well, I've never really been sure what exactly it was for - I assume something of this nature) IMO it would be a good idea for someone to make one of these 'stickey' threads explaining what this is for and how to actually utalize this and hint that more of us should use it. I'm relitavely new (only been here a few months) and I have bought and sold multiple parts through TY and havent had any complaints or complications and no one has ever added to my rep 

New member
Okay, I lied. I guess I have 10 reputation points. How does this work and how can I find out about my own reputation?
Deviant, Thats a good idea, Need a STICKY or post add have to rememeber to click on the rep when buy / sell, Ihave bought and sold numerous times with no problems here, But no rep added either.
New member
I'm on it.... about to start a reputation thread.
DeviantSRX said:I'm on it.... about to start a reputation thread.
We ( mods/adm ) are discussing this very topic. We are kicking around the idea of starting something. If a rep. thread does materialize out of this, we will most likely sticky it to the classifieds forum.
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New member
Its out there now. Do with it as you see fit. Thanks!!
Well, no word from him at all .its sad there are so many great people on here and you sure like to buy and sell with trust, but there is allways somebodie to wreck a good thing.
Well, no word from him at all .its sad there are so many great people on here and you sure like to buy and sell with trust, but there is allways somebodie to wreck a good thing.
Sent PM!
srxreid said:Well, no word from him at all .its sad there are so many great people on here and you sure like to buy and sell with trust, but there is allways somebodie to wreck a good thing.
Sent PM!