Does anybodie know D-HK45

I never got my heat exchanger either from 3-4 months ago, yet he's selling more items. I don't think i'll buy from him again. more like just giving him money.
i just had this happen to me. i think these guys should be gone from the site
02srx said:
i just had this happen to me. i think these guys should be gone from the site
Sorry to hear you guy's getting burnt that pisses me off,,Mrsled will bann him if it don't get resoved...good luck guy's hope ya get your stuff.
Yes, this guy hasn't logged into the site since Oct 15th. We can't do any more than you guys are already doing. The thread srx-ski is referring to was posted in the beginning of Oct.
So lets start a post of who is screwing whom lately. Seems the list is getting longer
maxdlx said:
So lets start a post of who is screwing whom lately. Seems the list is getting longer
yes we've been asking for this for years now, a simple thread devoted to these scum bags who not to buy from..
Save for Turks issues with goodwill recipients, this is the first guy this season that hasn't been resolved that I can recall, and here's a thread about him.....This is a dangerous path to follow when you only get one side of the story, judging by Turk's experience, there may be just as many bad buyers as sellers.
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Here's a good one for you...I had to buy a head for a 600 twin lsat Feb and one of our members sold and shipped me the head then says "you need to issue me another check for the parts....

I'm like, huh????
I said send me the check back and i will get you a new one issued.

All in all in the end it was found out the check got washed-laundered :) because he forgot to check his pockets first....

It was kind of a weird situation(first for me) but was worth dealing with an individual from this site. Oh, and almost forgot, I wanted to pay him through paypal to speed the process up, BUT, he didn't have a paypal account. T
maxdlx said:
So lets start a post of who is screwing whom lately. Seems the list is getting longer

that would be a great idea. cheif, i have an issue right now going on and the member won't do anything about it. it will get resolved. the feds are going to be getting involved. he has until next week monday the 12th, to get me my refund (that's the time frame i gave him), or the postal investigators will be knocking on his door. the post master said that this fellow commited mail fraud, which is a felony (cause he stole $500 from me) and will go to prison for up to 6 yrs and up to a $20,000 fine.....ouch for him. but, you do the crime, you pay the time.
I first want to say I dont know this member personally and Im fortunate that never dealt with him on any transactions. I know he used to list parts on craigslist by the way the listings were copied and pasted on here and craigslist, I believe the city he list was Waterford. I havent seen one of he listing on craigslist in a while.

Second......Bad Buyers?????Chief.........I havent been here that long but Ive def. bought my far share of parts($$$$$)/sleds(4) from members and vendors and have never had a problem with payments. You wanna know why? Because 99.9% of the time people wont ship/sell sleds/parts till payment is cleared/recieved. Im one of those people that wont ship parts to someone without with a cleared payment esp. people Ive never dealt with before or live a 1000 miles away. There are certain members on that I would send parts to before payment but thats because I either know them personally or Ive dealt with them on MANY transactions. Im sorry but Turk sending parts without payment is asking to get burned esp. in this day in age where.....GREED and CRIME rule the internet. And this is why I believe a "STICKY" should be made in the classifeds for this very reason, cause as Daman said happens every year. Banning the people in my eyes does nothing, do think if you ban me I wont find another way in? Its not hard all I have to do ismake up another dumb name with another email address and not post/list alot, just PM. My means to communicate on here if you didnt already know.

This to me is like walking into a store taking a bag of chips and as you walk out you tell the clerk youll be back later to pay and never due.......STEALING!!!!!!! You cant leave without paying
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I live in Waterford. I wonder where he lives. Maybe I can drive by and see if has has vacated the area like many others have.

That's not right screwing with people here. I hope he gets back to you and makes things good.

On another note if you google "Dan Greenia" there is a link that says in 2006 there was an ebay issue with his name used. Sounds like someone you don't want to be sending money.

I am also against banning. A better idea would be adding a "scarlet letter" of sort to there ID here. If everyone knows your a P.O.S. then maybe they will shy away from you.
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He has been banned as of today(been watching to see if he came back). He visited the forum on Feb 12th. Wondering if he PM'd anybody as he didn't make any new posts?
im relativly new here , mostly just troll around and soak up knoledge. i have bought parts from a few guys here and can say nothing but good about all my transactions so far, i would much rather buy off of someone here than e-bay. unfortunatly not everyone is the stand up honest type of person. one site i frequent has a trader feedback system where you can leave good or bad remarks about the seller or buyer and his trader "rating" is displayed under his screen name. and you can also see exactly what everyone has said about thier transactions with that person. dont know what it entails but maybe something someone might want to look into doing here. just a thought , i HATE seeing people getting burned , it just makes eveyone else that much more scared to trust the next guy.
blk04700 said:
one site i frequent has a trader feedback system where you can leave good or bad remarks about the seller or buyer and his trader "rating" is displayed under his screen name. and you can also see exactly what everyone has said about thier transactions with that person.

That is esentially what the little green square icon is, combined with the white 'scales of justice' icon is under your user info. It may not have the same extent of info as the other site you reference, and not alot of users realize it's there. I believe everyone starts out as A++ and it goes up or down from there.


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im color blind , it took me awhile to find that box (looks black to me lol).. how does it work exactly , i never knew i could leave some type of feedback on a sale. where do i find that ?
daman said:
I think chief tweeked his to sound better "one of the best to deal with"


Actually, I believe they are on the Forum defaults.

For anyone who is curious to check who has added to your reputation, just click on 'user CP' in the menu at the top of the page, then select 'user control panel' from the drop down box. The reputation should be in the middle of that screen, 'latest reputation received'. If you don't see anything there, it means no one has added/subtracted from your rep.

I'm going to have to make a sticky about this feature I guess, sometime after this season though.
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