125.00 in parts
over 2 months havent heard anything,real nice guy.
over 2 months havent heard anything,real nice guy.
New member
That sucks man. I'm sorry to hear someone would pull some sh!t like that on here. Like what was said before, theres all kinds of awesome people on here that are great to deal with.... then you get that one sh!thead that has to go and taint the whole process for the rest of us. Hope something can be done to get you some resolution... (find him and kick his @$$ imo)

New member
Where did that reputation tread end up?
New member
Its in here somewhere...it kinda died out. you might have to go back a couple weeks. I'll take a look and give it a bump.
New member
^^^^^^^^Has been bumped.....^^^^^^^^
Dave M
New member
srxreid said:over 2 months havent heard anything,real nice guy.
Post the address that you sent the money to....maybe we can pay a visit.

New member
most definately honesty is the best policy.I have gotten screwed before and it makes you want to be a wise guy and give them a dirt bath
Still hasn't signed in since Oct 15/08

that is outright fraud and theft.No wander why this world's going to hell in a bread basket. If I sold something to someone,it is my human nature to follow up with the sale.Geez..some of these idiots out there..they will eventually get what's coming to them,they always do.This guy just better hope no one finds him personally and takes the law into their on hands.Would serve him right anyways,I have no use for crumb-bums like that .Just a bunch of crap if you ask me.If we can't trust members from this sight,then who can we trust?
New member
SRXeid, did the check go through at your bank? Call your bank and ask them to stop the check, if it went through they still might be able to do something.
There is a new fraud going on online where pricing is to good to be true, they ask you send them money throught those money transfers, using ebay. They never called me when I wanted to see the sled I was to purchase. They gave me a bogus address and I told them I had family close by that would take a look for me.....never heard from them again......be carefull purchasing stuff........
There is a new fraud going on online where pricing is to good to be true, they ask you send them money throught those money transfers, using ebay. They never called me when I wanted to see the sled I was to purchase. They gave me a bogus address and I told them I had family close by that would take a look for me.....never heard from them again......be carefull purchasing stuff........
New member
I have borrowed tools on here from a total stranger. I borrowed a sled pro clutch alignment tool from Maxdlx. Those things are not cheap. He has since sold the tool but it was awesome that he sent it to me. When i sent it back I re-imburse for shipping cost and threw in some Amsoil grease and Amsoil chaincase oil. Maybe we need a red flag next to name of scammers. Something that is very visible. Sometimes the small rep thing is not really noticeable. Or maybe a feedback setup like ebay. It is scary for awhile until you receive what you paid for. I have purchased a few things on here and the parts were better then i expected.
New member
most on here are great people to deal with. set up a paypal account. that way you can get your money back if you don't get your stuff. itis my preferred way of doing business on here and on ebay.
New member
I thought ExpertXViper knew of him and lives by him??? couldn't he help
thanks for your replys, still have not heard a word from mr dan greenia. i will talk to the bank and see thanks,this site is filled with a great group of people! have a safe snow season.

good luck with things.If I sell something from now on,I would prefer being paid with Paypal. And if someone is selling to me,Paypal seems to be the best choice. Working with cheques does not work for me anymore.
I have had a seller send me parts from this site who put the stuff in the mail the next day,and at that time(few years back) I did send him a cheque the next day also.Things sort of arrived for us at the same time.Had this done a few times.He trusted that I would send the money very quick,so he sends the parcel.That's trusting for a complete stranger. Otherwise he would wait around 7 days to get the cheque and cash it..then he would send parcel..which would take 7-10 days to get back to me.That would almost be a 3 week wait for me.But now once Paypal is used..it is instant funds to seller
and shorter wait for the parts to the buyer.
Hey ..I even purchased a re-built motor for my Pantera from a guy on E-Bay who was from Idaho..(I really took a chance,paid with PayPal.)..but the guy even called me a few times confirming the order and explaining to me about the motor's re-build.Took a while for Fed-Ex to get it here(I was getting nervous)..but it arrived and that was $600 I paid him.I was happy and motor is running great as of today.
I have had a seller send me parts from this site who put the stuff in the mail the next day,and at that time(few years back) I did send him a cheque the next day also.Things sort of arrived for us at the same time.Had this done a few times.He trusted that I would send the money very quick,so he sends the parcel.That's trusting for a complete stranger. Otherwise he would wait around 7 days to get the cheque and cash it..then he would send parcel..which would take 7-10 days to get back to me.That would almost be a 3 week wait for me.But now once Paypal is used..it is instant funds to seller
and shorter wait for the parts to the buyer.
Hey ..I even purchased a re-built motor for my Pantera from a guy on E-Bay who was from Idaho..(I really took a chance,paid with PayPal.)..but the guy even called me a few times confirming the order and explaining to me about the motor's re-build.Took a while for Fed-Ex to get it here(I was getting nervous)..but it arrived and that was $600 I paid him.I was happy and motor is running great as of today.
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Active member
for some reason, maybe it's just the avatar, but I think I may have traded with him and it seems as though he is a police officer ....
Pay pal is the only way to go you are right, i have made well over 200 transactions on there, not 1 bad,i was a bit leary he had no paypal account but it was on ty didnt think much about it.
Active member
srxreid, i'm sorry to hear about your negative purchase transaction from D-HK45. i'm in the same boat as you, but w/another member on here. right now i'm out $500!! I sent him the money order on august 15th this year, and still nothing. won't answer my pm's and phone calls. both of these ty members need to be straightened up. i don't know how they can feel good about themselves and sleep at night. aparantly they don't have a conscience. hopefully you get you parts. keep me informed as to how it goes for you.
Active member
srxreid, did you ever get ahold of him?
mopar, no have not heard a word, your worse off mine was only 125.00 ,five hundred is a lot of money, sorry to here that. maybee they are both in jail LOL , we could only wish ,no morals . i think i would just love to meet him at his door and serve a little justice myself. oh they will get theres some day we hope. let me know if you get yours straightend out i will do the same. i have a address for D-HK45 so it looks like i will be going snowmobiling in mich.have a great , safe snowseason.