Please post if you have recieved help from Turk


Life Member
May 2, 2003
houlton, maine
I would like to be the first in this thread to thank Turk for making this site what it is today. He has been on this site almost since it was started back when it was just a message scroll. Over the years he has spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars in search of the perfect clutch setup for himself and others. He has also spent thousands of hours on this site sharing that information with all of us bone heads that wanted to learn, needed some info or didnt know anything and just wanted to bolt in what works.

So on this thread, Lets try to bring a tear to his eye with the appreciation that we all feel but maybe havent given. Please post below.
Definately read some of his threads.... When I have clutching questions (its only a matter of time) you better believe I'm askin Turk - he definately seems like he knows his sh!t.

Thanks for all the help you have given in the past and for all the advice you have yet to give!

It seems to me he gave me some advice back when the RX-1 1st came out. Regardless, I have seen him post numerous times helping out many, many times. Awesome job ;)! ;)!
Excellent idea BetheV....Just think what he has done for the aftermarket companies as well. I know going back a few years I went with Hauck for everything. I had no idea how to "Tune" a clutch so a "kit" was my only option.. I thought the kits were great, but at that time I didn't even realize I needed to be running at a certain RPM to make good power. Companies like Advant-Edge...Dalton...and especially Supertorquer (Heelclickers), should be very thankfull for his great feedback. I have often though someone would team up with him in some way from one of these companies.

With Turk's expertise it's been years since I bought a "kit". You can argue that this kind of knowledge hurts the companies that sell "Kits", but there is a market for those folks as well. Not everone wants to dial in a sled themselves, and are willing to pay a little more for the time someone else has spent.

All that being said I couldn't be more appreciative of the help Turk gives to me and this board. He is even nice enought to still keep up with the two stroke side when he hasn't been on one for years.

Turk - somewhere towards the end of this thread... How about giving a little history about yourself.. I know I have always wondered where you get the time.. what you do for a living...etc... What sled are you on these days?? Favorite sleds of the past... Anything but an answer to a clutching question would do. :)
Thanx guys
had a couple of idiots to deal with lately......seems everyone wants everything handed to em free & gets pissed when you don,t consider them your #1 project. I apologize for lack of info on some sleds cus I have been out of the 2 stroke game for a while & never really wrote anything down & relied on memory. I used to ride /race Polaris in mid 90,s. I live 3 houses down from yammie dealership. Went on a ride in 1996 with them & rode a sx 700. That was the end of Polaris days.
I started racing/riding yammies in 1998. I hung around a bunch of guys that loved to tinker with clutching....a lot. I learned the basics from them & started tinkering on my own. I bought every weight/helix/spring I could find & just started tinkering. Bought allmost every set of pipes i could run on red head motors too. My buds have a 1/4 mile test strip beside a heated shop & sometimes spend 8-10 hours a day racing & tuning.
Yammie sleds i owned were
1997 700 MM
1998 600 SRX
1998 700 MSRX
1998 700 SRX
1999 600 SRX
2000 700 sx-r
2001 700 MM
2001 700 SRX
2003 RX-1(later turboed)
2006 Attak
2007 attak
2008 nytro FX
2009 nytro xtx
2003 rx-1 turbo(nudder one)

I probably forgot 1 or 2 sleds but i had a few of em.
Still selling rolls....all this stuff was paid for selling toilet paper. I got the worlds greatest job. Ask a want 1 ply or 2 ply??? No pressure.
Thanx Turk for all your dedication to this site and your "Bottomless Pit" of knowledge.

That is a little ironic, you sell it and I make it.
Ditto to what everyone else said! You helped me do my first clutch job and I will never forget it~ Thanks!!!!

TTYG -Turk the T.Y. God!!!
Turk, thanks for all of the time and money you have put in to gain the knowledge you share with all of us. It is VERY much appreciated!!!
If you ever find yourself in the Eau Claire, Wisconsin area you have a free steak dinner waiting for you!
yea thanks turk!ive also read several of your threads and thought wow this guy must be a engineer!the same goes for betheviper,however i cant figure out his name would be pronounced!any way all you guys are a wealth of knowledge and very helpfull.thanks again.
WHO IS THIS TURK??????!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DOES HE DO????!!!!...just kidding...I to have picked his brain for advice and has always answered straight up......thanks turk
