even with my maxx perf roller clutch, turk was there w some ideas, and after a couple of diff helixes and some new primary weights i have an awesome agressive trail/off trail clutching setup. thanks again for your time turk u da man...
Viper Treats
New member
Turk helped me also, with a mountain set-up for an SRX that rips, also helped me with a clutch problem with my ski-doo. Both worked great! Thanks!
yes but...
Thanks for all the help Turk! Your clutch setup and jetting really woke up my sled...also thanks for the free jets, your truly an asset to this forum as are other great contributors.
Another one of many here who have been helped by Turk. Now my little 600 NPV triple pulls like it should! i.e., beats the wifey's 500 twin lol Hope he had a happy TURKey day! or whatever in Oh Canada!
Another one of many here who have been helped by Turk. Now my little 600 NPV triple pulls like it should! i.e., beats the wifey's 500 twin lol Hope he had a happy TURKey day! or whatever in Oh Canada!
Thanks a bunch ,Turk. You have been a big help,always good advice
Thanks in advance... have used indierect conn..-- reading(past post) with mind expanding info put to use with good results ,, got your #
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when i first signed up on TY i had no clue what to do with my srx to increase the performance. long story short he pointed me in the right direction. Thanks a lot man. all the best!
Concept Carbon
New member
Thanks for everything Turk, you have helped myself and others countless times. This site wouldn't be the same without you.

Life Member
You know my appreciation goes without saying dude!
New member
Turk is the best!!!! Thank you for your detailed help in the past and I hope all of your good will comes back to you 20 fold.
Running his advent-edge setup in the old srx and putting the hurting on a lot of the new stuff. The looks on their face is priceless as they want to race again and again and again because they can't believe what has happened. Thanks Turk!
New member
Thanks TURK, you have made understanding clutching a whole lots easier. BTW, I too am a toilet paper salesmen!!!
Thanks for the help Turk. The clutch combo for my 02 viper was bang on, didn't even have to change it when I 136"ed it(fully clipped track helped there) still kick maim's but in the powder lol damn warriors are slow 

Active member
Thanks for all the help turk!!!!!! I have been helped countless times with clutching and other answers.....There is no doubt that you have helped me..........thanks again!!!!

VIP Member
This site has an amazing depth of knowledge, thanks to Turk and all you other guys out there. Thank you turk!
Wow it seems like a life time ago whn Turk FIRST helped me with my 99 500. That was way back on the first crash site. Here is the best part with Turk, I only had to ask the first time, showed him some gratitude for the help, and any time after that that I posted a problem, he'd just hlep me. Some day I'll get to meet up with him, shake his hand and buy him a beer. thanks Turk Paul

Life Member
a beer? I think I'd buy him a dinner!
New member
Yup. He always there to help. Thanks a bunch.
the best
thanks for all the help turk i am learnin from the best
thanks for all the help turk i am learnin from the best