4-stroke forums very NEGATIVE!!!

Once again Pete hits the nail right on the head. If anyone gets a chance go to a place that has all the big 4 there and demo ride each and every sled they have. You'll be surprised at what the NEW 2 strokes are like and The big difference of the 4 strokes out there. I am brand loyal to Yamaha but will not make a stupid choice when it comes to buy my next sled just b/c I've always rode Yami. ;)!
It seems to me that people are more disappointed with Yamaha's new sleds when it comes to the smaller easy fix items like decent skis and handwarmers. If that's the case then this seems like a no-brainer. Other than that with all the new techonology in the new Nytro I just can't imagine how it can not be am awesome machine to drive. Sleds have come so far in the last few years with suspension, riding position and efficiency that it blows my mind. I still love driving my old SRX but its definatly showing its age compared to the new Nytro.
I love my FX Nytro. The handwarmers could be better but it still puts a very large smile on my face everytime I sqeeze the flipper. For every guy over there complaining, there is an unknown number going through the haze of bliss.
stretchSXV said:
Once again Pete hits the nail right on the head. If anyone gets a chance go to a place that has all the big 4 there and demo ride each and every sled they have. You'll be surprised at what the NEW 2 strokes are like and The big difference of the 4 strokes out there.

I am brand loyal to Yamaha but will not make a stupid choice when it comes to buy my next sled just b/c I've always rode Yami. ;)!

Got that right!
crewchief47 said:
I love my FX Nytro. The handwarmers could be better but it still puts a very large smile on my face everytime I sqeeze the flipper. For every guy over there complaining, there is an unknown number going through the haze of bliss.

I know I still have a smile on my face from the demo rides at Minocqua last winter when I rode the 08 nytro's and the 09 Nytro XTX.

If I could afford one now, I would have an FX nytro. So until I can, I look forward to the demo rides at cruiserfest in Minocqua in February.

Maybe for the 2010 season I can go to a 4 stroke, and it will probably be a yamaha....
I really like the idea of the Phazer but have to wonder what the real benefit of going 4 stroke was? The Phazer isnt much lighter than the 50% more powerfull Viper. It seems to have a problem fouling plugs, thats just unbelieveable and ridiculous. You have to pull the seat AND gas tank to replace plugs? Come on now, who needs that 50 miles from home in 0 degree weather. All I heard was how awful 2 smokes were and how great 4 strokes were, but what is the end result for a sport with a short season like this? I am not against 4 strokes. Both my bikes are 4 stroke and so is my quad. I wouldn't even consider a 2 stoke quad or bike. It just seems like sleds may be the only good place for a 2 stroke. Too many negatives about this sport already, dont need to make it worse.
chitownpete@yahoo.com said:
I really like the idea of the Phazer but have to wonder what the real benefit of going 4 stroke was? The Phazer isnt much lighter than the 50% more powerfull Viper. It seems to have a problem fouling plugs, thats just unbelieveable and ridiculous. You have to pull the seat AND gas tank to replace plugs? Come on now, who needs that 50 miles from home in 0 degree weather. All I heard was how awful 2 smokes were and how great 4 strokes were, but what is the end result for a sport with a short season like this? I am not against 4 strokes. Both my bikes are 4 stroke and so is my quad. I wouldn't even consider a 2 stoke quad or bike. It just seems like sleds may be the only good place for a 2 stroke. Too many negatives about this sport already, dont need to make it worse.
the phazer is almost 100 lbs lighter than the viper. i'm on a phazer from a viper and would never go back. I ride with f7's, polaris 600's f5's and even my sons nytro, and as far as the trail goes, the phazer keeps up. i have 3,000 miles on my sled and have changed the plugs twice. once before they made the update for the cold start and once at the beginning of the season because i was bored. yamaha went to 4 stroke to avoid having to re-create the two stoke motor to meet the new emissions standards. i just came off of a 450 mile 3 day trip with my phazer, and i have to tell you that not having to tote oil with like the rest of the group, on top of your gear was pretty nice. i also used about 30% less gas than the 2 stroke guys. if you have not spent a whole day on a 4 stroke sled, than how can you actually form some sort of intelligent opinion. after my first ride on my phazer, i never rode my viper again - no comparison.
my mechanic has a 2008 adrenalin 800 and he told me the other day besides the update on the jackshaft and some other little things,he was very happy with the sled.He does some serious hauling with his buddies.He put on 5600 km's last season and didn't have one break down .So the less weight doos are hanging in there. Yamaha needs to lighten things to,with new design and weight cutting measures.In todays advanced world,with all the testing they do and come up with lighter but stronger parts should not be a problem.By the way,if I was buying a new Apex here in Canada,the price starts around $16,000 and there is tax after that.So Imagine how I would feel if the sled didn't perform well and had issues that should never even be there.I agree the prices are getting to high already and that will kill of customers from buying Yamaha.The doos are a lot cheaper here also.I think my bud told me last year the adrenaline cost him around the $11,000 mark.
i loved my 06 nytro.only a few complaints i had with that sled..have only demoed the new nytros & i must say i dont know what i liked more but in order for me to buy a new nytro there are a few things yamaha must address before i spend that kinda money because i had no problem with handwarmers,or any bent parts & had alot more storage..i know the chassi is different but i dont feel like it's a better one( or at least that much better to spend that kinda loot for it...so in my experience 4 stroke is the only way to go but until they fix there LITTLE problems.buy an older 1..
woolyviper said:
the phazer is almost 100 lbs lighter than the viper.

Wooly, I was just wondering about the 100lb weight difference. Was Yamaha lying when they said a viper was 497-499 lbs or are they lying with the 487lb rating on a phazer GT. Yamaha has always been suspect with wieght ratings (never listed the RX1 weight but we know why). So is the viper 587 lbs or is the Phazer 397lbs or is it somewhere in between? Serious question. I havent ridden a Phazer but have ridden many 400 and 500lb motorcycles, many 400 and 500lb atvs and many 2500 and 4000 lb sportscars. One thing that is always clear and obvious is the heavier vehicle is more stable and better for fast or long rides and the lighter vehicle is always quicker handling and more nimble. Neither is better just depends what you want. My Viper was a fat pig but for lake racing and long fast rides on groomed trails it was awesome. When I discovered tight twisty technical type riding the Viper was horrible. My riding has changed and I just have different needs. I will probably never go above 60 again so I want light weight, not worried about power but wont give up 40 horses for 10 pounds of weight just to get 4 stroke. I appreciate your input and help and am trying to find a place to rent a Phazer for a couple days before I buy.
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i was at a dealer the other day in illinois and they had 08 phazers on sale for 4500!i almost bit!but then i thought about all ive read about them not steering so great.they also had nytros for 7200.im not ready to embrace a 4 stroke sled yet though.i also said i wouldnt ride a 4 stroke yz and now do.who knows?
chitownpete@yahoo.com said:
woolyviper said:
the phazer is almost 100 lbs lighter than the viper.

Wooly, I was just wondering about the 100lb weight difference. Was Yamaha lying when they said a viper was 497-499 lbs or are they lying with the 487lb rating on a phazer GT. Yamaha has always been suspect with wieght ratings (never listed the RX1 weight but we know why). So is the viper 587 lbs or is the Phazer 397lbs or is it somewhere in between? Serious question. I havent ridden a Phazer but have ridden many 400 and 500lb motorcycles, many 400 and 500lb atvs and many 2500 and 4000 lb sportscars. One thing that is always clear and obvious is the heavier vehicle is more stable and better for fast or long rides and the lighter vehicle is always quicker handling and more nimble. Neither is better just depends what you want. My Viper was a fat pig but for lake racing and long fast rides on groomed trails it was awesome. When I discovered tight twisty technical type riding the Viper was horrible. My riding has changed and I just have different needs. I will probably never go above 60 again so I want light weight, not worried about power but wont give up 40 horses for 10 pounds of weight just to get 4 stroke. I appreciate your input and help and am trying to find a place to rent a Phazer for a couple days before I buy.
if you compare wet weights between viper and phazer it's 100 lbs. taking into consideration the 4-5 extra gallons of fuel. if you want a lake racer - then the phazer will let you down. i live in minnesota, so a groomed trail is becoming a rare item and frankly the viper was junk if the trails were anything less than perfect. as far as giving up the horsepower, you are trading off top end for bottom end. i ride last in the group and if the trails aren't wooped out, i can climb on the last guy all day long. the plus is i can take the phzer off trail without the fear of it getting stuck like the viper. draw your own conclusions, the viper is 11 year old technology.
I wander how the sales of sleds is going this year for all brands,being econony is weak and people are starting to save their money for more important things.
Every dealer I've been too around me has sold everything they have, new, used, leftovers, everything.

I was at the skidoo dealer the other day and in the hour and a half I was there two guys bought three brand new uncrated sleds. The owner had them on the guys truck in an hour. It was nuts, lol!!

I haven't seen the yamis flying off the shelf quite as fast, but the dealers around me with leftovers from all the way back to 2005 are moving more then the last few years. I did notice the yami/polaris dealer near me only had polaris sleds out front this year, usually they never have polairs' left. I know last year the owner told me he was cutting back on yamis though cause he wasn't selling any. Who knows! I'm glad I bought my sdi in oct when I did though, because literally a week later every dealer of every brand in the area was completely sold out of used, and they still are to this day.
bluemonster1 said:
I wander how the sales of sleds is going this year for all brands,being econony is weak and people are starting to save their money for more important things.

I wonder about the numbers this years as well.

I guess we will see around february as to how the sled sales are going.

I can say I did not see a single new sled on the trail this weekend. Conditions were pretty darn good. The newest was a 08 apex gt, but most riders were on sleds between 4-15 years old.
