A GPS, flat smooth lake, some Yami's and Doos.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Hey all,
I was at the cottage this weekend in the Parry Sound, Ontario area.
After that thaw, the lake froze up smooth with a cm. of snow on top. Perfect for Top end speed runs.

I set up the GPS to record top speed, and each of us ran our sleds a few times over a 1.8km run.

Sleds that Ran and top speed over several runs:

2000-2002(not sure) SRX 700 with a can. - 181kms per hour (112.5mph)
7000 plus kms on machine, new to owner, said it was looked over by a dealership. Had a can on it... not sure if it helped or hindered.

My 2003 Stock Viper - 177kms/hr (110mph) My fastest time ever. Must be the conditions and the fact that I cleaned my PVs in the fall thanks to TY.com and all the people here! Very close to that SRX!!! My speedo was reading 193 in that run!

2005 Ski-Doo 800HO - 176kms/hr (109.4mph) I BEAT an 800HO!!! 2 years newer than my Viper.
2005 Ski-Doo 600HO - 158kms/hr (98.18mph) Several runs, that's all he could get.
2000 Ski-Doo Formula 500 145kms/hr (90.1mph) Sled frame a litle beat up after a crash, but engine is mint.

Just thought I'd post some real top end speeds. Once again, I'm extremely happy with the Viper's performance.
800vmax4 you are 100% correct... I find this often. Many people say they'll run 115mph and so on...However, when they run a GPS, most are dissapointed! Same with fishing... Buddy says he caught a 6 pound bass... put it on a digital scale, and you'll see maybe 4 pounds.
Props to Yamaha for building such reliable and efficient sleds. Making this kind of speed out of a 700! Your 800 must just haul! :)
Thas pretty good akrievins if your viper is that close to a SRX wonder if
he had somthing holding him back some(track deflection,jetting off,etc).
Keep in mind that the newer rider forward sleds that are made for big bump ability are not as fast as the shorter travelled non rider forward sleds.
I've heard posts on here that if you add some types of cans they can hurt top end. I've heard this with Vipers as well. Most people say to leave it stock... unless you go to triple pipes.
Good note about the Rider forward sleds... was not aware of that!
cans usally are a weight loss,thats why guy's run 'em but most always you'll
gain nothing or in some cases loose HP,dyno sheets have proven that over
Yep, that's what I'm talking about.
That SRX sure sounded powerful... loudest sled of the group. Sweet sounding. The Viper sounds like a kitten compared to the SRX.
Here's a picture of what we were all riding on. Some bare stretches, and then some with a cm or so of snow. I packed snow on my running boards and never saw the temp light come on.

Well my hyfax didn't survive a 30 minute ride at 30km/h on the river last weekend... Same condition as I'm only 6 hours away. I guess continuous driving is worst then high speed 1/4 mile then stop in between passes.

Either case winter is to short to worry about 47$ worth of hyfax.
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Oh yeah, no doubt... I'm sure it needed some fine tuning and care.
Those SRX's are beasts... I was happy to be in the presence of that machine!
Had the nice Ohlins up front as well... sweet.
Nice Work AK...I'm heading to BraceBridge tomorrow...man thats an awesome top speed...as for the "cans and Pipe" mods...I'm kringing..but I think everyeone is right...I got a ceramic coated 4x4(Pipe) in my viper and saw 104mph(dreammeter) on my speedo...last year on the same spot, same lake I saw 114mph(DM)(stock exhaust)...
I'll be throwing in the can tomorrow and do a tester on 3 levels...4x4 + Can...4x4 + stock can...and stock exhaust and can...
You definetly gave me a target to work for...curious..what have you done with yer viper?...
Hey S.S. I'm heading up to the Parry Sound area again tomorrow. There's a Radar Run at Oastler Lake in Parry Sound. Just off the C trail. Starts at 10am Saturday morning. I'll be sure to check it out and run it.
I think it's only 1/4 mile or so. Last year I was doing 93mph on the gun in that span. I'm hoping the PV clean will boost this.

My Viper is stock. I have 96 studs in a V pattern, 6 inch carbides up front, and a 2" handle bar riser. Other than that it's some shock covers and trim. Nothing to make it go "faster". 4500kms on the engine.
