A GPS, flat smooth lake, some Yami's and Doos.

Back in winter 2004-2005, my buddy had a Viper with the Hauck Viper Venom kit on it. Consisted of pipes, jetting, clutching, and if I remember correctly an airbox mod. I did the install for him, but that was a while ago...LOL. Anyways, on Lake Wisconsin that winter on primo ice conditions, must of been 15-20 degrees that day if I remember right, he told me to "see what it'll do". I saw 138 on the factory speedo, might of been another 1-2 MPH in it, but that was it. Had stock track and skid with 144 studs in it. All I know, right before I let off, it felt like I was HAULING ***...
goody_700 said:
Back in winter 2004-2005, my buddy had a Viper with the Hauck Viper Venom kit on it. Consisted of pipes, jetting, clutching, and if I remember correctly an airbox mod. I did the install for him, but that was a while ago...LOL. Anyways, on Lake Wisconsin that winter on primo ice conditions, must of been 15-20 degrees that day if I remember right, he told me to "see what it'll do". I saw 138 on the factory speedo, might of been another 1-2 MPH in it, but that was it. Had stock track and skid with 144 studs in it. All I know, right before I let off, it felt like I was HAULING ***...

Yes those things really rip with pipes under the right conditions. Considering speedo error it may have been appraoching 120mph in the real world. Did that thing hold together?
