"who knows what this is for"

So, it pulls the drive axle in the direction of the chaincase allowing the speedo gear side to drop out of the tunnel ?

Sno-Xr said:
So, it pulls the drive axle in the direction of the chaincase allowing the speedo gear side to drop out of the tunnel ?
yes pulls speedo side out of bearing holder and pulls the lower bearing out of chaincase. so easy to change track. i can do a track in about 1.5 hours
maxwell said:
How about a sketch with some dimension in case someone wants to machine one up?
i would have to get someone to sketch it up for me? has anybody ever seen anything like this.
Just by looking at the tool (and the parts that I have laying around), I could probably sketch this tool up and place it in the tech section.
But then someone would have to have a means of getting it machined. I think I may machine a couple extra ones up.
I look in the catalog we have to order special tools it is no where to be found if is a Yamaha too it will have a number on it like YS-***** does it have a number if it does i can get the spec for it for you guys but I need the tool #
DARV said:
I look in the catalog we have to order special tools it is no where to be found if is a Yamaha too it will have a number on it like YS-***** does it have a number if it does i can get the spec for it for you guys but I need the tool #
it does not have a number it is homemade.
It is a tool, just homemade for me to make a track change easier. i have used it about 10 times this year for my business and it saves time. was just curios if anybody has one of the special "tools".
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So how much notice do you need to come help change my track? I will supply beer or whatever you prefer.
I like it. You should probably make a few up and sell them.
Sideshowrob said:
So how much notice do you need to come help change my track? I will supply beer or whatever you prefer.
I like it. You should probably make a few up and sell them.
i would help you no problem if you were closer. and i could sell them just dont have the time to make them up.
and what happens to the lower chain case seal when you use this?
Interested in this question aswell.. If there is no problem with re installing the seal from the inside (never tried but I will today) this tool would be a great time saver!! Thanks for the post!!!
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