Is there still a shock update for Viper's?

Mtnviper, Did You Stiffen The Spring Preloads After Revalving Your Shocks? I Had My Shocks Softened As Well And It Seems So Soft I Was Wondering If I Should Increase The Preload Some.

Hey nb viper you just ordered the packeage and they gave it to you for the $189 price ? my deal told me I can t do it anymore ? just wondering? Thanks ;)!
I just got mine in October - so yes, it is still available. yamaha told me the program would go on as long as the shock package was still available.

I tried 2 places that also said they were not still available. Keep trying - I also called Yamaha cust service and got the word directly from them. Got a phone number and name of a contact their if my dealer gave me any crap. The instalation is not included anymore...
sx600 Just got off the phone with the dealer he said he can get them but it would be $289 no installation . I Keep old shocks is this true ? or is it still $189 thanks or his he trying to make $100 on me? :WayCool:
You guys in the states ? My dealer ordered them. They said $299.00 canadian and they would cover the labour.
I'm in the states - MN to be exact. I paid $189 for shocks only, got to keep my old ones too. I still have the receipt and everything...

The part number ordered was 8FB-shock-KT-00, description was "sxviper 03 ER shock", $189.00. That makes sense - they are actually giving the 2003 shock package off an ER.
I would call yamaha cust. service and get a contact person that this dealer can call to verify the price. I did...

I suppose you could always order from another dealer - even out of state. I think the shipping would only be around $20 - then you would still be up $80 from your dealer.
What did you guys in Canada pay ? That link says it from Yamaha of USA. I am in Canada.
XRX1, I set the springs to the specs pioneer recommend. I gave them my weight, type of riding I do etc. I found them to be very close, I did play around with the center shock spring preload some for different snow conditions.

My set up for a 165 pound rider and 136" rear skid was. Front springs 10.125". center spring 8.062" rear spring 14.875". All specs with the suspension hanging free.
