I am just trying out various combo's with some old stud plates I have here to see what would work good for the SRX.Then I can figure how much to order.96 in V pattern is simple. 120 pattern I would incorporate 2 double backer.In a 144 pattern I would incorporate 4 double backers.
I am leaning to the 120 setup.This gives 10 scratch lines per section.I would stagger the next section 1/8" from the first, and next section 1/8" from that one and repeat the whole process for 30 scratch lines. I read Valin's posts and he strickly said to stick with 96,that he found it sufficient for him.I think 120 is a in between pattern that would be ideal,don't want to load up the track with 144 or more.
I am leaning to the 120 setup.This gives 10 scratch lines per section.I would stagger the next section 1/8" from the first, and next section 1/8" from that one and repeat the whole process for 30 scratch lines. I read Valin's posts and he strickly said to stick with 96,that he found it sufficient for him.I think 120 is a in between pattern that would be ideal,don't want to load up the track with 144 or more.
go with the 120 .... 2 -3-2-3-2-3- set up work awsome blue for me ..cant use double backers that way
bluemonster1 said:I am just trying out various combo's with some old stud plates I have here to see what would work good for the SRX.Then I can figure how much to order.96 in V pattern is simple. 120 pattern I would incorporate 2 double backer.In a 144 pattern I would incorporate 4 double backers.
I am leaning to the 120 setup.This gives 10 scratch lines per section.I would stagger the next section 1/8" from the first, and next section 1/8" from that one and repeat the whole process for 30 scratch lines. I read Valin's posts and he strickly said to stick with 96,that he found it sufficient for him.I think 120 is a in between pattern that would be ideal,don't want to load up the track with 144 or more.
hey blue its snow its not the time for studding something lolllllllllll

sure there is some snow out,not enough for me to go crazy on.I haven't bought my studs yet,just trying to figure out the pattern and amounts.Besides it is to cold out right now,nearly -30ish wind chill weather.I'll wait till weekend to ride,possibly more snow coming anyways.Not a great year for sledding out here.
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ok mod got ya.Thanks
bluemonster1 said:I am just trying out various combo's with some old stud plates I have here to see what would work good for the SRX.Then I can figure how much to order.96 in V pattern is simple. 120 pattern I would incorporate 2 double backer.In a 144 pattern I would incorporate 4 double backers.
I am leaning to the 120 setup.This gives 10 scratch lines per section.I would stagger the next section 1/8" from the first, and next section 1/8" from that one and repeat the whole process for 30 scratch lines. I read Valin's posts and he strickly said to stick with 96,that he found it sufficient for him.I think 120 is a in between pattern that would be ideal,don't want to load up the track with 144 or more.
IMO - 96 is way too few unless the only racing you plan to do is from a roll. Unless you can consistantly roll into the throttle and keep track spin to a minimum, I think you'll end up with bent and/or pull throughs.
Woody's used to have a formula to figure out how many studs you need per horsepower. Of course they are in the business of selling as many studs as they can so they probably error on the high side, but in my experience with too few studs they're pretty close.
I had 96 on my piped 500 Indy and they weren't enough. I think I had a 5/8" track with 3/4" studs so the penatration was/is about the same. I'm sure your SRX has more juice than my 500 did.
I put 168 in my SSX 600 project sled they stick above the lug of the track by 3/8" of an inch and I thought that was plenty but I still get track slippage of the line but sled will carry the skis about 4 inches off the round for 300 ft easily. Still am trying to get the sled suspension and clutching tuned up so hopefully it will get better.

Well got my stud template today and did a dry set up as modsrx recommended that he has used.I will be going with 120 megabite's down the center.
I'll end up with 15 scratch lines from the first 6 rows and can go on repeating it
8 more times to get around the track.
Question is..do the first 6 rows....then can I do the next 6 rows same pattern,but shift pattern to the left an 1/8 to 3/16", then do the next 6 rows ,but shift the pattern to the right an 1/8 to 3/16" from the first. and then repeat back to the first 6 rows and on.This will give me 30 scratch lines total.Will this work good???? I took some pics of the first pattern from different angles.
1-So first 6 rows...normal(as in my pics)
2-next 6 rows...slight to the left
3-next 6 rows....normal
4-next 6 rows..slight to the right
5-next 6 rows..normal
6-next 6 rows///slight to the left
7-next 6 rows..normal
8-next 6 rows..slight to the right
gives me a total of 30 scratch lines then.
I'll end up with 15 scratch lines from the first 6 rows and can go on repeating it
8 more times to get around the track.
Question is..do the first 6 rows....then can I do the next 6 rows same pattern,but shift pattern to the left an 1/8 to 3/16", then do the next 6 rows ,but shift the pattern to the right an 1/8 to 3/16" from the first. and then repeat back to the first 6 rows and on.This will give me 30 scratch lines total.Will this work good???? I took some pics of the first pattern from different angles.
1-So first 6 rows...normal(as in my pics)
2-next 6 rows...slight to the left
3-next 6 rows....normal
4-next 6 rows..slight to the right
5-next 6 rows..normal
6-next 6 rows///slight to the left
7-next 6 rows..normal
8-next 6 rows..slight to the right
gives me a total of 30 scratch lines then.
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harness racer
New member
Blue now you will have to realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly remember the doly eh!

yeah yeah harness.......that I won't forget,but no damage done.Is my theory right about the studding pattern.I want to mark the track tomorrow and drill it.My studs should be in on Friday,,pop them in and test.If only they was more snow...
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where's mod//pascal.....are you out there somewhere?????????
where's mod//pascal.....are you out there somewhere?????????

I noticed the wood's template will not drop down completely on 6 rows of track due to some lugs thicker at base.So I'll have to mark a row,lift up template and shift down to next pitch and so on.Never expected that unless I trim the template in certain areas to allow it to sit down flat on all 6 pitches.Also noticed that some of the stud under side will be above the 2 center wheels of axle,guess that is normal as wheel will just roll on by.This studding will not be as easy as I thought.No real room to get drill in from top of track.Do I really have to remove the middle and back bolts to drop suspension down to expose track more and allow more room?????

borrow a right angle drill from someone, or buy one, i always like an excuse to buy a new tool

it is -40 wind chill temps out here now.Lucky I have heat on in the garage to do this..not like some who do all there work outside in a carport or in the elements.
I just want to do it proper the first time..that's all.
I just want to do it proper the first time..that's all.

I thgink the template is a waste of time.I am gonna have to mark by hand the locations.Seem if I start in the wrong row,the backers on the 6th row end up up against some of the lugs and not flat.Guess I'll be sorting this out all day now.Thought it was an easy 2 hour job.....

bluemonster1 said:it is -40 wind chill temps out here now.Lucky I have heat on in the garage to do this..not like some who do all there work outside in a carport or in the elements.
I just want to do it proper the first time..that's all.
-40 eh. That system's probobly coming my way soon.

well well..I can send some good wind down your way to test your warm carport..... 

stagg,,it was easy as pie to drill them holes.Marked everything from on top.Raised sled up with my block and tackle,put a nice blanket on the garage floor ,laid down on it and drilled from under the track..no problem..no new drills..lollll.PU studs Friday and install same day.To bad not much snow out to fully test.I will have to get to the River where there is a base and PIN IT!!!!!
I just went from picked track to 1.25 predator carve track and all I can say WOW!!!!!!!!!, I can count stars from a launch to 500 ft no problem I just need to adjust the suspension a little bit to get the front end down it's about a 1.5ft in the air