2011's released

I think the thing that pissed me off the most was no Johnny Skeptical and Bunny. O.K. to heck with Johnny just bring out Bunny. Now if Bunny came with the sled maybe the price wouldn't be that bad. Wonder if the wife would make me keep her in the garage with the sled.
Well put Stretch!!! I'm currently in the market for a newer truck and my price range is about what a new sled costs, wtf!!! That sled won't get me to work everyday to pay my bills. Its pretty bad when you have to damn there remortgage the house to put a new sled in the garage. lol
Thats for sure 15,000 is to much for a sled I would love a new nytro or apex but I also could use a new truck first. Can't believe for 15,000 that it doesnt have a heated seat. They advertise how they hold there resale value hard to believe when you see nyto after nytro all year long for 6,000 to 6,500 and up for low mileage 08 and 09 that like 4,000 less than new. I am not switching brands but not buying new either have to wait for a good low mileage used one.
yes I did notice that the weights weren't given.I guess so that BRP and other brands don't take shots at Yamaha for the heaviness of the 4-strokes.BRP might make another video showing how much lighter and faster they are.loll
This may be the beginning of the end.With economies struggling,sales dropping..there may not need to be a push for anything better.Once they get to a point where it is not feasible anymore,they will stop manufacturing.As it was mentioned in another thread last week,all 4 sled companies are feeling the pinch.BRP is on the brink of seeing if it is worth producing.Yamaha sells more Piano's then sleds,Polaris was the stronger one because of a Gov. contract somewhere and Cat to was suffering.It just may be the sign of the times coming.I want a Grand Piano with a 700 motor..that,s all...lolll. All these companies make other products,thus the product that starts to loose money may be on the chopping block.There are a lot of used sleds out there,and there prices may start climbing..just like the Auto's..things changed there.
The units are still pre production ones, so even the test mules might change weight and hp figures when they are made as actual production machines in summer.

This is standard for all the manufacturers.

I bet the new apex is lighter than the old one, despite the extra goodys.
I cannot see Yamaha, or BRP stop producing, They are the biggest company's, fattest wallets. Arctic is the smallest. They do have a following, and cost the least amount. Polaris, is lean and able to withstand the economic downturn. Yamaha went in a direction of 4 stroke a few years ago when the economy was wildly great. Now, money is really tight, and they do not have a low cost sled for the average rider. They will loose owners to another manufacturer. Yamaha needs to get another sled to get excitment back where most can afford. A 600 or 700 4 stroke which is same cost as competition would have been nice. Al
The only one of the big 4 that I could see stop making sleds is Arctic cat. Cat itself has gone under only a few years ago they don't do anything really outside of recreational vehicles, and all that they do they rely heavily on Suzuki. Suzuki has a lot of money problems in the recreational vehicles department so that won't help either.

If Suzuki trims the fat (sled motors or even making the 4 wheeler motors and parts for cats) from the slow sled sales of cats, then cat, even if they can stay solvent, won't have a motor to put in their chassis.

Plus, as it is, cat is the smallest manufacturer by a long shot, and has the least amount of cash to outlay.
Buddy ordered new Apex Monday night w/out pricing! Crazy SOB. Dealer told him about the EPS but also said she banged out 180hp !?

Didn't I read somewhere about an OEM supercharger or something to that effect on the new Apex? :dunno:
180 hp still doesn't justify a $15,000 +freight and prep+tax price tag on it. My buddy just bought a left over crossfire 1000 and it came with 162 hp but with a few tweaks he has it at 200 hp and paid TOTAL out the door $10,500. Not saying I like Cats but he got way more sled for way less money. Yamaha is smoking crack if they think they will sell a lot of these :o|
Where are Yamahas beginners sleds?

I am mostly dissappointed with Yamaha not making anything smaller than an 80hp sled. My sons grew up on Yamis. Bravo, Ovation, SS440, Phazer, and it just kept going. Now, for my Grandson, I am forced to look at another brand that makes smaller sleds. Yamaha is really missing the FAMILY thing, they say it is a family sport, but don't accomodate the family. The utility sled is also a thing of the past. I get it that most of the sales and monies are in the sporting class, but come on, if the youngster starts out on a Poo or Doo, they just may want to stay there.
As far as what they did with their current sleds, I'm ok with it. Except waaaay too pricey.
stretchSXV said:
180 hp still doesn't justify a $15,000 +freight and prep+tax price tag on it. My buddy just bought a left over crossfire 1000 and it came with 162 hp but with a few tweaks he has it at 200 hp and paid TOTAL out the door $10,500. Not saying I like Cats but he got way more sled for way less money. Yamaha is smoking crack if they think they will sell a lot of these :o|

"Not saying I like Cats but he got way more sled for way less money."

yeah, i think someone is smoking crack all right.....
I will never buy a new cat..But I won't buy a new Yami either. I'll put a down payment on a house instead. WTF!! Good thing I'm not a fan of the 4 strokes.Time to try out a Doo.
You can buy an M8 with a turbo installed for less then a stock nytro mtx 162!!! Yamaha=epic fail!!!!
With how much sleds depreciate, I will probably just buy either slightly used, and under warranty, or a left over. That is unless I can get my break I need finally.

A 12k sport bike keeps its value well, but a 12k sled is worth half that in like 4 years.
Thumper1 said:
"Not saying I like Cats but he got way more sled for way less money."

yeah, i think someone is smoking crack all right.....

I wish I was than I could sit here and talk about the almighty Yamaha and how they are so good and 15gs is well spent and keep up the good work yamaha. EPS is the way of the future LMFAO
:o| Trust me I thought Cat's were junk until my buddy bought one and he beats the snot out of his sleds and the kicker is he only runs walmart oil in them. 2 years so far on his 1000 and only issue is a blown belt. Just under 5,000 miles. ;)! so yeah he got more of a sled for less money
go figure!!!!!But Cat is US based product,with the Yami's it is Japenese built and there are duties.tariffs,exchange..whatever involved also.If you guys feel the costs are to high in the USA...try buying one here in Canada..they really put the boots to us..I think most of us in Canada have figured it out already and a lot have bought sleds from across the border.I buy all my parts from the USA,if I didn't..I would be more broke then ever paying the prices here..which are basically ending up being like double the price.Feel sorry for us here..it isn't fair.
stretchSXV said:
I wish I was than I could sit here and talk about the almighty Yamaha and how they are so good and 15gs is well spent and keep up the good work yamaha. EPS is the way of the future LMFAO
:o| Trust me I thought Cat's were junk until my buddy bought one and he beats the snot out of his sleds and the kicker is he only runs walmart oil in them. 2 years so far on his 1000 and only issue is a blown belt. Just under 5,000 miles. ;)! so yeah he got more of a sled for less money

I'm still missing the "more sled" part.....
