Hey guys' maybe someone has come across this before,while driving on a perfecty flat snow covered street my sled takes off to the left if I let the bars go!I did a ski alignment,steering post under the exhaust looks centered,tie rods look close(thread dist.)spindle attachment look in line to the trailing arms,handle bars are straight,go figure?Any suggestions would be great.
New member
maybe a wearbar is missing carbides or is bent, or maybe one ski is worn more than the other, if the right side is wore down, or missing carbide, the sled will pull to the left
Well the ideas are good, but the best is that the skis are new with new carbides on them.My right side had a twisted spindle and a slightly bent tie rod, both were replaced,the trailing arm was dented slightly on the same side but I straightened it.This shouldn't make it pull to the left though!
your track may not be perfectly aligned
or the skid isnt square with the tunnel.
New member
WHOA relax he is trying to figure it out, and most sleds wont do 115 FYI. Your offensive language is uncalled for, and a seasons worth of riding will change a lot I know i am constantly tinkering.This site and the people on it are a very helpful resource.He is in the right place. Why would you tell someone to go buy a new sled when they're track might be misaligned? Why would you replace something you can fix? Your use of profane language just proves to me and everyone else that you have no idea what you are talking about. Opinions like that are not needed in this sport! Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't have something positive to say don't say anything?
New member
Uh.... dont attack me here, but I though he stated above "My right side had a twisted spindle and a slightly bent tie rod, both were replaced"
Am I wrong then that he DOESN'T have a bent tie rod anymore????
Am I wrong then that he DOESN'T have a bent tie rod anymore????
New member
drive shaft bearing may be bad
your right im wrong thats y i removed my thread but im am not above admitting when im dumb and or being an idiot problem is i am a VERY honest person and when i missed that little tidbit(how i dont know) it infuriated me because it is repairs like that, that end up killing people( i lost a friend in a car accident due to tie rod so i have my reasons for being so outspoken) but like i said I MISREAD IM THE IDIOT IN THIS SITUATION but my intentions were good i didnt want to see him get hurt, but obviously hes smarter than that and thats not the problem @needsnow2go bro I have a solid mechanical background Im not the know all be all for sleds for sure but ive been building civics(hence the sn)riding sled (and doing all my own repairs including full rebuilds in past)and atvs since i was about 12 years old(obviously i started on easier projects and progressed)but I did my first B16 swap when i was 15(23 now bud)when did you first start wrenching and who taught you(i had my grandfather, a respected car restorer in carolina, for guidence on any project i felt i needed his help with, but most of my knowledge is self taught out of factory manuals and just getting down and dirty and doing it myself i had my trials and tribulations for sure that same B16 was also my first turbo project when i turned 17 and i blew it up due to lack of tuning on the ecu(but now with the help of a friend Ive been tuning all my own setups now using hondata and im not paying someone else to do it,so i consider my first blown B16 a worthy sacrafice in my quest to learn all things vehicular,because sure i could of just sent it to someone and had them dial in my a/f ratios,ignition curves etc. but by trial and error and with the help of a friend I eventually learned what i was doing and dont get me wrong i still have alot to learn for sure but i will never stop searching for more knowledge)point is you dont know me dude and you assume because I like to curse that I dont know what im talking about I may have started my argument based on my misreading of his thread but my information was not incorrect, so you have nothing with that argument, look like i said im just honest thats all one , two I speak how I feel anyone who tip toes around words is fraudulant to themselves if you want to say soemthing, say it at least if nothing else no one could ever question your integrity because it should be obvious to them at that point that you dont bullshit and you dont hold back. put it this way i would rather someone tell me to my face that I was a pathetic chump to them than fill my ears with B.S. just because they ,like you, care to much about what someone might think.again just being honest if you dont like me I cant say i blame you because initially this is MY fault , but at least im forward with you.
NEEDSNOW2GO said:WHOA relax he is trying to figure it out, and most sleds wont do 115 FYI. Your offensive language is uncalled for, and a seasons worth of riding will change a lot I know i am constantly tinkering.This site and the people on it are a very helpful resource.He is in the right place. Why would you tell someone to go buy a new sled when they're track might be misaligned? Why would you replace something you can fix? Your use of profane language just proves to me and everyone else that you have no idea what you are talking about. Opinions like that are not needed in this sport! Didn't your parents teach you that if you don't have something positive to say don't say anything?
Huh?? What did I miss here?
New member
i made a comment on an unecessary thread that was posted and already deleted after the writer reread it and decided it may have been too harsh and or may have missed some important facts in the reading of the original help thread no worries theres snow so i need 2 go
check the W arm, could be cracked and flexing, I would also check the drive axle bearing for extreme wear. Did you check alignment while you were sitting on the machine or lifted in air? I always try to get the same weight person setting on the machine for proper alignment. Al
Keep it grease ball!
I was off line but I see there was some conflicting opinions for an answer to my question.I didn't realize I logged onto the Jerry Springer show! Keep your lame opinions in your minuit space between your ears,there are intelligent people on this site that know how to help out.....

New member
any luck yet?
If I recall in a thread there was talk of having the ski's level to the floor,meaning putting a level on them.I can recall my left one bieng out about 1/2 inch so I'm going to go back and check that spindle maybe it's got a bend in it.Who knows when you buy used what your getting!!! I'll let you know.....

come on got to figure this thing out...How's the snow up your way??Pretty good down South now.Finally Winter has arrived and we can sled our azz's off now.Keep us informed of your progress. 

KAPUSTA said:If I recall in a thread there was talk of having the ski's level to the floor,meaning putting a level on them.I can recall my left one bieng out about 1/2 inch so I'm going to go back and check that spindle maybe it's got a bend in it.Who knows when you buy used what your getting!!! I'll let you know.....
If camber, toe and any obvious things like bent carbide check out up front you may have some movement in the skid. Has it been out and all bushings gone over. If the skid has never been out I'd start there.
Check to see if your limiter straps are the same. May be putting more pressure on one side.
Hey guys thanks for any suggestions they all help! I'm still on working days so Wed. I'll get at 'er,i'll make her run true!Snows' not bad here Bluemonster,rough as H though can't open her up like a guy would like to but with this warm weather it'll settle,then look out!
New member
When you check you ski alignment, it is important to have a rider sitting on the sled. I believe BETHEVIPER postedthe technique for aligning the skis with the track in the technical pages. If the front spring pressure and therefore the spring deflection was different on each side of the sled, it might be biased to turn one way. You'd need a person of comparable weight to be sitting on the sled during the alignment process.