89 Exciter Tripple Build

Getting ready for ice!!! Taking out the wahl and putting in a 128 Proline this year. Will post pics when in.
Never ran this sled with a 700 motor. Its been a 800 since built. Its 160ish. But only trail ported for now...
hey, thats my old proline skid....lol

You did a nice job on this sled. ;)!

I love sleepers....they never see'em comin. :2strokes:
Good eye Don, yes that is your old tar skid. Pulled it out last week and just finished installing a proline ice skid today. Also pulled motor today for a few internal improvements! Will install a few pics later next week when ready for ice.
thats an amazing looking setup. I would love to see that set up and trail worthy :) pulling up to that at the pumps would make me smile for sure lol!
Pic with the proline in!

Update: More porting and new exhaust flanges/pipe config. +15 hp

Sled is running great this year. running mid 1.2 60 ft. and pulling strong down track. Have beat a ton of new sleds this year already. Will be going to lake cadillac this weekend in anyone wants to see this thing in action. Keeping 2-stoke Yamaha's alive!!!
God damn that was one hell of a sled!!! I wish mine were in that shape, ok i´m working on it but i would´nt come close to that!
