89 Exciter Tripple Build

Bigger and better plans for the exciter...union bay 944+nitrous...Will keep you updated!
Moving into a new direction. Plan on keeping the exciter the way it is and keep improving on it and build another exciter. I know, like we need another sled! This one with consist of an exciter chassis with a v-max 4 alum. front end, 136 suspension, 944 union bay motor, jaws pipes and a big bottle! Again, will keep everyone up to date.


The thought crossed my mind but WOW. truely amazing build! would love to see some more footage this year!

Keep us all posted.

Inspiration for sure, thanks for sharing!
Ice racing season is officially over. Had a great year running the exciter. With the new jaws pipes and more porting we picked up 15 more hp. The sled is getting to be a real contender. Almost to good. The motor/pipe combo is running 5.7's and has more left in it. Its time to put the motor in a sx chassis and run with the big boys. But dont think were going to let the exciter go to waste, she is getting a transplant. 1000cc price motor will fit right in there nicely. Just some more countless hours of pipe building. lol. Will post some pics and a video also.
Handle bar... ?

sxr-x said:
What handle bar do you use ?
I hate the stock handlebar on all Exciter's !
Sorry guys, uploaded with phone and automatically set video to private. Settings have been changed and is public.


Lasse- They are stock handlebars just heated up and straitened
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Hav'nt got to the 944 project yet. Wanted to see where power was at with the 38 tmx carbs we ran last year on ice and came up with 185 hp and 99tq @ 10,000, still playing with the slp 800 sx motor. Motor is out and making an attempt to find a little more, going to try some bigger 48/52 crankshop carbs also
