This coming season more then ever, you better keep an eye on your jetting/piston wash as your getting even more diluted down fuel!! Youll need to jet up and mix gas for any kind of 2 stroke sled. The ethanol makes for a hotter burning fuel and this is what leads to detonation and wrecking your engine. I wouldnt be suprised to see a whole list of threads of blown up sleds here. I love these guys in office!
Direct copy of another article: "The SAN is opposing the initiative due to concerns that the additional content will harm automobiles of all ages, including special interest collector and historic vehicles. Ethanol increases water formation in the fuel system, especially when the vehicle sits over a period of time. Under these conditions, formic acid is created which corrodes metals, plastics and rubber. Ethanol also causes engines to burn hotter which could lead to premature engine and equipment failure. The EPA has no procedure in place to adequately protect against misfueling or to ensure that gasoline with no ethanol will continue to be available for owners of older vehicles."
This means snowmobiles(2 strokes) which are even more sensative to this fuel diluting!! Also, theres your reason for the little fuzzy/white gunk now found in your carbs every year!!
This means snowmobiles(2 strokes) which are even more sensative to this fuel diluting!! Also, theres your reason for the little fuzzy/white gunk now found in your carbs every year!!
For vehichles made from 2007 and later. Would hardly affect ANY of the vehicles on this site. The newest of the newest around here is from like 2005? Yes but I see, I guess they do not have own pumps for vehicles older than that and no I haven't read the whole thing
98.9999% of every snowmobiler out there gets gas from a automotive gas station. Once this fuel sees the pumps, the blown up engines in snowmobiles,boats,weed whips,leaf blowers,scooters,chainsaws will likely double. you can take that to the bank. I bet its already better then 10%, hence just the amount of stock sleds here burned down last year. This just gives them more leverage to keep upping the amount.
hey, its the american way, lets pay more and get less quality!
hey, its the american way, lets pay more and get less quality!

New member
Well hopefully they leave it as is here in Canada, 87 has 10% 89 has 5% and 91 has 0!!! I guess you really dont know what your getting anyway but I stick to the newer gas stations. What about shell vpower? Suppose to be nitrogen enriched.

I guess we all dump our 2-strokes and are forced to go 4-stroke..not likely.The prices of new sleds here is outrageous.Maybe once sales start dropping more for the manufacturers,some of them may drop out of the industry.Yamaha doesn't really need to sell sleds to make money,they make a lot thru their musical instrument division.If they drop the sleds tomorrow..they wouldn't even notice a difference.I remember one of the TY members on here met with a Yamaha Rep a while back and that's what the Rep stated..that they don't even need to sell sleds.Older sleds keeps new comers riding,if we all had to put out the $$ the 4-strokes are costing,watch the industry change.Here is Winnipeg an Apex is nearly $18.000 not including tax yet..can't afford that for a few months of riding..
I can see a lot of people switching over to Quads then.
I can see a lot of people switching over to Quads then.
New member
Yup, I went with premium all year last, and when my dad cleaned my carbs just last week, he was shocked at how clean they were, and lack of gunk in them at all. I had also put a fuel filter on my line, and replaced it as well, since it is only a few bucks.
If I can keep that up, I will be happy.
If I can keep that up, I will be happy.
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Bluemonster2 said:What about shell vpower? Suppose to be nitrogen enriched.
I've thought about Shell V power. Nitrogen is an inert gas and probably does absolutely ZERO. I don't really see how it could. I could be wrong though.
Will be useing STAR-TRON religously this year.
i think the gaz in states are worst than here in canada
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
bluemonster1 said:Yamaha doesn't really need to sell sleds to make money,they make a lot thru their musical instrument division.
Isn't that a different brother on the musical side of Yamaha?
Active member
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go green or go home loll

New member
mrviper700 said:This coming season more then ever, you better keep an eye on your jetting/piston wash as your getting even more diluted down fuel!! Youll need to jet up and mix gas for any kind of 2 stroke sled. The ethanol makes for a hotter burning fuel and this is what leads to detonation and wrecking your engine. I wouldnt be suprised to see a whole list of threads of blown up sleds here. I love these guys in office!![]()
ADM has a long history of generously padding the pockets of both sides of the fence. More money, more money...

I bet those crooks will try to charge us even more when they up the ethenal in the pump

gas prices have one way to go and that is up.When it hits $10/gallon..everything will stop.I'll just get a horse and a sliegh then....
New member
Some misconceptions here.
Ethanol is NOT a hotter burning fuel. Gas is a mix of a lot of different chemicals. All other things the same (for example, like the number of chemical bonds between the carbon atoms) the higher the number of carbons in a molecule, the hotter the fuel burns. Ethanol has only two carbons, and a single bond between the two. Acteylene had two carbons just like ethanol, but has triple bonds between the two. Guess which burns hotter? Ever try welding with a tank of ethanol, or do prefer acteylene?
All things being equal, the longer the chain length ( or another way to put it is the higher the number of carbons in the chain), the hotter the fuel. Methanol with one carbon doesn't burn as hot as ethanol with two carbons and gas has a mixture of molecules with a LOT higher number of carbons.
Think about this. E-85 is 85% ethanol. It's cheaper than the lowest grade gas because why....???? Because it doesn't burn as hot. If it burned hotter than regular gas you would get better mileage than even the lowest grade of regular gas....and that .....would be a hell of a bargain.
True....the higher the ethanol content, the more water that can be absorved in the fuel. The techinical reason is called hydrogen bonding. Which is yet another reason that fuel containing ethanol doesn't burn as hot as regular gas. Water burns how well???
Ethanol is NOT a hotter burning fuel. Gas is a mix of a lot of different chemicals. All other things the same (for example, like the number of chemical bonds between the carbon atoms) the higher the number of carbons in a molecule, the hotter the fuel burns. Ethanol has only two carbons, and a single bond between the two. Acteylene had two carbons just like ethanol, but has triple bonds between the two. Guess which burns hotter? Ever try welding with a tank of ethanol, or do prefer acteylene?
All things being equal, the longer the chain length ( or another way to put it is the higher the number of carbons in the chain), the hotter the fuel. Methanol with one carbon doesn't burn as hot as ethanol with two carbons and gas has a mixture of molecules with a LOT higher number of carbons.
Think about this. E-85 is 85% ethanol. It's cheaper than the lowest grade gas because why....???? Because it doesn't burn as hot. If it burned hotter than regular gas you would get better mileage than even the lowest grade of regular gas....and that .....would be a hell of a bargain.
True....the higher the ethanol content, the more water that can be absorved in the fuel. The techinical reason is called hydrogen bonding. Which is yet another reason that fuel containing ethanol doesn't burn as hot as regular gas. Water burns how well???
I like how they say ADM won't see any near term benefit yet they're stock price goes up 1.6 % the day the news comes out.
And how does one specify the fuel for 2007 and later model year vehicles?
How many 2006 and earlier MY vehicle owners look at the pump for the advertised ethanol content?
Agreed, we'll be putting E15 in our sleds whether we know it or not unless we're filling up at boat docks. How many marinas are open in the winter?
Without Uncle Sugar's subsidies, the ethanol industry would crumble.
Can you say $8.00 a pound for ground-round?
And how does one specify the fuel for 2007 and later model year vehicles?
How many 2006 and earlier MY vehicle owners look at the pump for the advertised ethanol content?
Agreed, we'll be putting E15 in our sleds whether we know it or not unless we're filling up at boat docks. How many marinas are open in the winter?
Without Uncle Sugar's subsidies, the ethanol industry would crumble.
Can you say $8.00 a pound for ground-round?
New member
Saskatchewan Ethanol
I live in Saskatchewan. We have had ethanol for a few years now.I have a 2000 SRX jetted stock and a 1998 VMax 700 jetted stock. I have been riding them for a three years now. All they see is 87 octane with 10% ethanol(all we can get most places). The elevation is 1300ft and rarely are rode below -25 C. I cleaned the carbs when I bought them. I put a good shot of sea foam in the fuel on the last ride. I start them once a month over the summer. I have had zero problems. Not trying to start something, just passing on what I have seen.
I live in Saskatchewan. We have had ethanol for a few years now.I have a 2000 SRX jetted stock and a 1998 VMax 700 jetted stock. I have been riding them for a three years now. All they see is 87 octane with 10% ethanol(all we can get most places). The elevation is 1300ft and rarely are rode below -25 C. I cleaned the carbs when I bought them. I put a good shot of sea foam in the fuel on the last ride. I start them once a month over the summer. I have had zero problems. Not trying to start something, just passing on what I have seen.
WNR18 said:I live in Saskatchewan. We have had ethanol for a few years now.I have a 2000 SRX jetted stock and a 1998 VMax 700 jetted stock. I have been riding them for a three years now. All they see is 87 octane with 10% ethanol(all we can get most places). The elevation is 1300ft and rarely are rode below -25 C. I cleaned the carbs when I bought them. I put a good shot of sea foam in the fuel on the last ride. I start them once a month over the summer. I have had zero problems. Not trying to start something, just passing on what I have seen.
I can't speak to Canadian fuel and we've had 10% in most Michigan fuel for some time as well, but over the past three or four years I've been busiest at the start of the season with... you guessed it, detonation burn downs due in most part to stored fuel. Also a lot of "won't idle" complaints.
Don, I think you're gonna be busy this season.
I see some of you guys think products like Star-tron etc just magically removes or converts the ethanol. LOL! Most snake oil products add to it, as many of them also contain alcohol. The ONLY safe product to put in your fuel is Stabil! Green marine formula is best. Here in Ontario Canada the only stations with safe premium grade fuel are Shell, Esso, Canadian Tire, and 7/11 (Esso) Sunoco/petroCan 94 gold is full of ethanol and should be avoided. If you have no choice other than PetroCan, use a mid grade. We also have stations here called UPI, which have a big cob of corn right on their roadside sign, and I see sleds pulling up to these pumps! The biggest problem with ethanol inside your engine is that ethanol is an excellent cleaner. It washes the oil off of all the metal parts in your engine. The most critical being the connecting rod bearings. I repair sleds for a living, and have seen a sharp increase in the amount of sleds with blown bottom ends in the last couple of years. Ethanol, as long as it is treated with stabilizer will keep your carbs amazingly clean it's that good a cleaner! So if you think your doing so great 'cause your carbs are always so're using shit fuel