Electrical problem?? At wits end!

Finally found a cdi box, coming from the states, will post results when I get the box installed. I also want to cut the epoxy off the back of my old box just to see what the hell is in there that looks like bits and pieces of plastic :)
Had this same problem with an '83 VMAX. Under 20F it would not start (CDI fired all cylinders each rev on this model) but above 20F it would start and run fine. Started looking for the problem and found that when it was colder than 20F all I had to do was get the heat gun out and warm up the CDI to get it to start. Changed out the CDI and it ran fine from then on at all temps.
I am betting that there is a problem with the circuit for cylinder 2 but, as the CDI heats up from controlling cylinders 1 & 3 it then starts to fire cyl 2 once it gets to a certain temp.
Thats what Im guessing to, I tested everything else so to me this is the problem.... When I find out for sure that it is, the old cdi box is being placed on a block of wood, and a special message will be sent to it in the form of 210 grain slug for causing me so many headaches and lost nights sleep :) hahaha
Dunno yet, havnt got the part yet, coming from chippewa falls lol, should be here hopefully within a week. Wont know for sure until it gets real cold out though cuz thats the only time it acted up.
Skidooslayer687 said:
Dunno yet, havnt got the part yet, coming from chippewa falls lol, should be here hopefully within a week. Wont know for sure until it gets real cold out though cuz thats the only time it acted up.

:nos: perfect hope it will help
Do like we do when repairing electronics......buy a can of freeze mist at the local electronics store. Spray freeze mist on CDI while running and see if one hole goes dead.

By the way, I had a Yamaha Virago motorcycle I bought new that did the exact same thing after about 2k miles. Drove me nuts finding the issue (CDI).
Finally got the cdi box on, plug in and pulled plugs out and pulled engine over, got a solid spark on all the plugs. The real test will come in january when its really cold out, hopefully it doesnt act up! Just thought id post an update!
Another Update: Fired sled up today for first time after putting all other parts I had off back on. Fired Up without hesitation or anything, on all 3, runs very strong! Hopefully I have the problem fixed, keeping my fingers crossed! Maybe be able to get out for a ride next monday to do some more testing!

So Ive done some testing, been riding as much as I can with the limited snow we have....

Seems that I have got the problem fixed, sled fires up strong, runs strong, no issues with it dropping a cylinder at all. I've tried starting it and running it when it was -27 outside, fired up real nice, 4 pulls and away she went.

Hopefully this thread will help someone else out with the same issue, or at least give them something to start with :)

Thanks a lot for all the input and testing suggestions guys!
