Lets see your Mountain Sled..

Ha Backwoods!! To be perfectly honest I did a lot of research on how you did yours. I ended up leaving the whole seat together just to see if I liked it. This summer I might end up trimming it down, it's plenty long and I occasionally hit my shin/foot on the end of it when I'm transferring from side to side.
2002 144X2 soon to be 159 x .125 track


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this is my 97/2000 mm 700 triple, i bought the motor off of here, and built her from scratch, she got the rs 144 suspension 141 2 inch challenger, anti rachets, head gasket mod, reed spacers, 6 inch wide yamaha skis, 7 inch fly raisers with pro taper bars and pivot adaptor, power mad extentions, and 18 top gear with reverse all done buy a 16 year old and purchased by a 16 year old. it started as 1 97mm, and got a 2000 500 fan cooled venture body, had to change all the steering, well the thing was all scrapped, and put together, but this is a photo of it taken apart before:
and this is after

Wich front shock is it ??
Is it from viper ??
Srx mountain

Here's my little blue girl. I love this sled! 98 srx mountain, 136x1/2" camoplast intense track, bender can, power block 80 clutch, apex skis, cb performance carbides(best carbides you can buy!!!), Billet grab handles, billet gas cap. 16000kliks! Likes 800 etecs for breakfast.


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I'll have to post pick of my sleds once I get them out of the trailer. They have been sitting for 7 years or so. I am making a custom SRX style hood to fit my MM belly pans. I hate the look of the MM hood. I made a mold from my SRX hood. Then I made a partial hood of the SRX. I am in the process of grafting it onto the MM hood to make a mold from it. I also have picked up some more lightweight parts to add to it. I have Phazer Fox float 2 ski shocks coming on Tuesday. I also picked up a Timbersled Mountain Tamer skid. I need to redo the cooling edge on the '97 MM and my '98 MTN SRX. I am thinking I might open the boards up like the new sleds...................SRXtreme
