mrviper700 said:now, since you found the problem what you need to do is take a peice of wet dry sandpaper, place it on the kitchen counter or for sure smooth level surface(best when wife isnt home) and drip some water on it, something like 320 grit is good. Take the head and lay it on the paper and make small figure 8's with it, rinse it off and see if the surface is evenly cleaned off. If it is its ok and needs nothing but new o-rings to be good to go, it it leaves areas, youll need it skim cut. You can do the same thing with the cylinder upside down if you tear it down that far, it could just be a weak o-ring, have alot of miles on it?
I might have some new o-rings out in the shop, I surely could get them mailed to you before Christmas.
I use a small glass cutting board momma doesn't use any more which is small enough for a full sheet of 320 to be folded over the edge and taped to the underside.
kirk700 srx
Ok so the sled is working like a bag of crap, I know that much.I changed the mag side ignition coil, I just plugged in a new one to try it and it ran on all 3. So I thought I had it figured out. I hauled off the carbs ,changed the coil bolted it up replaced the carbs and breather box took it out for a spin and it ran like a bag of $hit again! Is it possible for something to be blowing the ignition coils? Maybe my CDI is bad! anyone have a suggestion?
kirk700 srx
Also I noticed the sled is not burning the gas thats running through it the plug is wet and there is gas and oil in the pipe!
kirk700 srx
F@$k it im buying a new sled, I had enough of this lemon! at least the wife will have some more parts for her sled! Fx Nytro it is!
cool it man!!!!
New member
You'll get it figured out its just gonna take some time. When is it running like crap now? Is the mag cylinder just dead all together?
kirk700 srx
Not completely dead it fires on the mag every now and then.but when I changed the ignition coil it fired on all 3 ran great and then it died again!
kirk is there any corrosion on the coil bracket where that coil bolts on? should take that coil off again and sand the areas that that the coil contact the bracket and the two surfaces on the coil that contact the bracket.could be as simple as a poor ground.
kirk700 srx
It could be, Sled ran fine without the coil attached to the bracket. I just plugged it in and left it hanging to try it, but when i bolted it on it ran like crap again what would cause that ?