Does anyone wish that Yamaha........

Light weight, big bump chassis ,140hp 2-stroke! Id be an owner for sure!
Hey speaking of HP what kind of hp does a 2004 Yamaha SX Venom ER have and will it handle the moguls???
I'm looking for my new Yammi at the end of this season!!!

It will be 2-stroke, and newer, that leaves me one option...... Viper.....

I would LOVE to be able to buy a brand new full smoke rocket!!!
it killed me that yamaha went away from 2 strokes completly. i always tell people that my viper is the last of it's kind ever made. my dad went with a warrior in 05 and to be honest nobody liked it.(except on the lake in curtis! no one beat him to the other side!) we both have bought xp renegades now(mine '10 his '11) because that was the only carbed 2 stroke left on the market.
