Poor fitting BOSS Seat


New member
Oct 17, 2010
Madison, WI
put on the new and improved BOSS seat (so they say).... it's a little dissapointing to say the least. i was expecting a more "custom" fit. the material is extremely tight around the gas filler neck (will probably start to crack and eventually bust off.) there is a 2" gap where the seat meets the tank, and about half way up, there is a large void as well.

i was told a viper fuel tank is a direct fit replacement. i will be getting one!! on a positive note, it is super comfy, and there is tons of room in the storage compartment!


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It's not going to fit any differently on a Viper tank. They are the same shape. It would fit a lit better if your snaps were mounted farther forward. You've got it too far back.

Madmatt said:
It's not going to fit any differently on a Viper tank. They are the same shape. It would fit a lit better if your snaps were mounted farther forward. You've got it too far back.


Actually Madmatt the issue is that the foam inside the cover doesn't fit to the tank worth a darn and the snaps have to be positioned that way or you will put to much stress on the cover trying to snug things up.

I have never had one of the new generation seats but I have had about 5 of the older style. I always mounted mine about 3/4 to 1" farther ahead of where this one is mounted. There was never a gap like that with my older style seats. But if the foam underneath prevents you from getting it pushed ahead any more than that I can understand what you are saying......and yes, that is not a great fit.

I had last years "new generation" seat on my viper, and i got mine to fit closer to the tank then yours, but still not a perfect fit. I almost wanted to do a little trimming on the foam, but i figured i did not want to destroy a $400 seat just incase I got a little "trim happy".
I have an older version and a real older version and they both fit like crap. The company is all about light weight, good ride and those are the only two things they are. Atleast the cost went down on them. Dont leave it out in the sun, it will fade and yes, the top piece will rip.

The first one I got from matt, (see dumb guy above) It didn't fitt good and the vinal was faded but I just figured it was because it was old, then I got one last year for my daughter that was in new condition and it faded in about a month of being outside before storing and it just doesnt fit good and the neck is pulling just sitting there and pulls more when you sit on it. They do ride good though
My new Boss seat also has that same gap, I unzipped the cover underneath and it is where the foam was cut is why the seat does not fit more snugly to the tank. I think I might trim my foam to try and make the fit a little nicer.
viper48 said:
My new Boss seat also has that same gap, I unzipped the cover underneath and it is where the foam was cut is why the seat does not fit more snugly to the tank. I think I might trim my foam to try and make the fit a little nicer.

I thought that the foam was hitting down at the gas tank flange (where the tank bolts to the tunnel) but it isn't really the issue (I trimmed it back). The contour on the front edge of the foam does not match the tank contour very well and after seeing how hard it is to cut on the foam without screwing it up royally I was afraid to try to sculpt on it.
My son took his Viper out for a test run with the new seat. He now wants the original back on. I agreed with him as it is his choice. I was a little diss appointed but he is the one riding it, not me. I am out $400.00 but who knows maybe later on he will want it back on. Al
I just bought one of the new generation seats as well, But haven't installed it yet. I think I'd be pissed too If mine fit like that.
Just installed mine last night on my viper. Not a perfect fit by all means, but I'm not too picky. Just seems for the amount of money these cost, they should line up better. I am embarassed to tell friends it mounts with velcro - haha. Anyways, I'd like to see it available without the baggage compartment in the rear, would look way better, although i can fit an 18 pack in there. Just went for a lil rip just now and it feels great (first neighbourhood ride of season) - my knees are thanking me already and the vipe is running good thanks to TY !!

not gona lie, for 400 bucks. that is terriable how bad those things fit. i stand up all the time, so i should just run without a seat :)
what are the differences between the viper fuel tank and the SRX? i feel like a chump now, cause i told viperking i would buy his viper tank, but the whole point in doing so, was to get a better fit!! grrr.....
FWIW, i ran a boss seat last year. Sold it at the end of year cause i needed the money. Rode 50 miles with the stock seat today, and damn are my knees, and back and whole body sore. I see the credit limit on my card got increased... Hmmm so tempting for a little xmas gift for myself..

Truely the best mod you can do to a viper from a comfort standpoint in my opinion.
