Poor fitting BOSS Seat

where can i buy a boss seat?? have been looking around but havent found anything..
i agree with everyone. For the money and engineering resources now adays, it seems like Boss would get there act together. They ride nice, but most look like junk (meaning it looks like they just don't belong due to gaps) and tear easily. again i love how they ride, but obviously we all want good looking sleds. Just my opinion.
Problem solved!!

After reading this thread and realizing that this is happening to everyone I took some steps to eliminate all gaps on my BOSS seat and make it fit like it should have from the factory. To eliminate the gap under the gas tank from the filler down the concave portion of the gas tank I unzipped the fabric and added camper weather stripping foam tape. It is 1.5" wide and 1/4" thick and is made of vinyl. From the angular portion of the seat where it meets the filler down the outside edge I added 4 strips of the tape stacked up, the first 2 pieces were approx 7 inches long and the next piece was 5 and the final piece was 4 inches. These strips look like and upside down pyramid and are an inch away from the outside edge angling down again from the point where the filler hoop connects. I also cut a 1.25" x 1.25" square out of the foam portion of the seat that would sit on the flanged section of the gas tank and against the lower angle of the gas tank. Obviously this could void your warranty and remove the cover before doing this but i figured that if I ever need repairs to seat I am not sending it back to them as it would cost 80 bucks to ship it round trip and who knows how long it would take to get back. Mine fits great with no gaps. I will post pics soon to show how I did it.
Same fitment here on a new Boss seat...seems like someone just said...well thats close enough. How hard is it to just get right?
oassor said:
where can i buy a boss seat?? have been looking around but havent found anything..
eBay has them alot. You guys can complain about the fitament. But IMHO they look great. And i tell ya, the riding position is so much better you can never go back....



I love my Boss seat!
