wont run....pulling out my hair!!!!

if it was the crank would i notice a vibration or run crappy when it is running good. Also everyone please remember i rode this sled a whole season and stored it in my garage after. In the fall when i went to get it ready is when this all happened. i gave up last time in 2010 and am hoping i have enough patience to finish this time. Thanks
got to be electrical, sitting was the give away. and you said it worked after you played with the connections. bad ground?
is there an engine ground to chassis that im missing or something. I dont remmber a ground strap or anything when i had the engine out. Should i add something?
no ............ no ground direct to motor ...did u put something in one of the connector to check voltage ou continuity ?? some people stretch the connector that way ......
its a possibility since i feel ive tested everything, but it would have been after i started having problems. If i didnt love this thing so much itd be in pieces to sell already. Im at my wits end. Doesnt help im parting an 04 warrior and putting reverse on my rx1 right now either.
how can it be electrical ?? if u have good spark at all plug it can't be electrical unless the spark get weak on warm up ..... check the black wire at the coil it should be ground to the body and the ground at cdi too both are black wired..... the 3 coil are connect in series from cdi to switch .....if a coil fail it could **** up the spark
do u still have the separator in the air box ?? hope they are not fall at the bottom of the air box and choke a carb once in a while
I believe you said you switched the plug wires around and the issue didn't follow? So is the issue always with the same cylinder, and if so which one?
When you have it running good, and then it drops the cyl out of the blue, what happens if you give it 1/2 choke right after the cylinder drop?
What are the compression numbers on all cylinders?

Sorry if I missed any of this on the last 6 pages, I'm choosing to have short term memory loss at the moment.
It is not the same cylinder every time. Never tried choking. Dogs down on 2 cyl just enough to move it.

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Disconnect the headlight and try it. If still no help then disconnect hood harness to eliminate the additional loads and that wiring as well.

Have you checked the crank phasing yet?

I believe you said you checked the wire harness carefully (everywhere including handlebars & tailight?), and checked the chassis ground as well as run the factory electrical tests, so I almost hate to say it if you don't have spares available, but start swapping parts, with known good ones if possible:
Ignition coil set & spark plug caps
Voltage regulators

Not necessarily in that order depending on what's available to you, and I think you've already replaced some either this year or back in 2010, but maybe the replacement wasn't so good?
If you have a bud with some or all of the same parts on his good running sled, see how good of a bud he really is with his parts. :)
Otherwise, may have to open up the budget and find the parts, all of them are very common, or find someone with a blown or wrecked sled and clean them out. With the age of these sleds and the miles piling up, it is really, really, really nice to have spare parts laying around, and many can be found for reasonable $$.
