now would this TPS being an issue maybe stop the DCS from flashing at all.I have not seen that DCS come on in years now..Maybe I will dissconnect TPS and run the sled..pin it and maybe DCS will flash..just curious if so much is affected from the TPS not working good...
bluemonster1 said:now would this TPS being an issue maybe stop the DCS from flashing at all.I have not seen that DCS come on in years now..Maybe I will dissconnect TPS and run the sled..pin it and maybe DCS will flash..just curious if so much is affected from the TPS not working good...
I had part throttle and occasional full throttle DCS activation with my defective TPS that did not occur all the time. Maybe you have a different issue?

DCS doesn't come on and motor is just fine..plugs and wash great,doesn't hesitate or backfire .I installed all 3 new plag caps the other day.SRX has been siting for over 7 days without starting it up.Opened choke tonight and not even 1 pull and it was running..now I am a believer the SRX's can start in 1 or 2 pulls.Took her out for a little up and down the field.Seems to pull pretty good now with stock setup.From a stand still in the fields with around 5 to 6 inches of snow..I can get the ski's up a foot and a half..revs to 8500..quickly to 8200 and pulls to 8500.....
feels pretty snappy now.Now I went and unplugged the TPS and tried it and it ran worse now.Could only pull like 8000 rpm max..sounds flat and holding back.Plug back in and she rips again.Now a test just to see if it will go past 100 on speedo.First of all we are getting a lot of snow today and heavy snow now..can't really find anywhere to go launch for a long stretch...except the service road is glazed over with some snow and ice and gravel of course.I decided to do a few pulls on it..it was freakin scary.She grabbed and just pulled like a frieght train.Watch rpms climb from 8200 to about 8400ish and hitting 110 on speedo..but let off.The stupid windshield almost went flat on me against the wind..all I was really thinking was I am going to have one of the skis catch something and turn sideways and me flipping into the air at 110 mph..and it was dark out to..crazy me..the things I will do...BUT it had no problem getting to 110 and would easily go more..just I was to chicken to try and was afraid of death...SO if I would of kept going..it would of buried the needle for sure..it got their quick to..so maybe TPS is not an issue..or should I basically change it because of the age of the sled.If I an pu 1 for anround $100 maybe I will..

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You are sure you unplugged the TPS not the DCS?
If it ran worse with the TPS unplugged it does not sound like you have any TPS issues...save your money...if it aint broke...don't fix it!
If it ran worse with the TPS unplugged it does not sound like you have any TPS issues...save your money...if it aint broke...don't fix it!

the TPS is the little black thingie that has 2 screws holding it and is mounted on the PTO side carb.It has a black plug into it from the top.The TPS screws could be loosened and the TPS adjusted one way or another.I never touched that.So you say it works then....
Did your water temp light flash steady when you unplugged it?
If your sled is performing that well you sure don't have the TPS issues I had.
If your sled is performing that well you sure don't have the TPS issues I had.

yep temp light flashed alright..
here looky at this:
here looky at this:

maybe my CDI is not putting out completely..I don't know..wish I had another to just try a switch with.... 

bluemonster1 said:maybe my CDI is not putting out completely..I don't know..wish I had another to just try a switch with....![]()
Why do you think the CDI is not working properly? Because you never get a DCS light?

I guess I solved my DCS issue..even on long hard runs it don't blink..I am thinking ....any possible solution to my madness.Maybe I expect way to much from an SRX.Mine starts good,plugs and wash good,no missing or backfire,premium gas,fitch fuel catalyst,new rebuild,good compression,etc.
I'll just keep on riding it and see how she does that SRX of mine.Will try the 8BU-10 setup once I have a good area to test that is packed down good.That will be the ultimate test for her..to see if it pulls them weights...
the SRX doesn't like all this snow we have been getting,not good for wot runs anywhere now.So it will be the 600 for now drift busting and hill climbing next little while.
I was told to take my SRX and long track it to maybe 144" x 1.5" paddles,gear her down,long travel it and let her rip..that I will like the acceleration maybe up to 90 -95 and forget all about those wot speed runs that I seem to want to perfect..but can't. I am thinking about it..
I'll just keep on riding it and see how she does that SRX of mine.Will try the 8BU-10 setup once I have a good area to test that is packed down good.That will be the ultimate test for her..to see if it pulls them weights...
the SRX doesn't like all this snow we have been getting,not good for wot runs anywhere now.So it will be the 600 for now drift busting and hill climbing next little while.
I was told to take my SRX and long track it to maybe 144" x 1.5" paddles,gear her down,long travel it and let her rip..that I will like the acceleration maybe up to 90 -95 and forget all about those wot speed runs that I seem to want to perfect..but can't. I am thinking about it..

Bob..did a radar run a few weeks back,my clutching is off a bit and my center to center was off at the time..only hit 97 on the gun.But listen to the SRX..it doesn't have that flat sound that it had last season..you agree...
and how is it sounding in this video...check the 1:34 and 2:38 minute markers..
and how is it sounding in this video...check the 1:34 and 2:38 minute markers..
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Millinocket Rocket
New member
I'm assuming this info applies to the Vipers as well, as it's the same part number? I'd be interested to see if mine would test out ok too, if there were a simpler way...

just unplug it and ride..if it runs better..then the TPS is shot,in my case the motor ran worse..so the TPS is working...I asume this is a good test to try..

looks like recall goes far back as 2002 on the bikes...hmmm

getting a brand new TPS cheap..dealer's cost by end of week..couldn't resist the price so went for it.What the heck,I'll change it since there was a recall years back on them for the R1 bikes but didn't recall them on the sleds..just need techincal info how to re programme it..
New member
my 01 SRX burned 68 litres for 220 kms on the weekend at -20 C. That's approx 9 mpg, lower than the normal 11 mpg that I find low to begin with. It seems to pull okay from a stand still, but it revs 8500 at half throttle and I can't really get it to go over 130 km/h (85 ish). Sometimes it wanted to pull harder on top, but a few times it hit 8700 rpm and then seemed to bog. Valves are clean and adjusted, and it's not acting like when the reeds are broken. I know my clutching is still off, but the clutches are cool, almost cold and it wouldn't explain it all.
So my question:
For those of you who changed the TPS, is this what the sled felt like before?
If I unplug the TPS and the sled runs better, can that tell me it needs adjusting or just that it needs to be replaced? I'm not comfortable with electrical/electronics but I don't want to just change parts either. If it can be adjusted, I'll ask a friend for help.
So my question:
For those of you who changed the TPS, is this what the sled felt like before?
If I unplug the TPS and the sled runs better, can that tell me it needs adjusting or just that it needs to be replaced? I'm not comfortable with electrical/electronics but I don't want to just change parts either. If it can be adjusted, I'll ask a friend for help.
Since I purchased my 2002 SRX it was an under performer, it ran and started well but it only performed like it was a 120hp sled.[there have been a few 2000/01/02 SRXs in my area that under performed like this right out of the crate]
I tried everything over the years trying to get its top end pull where it should be but only had limited success and I always suspected an ignition/timing issue.
When I did the testing on my ignition timing and TPS voltage output with and without the TPS hooked up it became evedent very quickly that my TPS sensor was sending irregular and inconsistant voltage back to the CDI and creating all kinds of issues.
In my case the TPS was at the root of my 2002 SRXs performance issues but I must add a word of caution...it is not a cure all for every performance problem out there but if you have exhausted other possible causes it is definately worth a try.
Remember it is also essential that the new sensor is properly calibrated or the process could be a complete waste of time and money!
Worked for me!
I tried everything over the years trying to get its top end pull where it should be but only had limited success and I always suspected an ignition/timing issue.
When I did the testing on my ignition timing and TPS voltage output with and without the TPS hooked up it became evedent very quickly that my TPS sensor was sending irregular and inconsistant voltage back to the CDI and creating all kinds of issues.
In my case the TPS was at the root of my 2002 SRXs performance issues but I must add a word of caution...it is not a cure all for every performance problem out there but if you have exhausted other possible causes it is definately worth a try.
Remember it is also essential that the new sensor is properly calibrated or the process could be a complete waste of time and money!
Worked for me!
Stephfg said:my 01 SRX burned 68 litres for 220 kms on the weekend at -20 C. That's approx 9 mpg, lower than the normal 11 mpg that I find low to begin with. It seems to pull okay from a stand still, but it revs 8500 at half throttle and I can't really get it to go over 130 km/h (85 ish). Sometimes it wanted to pull harder on top, but a few times it hit 8700 rpm and then seemed to bog. Valves are clean and adjusted, and it's not acting like when the reeds are broken. I know my clutching is still off, but the clutches are cool, almost cold and it wouldn't explain it all.
So my question:
For those of you who changed the TPS, is this what the sled felt like before?
If I unplug the TPS and the sled runs better, can that tell me it needs adjusting or just that it needs to be replaced? I'm not comfortable with electrical/electronics but I don't want to just change parts either. If it can be adjusted, I'll ask a friend for help.
According to Mr Viper there should be no difference in performance with adjustment.
Unplugging will just revert the CDI to a rpm based advance curve so you may or may not notice a difference. I don't think Blue noticed any change when he unplugged his.
According to Bob's testing, it appears engine vibration is a key contributor to erratic TPS output so neither the shop manual test procedure nor a cycling of the throttle while looking for smooth change in resistance will identify a faulty TPS engine off.
The good news is that rather than crossing your fingers and swapping with a known good TPS, making a harness like Bob did and a multimeter will help you find an erratic TPS. Bob has already done all the hard stuff (ABA verification, affects on ignition timing) so making a harness and monitoring the sensor output for smooth voltage will ease the concern of waisting money... and time.

if you can gather from my post and Bob's post here..we stated the obvious symtems we have had with our SRX's..both of us not happy with the performance.Bob dug into it and discovered something with the TPS wasn't right.I did the same..now both our sleds ROCK..what more can I say..either dig into it and learn,as I am no expert and Bob admits to it also that we do not know much about electrical,but we solved our issues..Or take it to the dealer..spend another $500 and find out when you get home the sled still runs the same.We as sled owners have to learn to work on our sleds we ride.no one is is going to care..but we care about our sleds and are determined to do things ourselfs.Tear into it Stephfg...as it has basically been explained on here already how to test and calibrate the TPS.And like Bob said,funny that the new part number is an updated version from the original and there were call backs on the same TPS on Yamaha Motorcycles back years ago.
bluemonster1 said:if you can gather from my post and Bob's post here..we stated the obvious symtems we have had with our SRX's..both of us not happy with the performance.Bob dug into it and discovered something with the TPS wasn't right.I did the same..now both our sleds ROCK..what more can I say..either dig into it and learn,as I am no expert and Bob admits to it also that we do not know much about electrical,but we solved our issues..Or take it to the dealer..spend another $500 and find out when you get home the sled still runs the same.We as sled owners have to learn to work on our sleds we ride.no one is is going to care..but we care about our sleds and are determined to do things ourselfs.Tear into it Stephfg...as it has basically been explained on here already how to test and calibrate the TPS.And like Bob said,funny that the new part number is an updated version from the original and there were call backs on the same TPS on Yamaha Motorcycles back years ago.
If the factory trained tech follows the diagnositc procedure in the shop manual, you'll be paying him to tell you he can't find anything wrong.
Nothing against the tech or Yamaha techs in general, but they aren't going to go beyond the service manual like Bob did.
Well, there is the R1 recall...
Anyhow, Side Show Bob is too modest and his form of communicating makes him a big person IMO.. His method of finding this issue is exactly what any developement engineer would do... or is supposed to do.
I made a harness yesterday and plan to use it this week. If anyone in S.E. Michigan would like to use it, PM me.