
they all were also running the stock proaction skids with camoplst tracks. .... I am with the above poster, there area LOT of things to consider with a burn down.
Exactly.... ;)! Its just oil right ? any kind will do....Ops did I write that.
I mean Olive, Canola what is the diference...

just do like doo. don't oil the bearings, just pack them in grease. What a retarted set-up. In the SEA-DOO service manual, it says to re-pack outer ceran bearings like every 60 hours or something, same set-up as the sled motors. Can't blame the oil when they go out.
a few of my buddies use Amsoil Interceptor and they like it. High mileage sleds (T-Cats) without any issues. Riding with them I get headaches from their oil. It smells nasty. That might be made worse by the fact they burn so much of it. They'll burn close to 3 times more than I do in my SRX.
I know alot of Yamy's who ride behind there buddys who ride cats. Actually the cat riders will even ask to go up front. I asked one cat rider Why? Quoted as saying "When I break down, nobody leaves me, and someone can tow me back and get my spare sled" This was an actuall quote from a guy last season. lol Al
