Exciter -89 Goes Mountian

Time to finish off this project, everything is mounted and the exciter is now officially mixed with vmax:)

I´m pretty satisfied with the result even though i have´nt tried it yet (till have some clutch allignment to do)

The result is 3 cm wider (on each side) and 5 cm higher than an original ex2 some of the difference can be seen down below.

To be continued...................
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Time to enter phase 3 of this project, found an electric starter kit from a v-max 600 that is going to be mounted. Same guy also sold me a complete brakekit from a srx:) So i guess the old bastard getting some hydraulic brakes instead of that lousy original wire brake.

Because of the 6" risers i also have to make a higher seat, it will be custom made and look a bit like the one in my project pic. Besides all this i have some serious jetting to do. I ordered exciter sx needles and nozzles together with jets, hopefully this works though my jetting is way too rich as it is now.
Been riding today,it works really great! Still got some issues with my idle but i hope to take care of this next time.

I´m very pleased with the wide front end, it is much more stable now! I took a chance with the vx 750 shocks but it paid off, it´s not too hard and not too soft like it was before. The wide kit made it much harder to handle in the powder though, but i rather have it that way.

The skid works really fine too, especially with the öhlin shock in the back. I could use a track with bigger lugs at least 38 mm (that´s part of the plan for next year). and maybe 8 tooth no-slip drivers. I´ll try to upload some video soon:)
love the time and effort you are putting into this old sled make me want to pull out my 88 EX 570 and stretch it ....I have a Aaen vmax 600 full race motor in mine and love it i have my sled widened to 41 centers the torque arm you showed looks to be a stock EX II torque arm they also made another styel one that mounts to the front of the motor i have both on my sled to kepp the motor in perfect alignment but with 138 hp you will need that not with a piped stocker very cool keep up the good work
Yamaha Nutz said:
The torque arm you showed looks to be a stock Exciter-II torque arm.
They also made another style one that mounts to the front of the motor,
I have both on my sled to keep the motor in perfect alignment.
Yamaha Nutz
Please post some good quality pictures of both your torque arms !!

Thanx for that positive feedback, i really appreciate it:) I love my sled and will continue improve it bit by bit. (i guess i´mwhat they call an exciter entusiast:) It would be great having a 138 hk race engine in my sled and who knows maybe i´ll put in a triple or something one day.... Lasse u can se pics of my torquearm here:


Yamaha nutz i really would like to see som pics on your exciter, could give me some more ideas for my further work..... right now i´m looking in to the opportunities to put a reverse kit on mine:)
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Season Finale!

Well guys the season is about to end here, only a couple of weeks left of either very packed or very wet snow. I have put a lot of miles on the old exciter this year and it works awesome! Did put some work on it this winter though i came up with some more things that needed to be done. The First thing was a really good investment, i mounted a digatron so i can keep an eye on my exhaust temp:

I also got a hold of some dual psi pipes, looked everywhere for a set of these and finally found it! Mounted them right away and they were LOUD! Did try to change their packing and the result became a bit better.

Still got some more stuff to do for next year:

*change to hydraulic brake
*mount the electric starter kit
*put on some wider plastic under the alu skis.
*change to a track with higher lugs 38-44 mm. (got no traction as it is).
*make a better rear lifthandle in alu.
*some clutchwork for a quicker take off

This is what i come up with so far:

Don´t know, wasn´t enough ice to test on:( The dealer didn´t know either, took them from a trashed exciter. I think the stingers are rebuilt, that´s why they look a bit odd. They work nice but sounds quite loud if i compare them to my single;)
Since 2011 this thread has been the bookmark on my computer for ty and where it brings me every single time i visit the site. Wonder home many views ive given it over the years ahaha.
Well im glad to hear that this old build of mine still gets some visitors:) my activity here on ty has been less frequent since we created exciter custom and restoration worldwide on facebook. When i see this thread i realize i been away from here too long;) Got some work to do....dont know what can be Done about the missing pics (maybe one of the admins can help me out?) The evolution has been going on continuesly over the years and like dsc577 Said my next plan is to get further into the Madness by making it an exciter triple. Or as i would call it a proper bastard, a yamadoo. Thanx for this reminder, i'll try to make this thread up to date/d
