Exciter -89 Goes Mountian

Got some work done, still a long way to go but it´s getting there... Killed the old clutch though it resfused to let go. Cut it wide open and put it in the trash;) The front work goes smooth but slow, my brother is trying to create a new wider shockholder and the extensions are nearly done. It will be 8cm wider on each side, total 102 cm or 40". The vmax 750 wasn´t the perfect match with the ex, but the final result will be really great. Hopefully i´ll get a much more pleasant ride this year:)
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All the heat killed the seal next to the crank when i finally got the leftovers of the old clutch loose. Took the bottom end apart and noticed that the crank bearings were really bad! They are disgustingly expensive but i have no choice.... Left the crank to a mechanic garage to see if it´s straight (after all my violence) and had them change all the bearings. When all this is done i probably (hopefully) wont need to fix anything, just ride...:) I guess this is what i mean by going "all in", this exciter will be one of it´s kind:)

I finally found some material to make my own wide kit. When it´s done i got a 40" (102 cm) front, quite suitable for my vmax shocks, this will be really nice!:)
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prankster said:
U can buy an extension for the thottle wire (pretty decent price) Could´nt find any extension for the brakewire, please check 88exciters570 thread in the working log. He figured out a nice solution, or make a new longer wire.

YEAH 88exciter570 video´s coming up when it´s time for testdrive:) please get some video on yours too.

i know this is from a while ago but i cant find throttle extentions they all say yamaha 4 stroke
Time for the exciter saga to continue... It took me nearly 8 weeks to get the crank back from the shop, now it´s straight and all the bearings have been replaced. The cleaning and remount was a piece of cake and now it will run for several seasons without any trouble.

But as you know, there are no easy roads in my garage.. did a fatal ******* mistake and did´nt noticed that i got wrong pistons before everything was in place!

I mounted 0.20 od pistons and there supposed to be 0.40:s. Accept the facts and carry on, ordered a set of new ones and while i´m waiting for them to arrive i have to find a solution for this delicate matter:

As you can see, these holders are to narrow to fit the vx750 shocks. I need to make them 2 mm wider or make new ones. If you got any suggestions, please feel free to share them:)
Come on i need some ideas to make my strutholders work with the vx shocks... i really don´t want to make a complete set of new ones if i don´t haft to... theres got to be another way?
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Got lucky last night and found an aftermarket torque arm on ebay for a real decent price. That thing will help keeping the clutches aligned:) Still figuring out what to do with my strutholders... I guess i need to make a visit to the scrapyard and get some material and then take some hours making new ones in google scetch up or something. I´ll get i done, hopefully before the season begins for real.

prankster said:
Got lucky last night and found an aftermarket torque arm on ebay for a real decent price.
That thing will help keeping the clutches aligned :)
;)! Sounds good !
Do not forget to take a lot of pictures of it and post here !
Can you please post a picture of the aftermarket torque arm? I've been looking for one, or pics to try and make one. Thanks!!

And good job on the exciter, it looks awesome. Have a look at this thread to see how Im coming along with mine.


I extended my rear skid, but propably need to add a set of bogies. I'm also having to repalce the seals in my chaincase, and then it all goes back together.

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Thanx for your positive feedback! Of course i can post some pics!
I checked yours in the vmax 540 thread, looks really nice!
It will be a cruel sled when it´s done! It´s kind of cool
that we share the same interest for old exciters! Keep
up the good work, you´ll soon be done. And it´s all
worth it!

It would be really great if you could make a project thread
that show all of your progress from the beginning, there are more
people out there who´s thinking of doing the same thing as we did.
There isn´t much info on the internet when it comes to excitermods,
please share your nice progress, and more will follow!
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Did a little attempt to create a knowledge base for all the exciter entusiasts out there. Made an exciter knowledge 101 thread in the other yamaha section on this forum. Please feel free to share experience and knowledge when it comes to exciters in there:)

There are alot of people who wants to make mods, but don´t know how to... or what to do. I was thinking that it would be a great idea to gather this type of information in one thread. These are old sleds and there are limited information on the internet especially when it comes to mods:)
Got my torquearm today, just need some cleaning and then it´s good to go. Some of you reqested some pics on it, here they come:

Not the greatest pics, but it´s atleast something:)

Went to a workshop today and gave them my shockholders, hopefully they can make them a bit wider so my vx 750 shocks fit.
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Yeah it should be no problem to replicate, i was going to do that my self, but then i found this. I´ll take som pics when it´s mounted:)

Still not heard anything from the workshop about my shockholders.... it usully takes time but the price makes it all worth it. I probably wont get it fixed in a while so i was thinking maybe i should polish my tunnel or make a custom seat?? What do u think?
prankster said:
Yeah it should be no problem to replicate, i was going to do that my self, but then i found this. I´ll take som pics when it´s mounted:)

Still not heard anything from the workshop about my shockholders.... it usully takes time but the price makes it all worth it. I probably wont get it fixed in a while so i was thinking maybe i should polish my tunnel or make a custom seat?? What do u think?

It's funny you should mention that, I was thinking of doing the same thing. Basically, re-locating the brake light to the tunnel extension and then making the seat more like a Nitro xtx. And then polishing the tunnel to match the extension. Should look REALLY slick!
Right on! That would be really great! If time is on my side i´ll get it done.... If it not happens this year it will happen next year. The exciter saga will continue forever :)...
