Is there an actual bearing that can be used to replace the roller on clutch?


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Had to replace the rollers on my clutch. was like 100 bucks,,,put like 40 miles on um and there already a bit spent. is there a trick to them lasting?
Does any 1 know of an actual bearing to put on there instead of that epoxy mesh type I ,m using?
not a cotton filled metal cylinder
97 600
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My bad ,,,new to sled ,,,,, cheers
part # 8cr-17624-20
Clutch rollers, the cam arms swing against them! I,m looking for actual bearings!

Maybe ,,just the size,, and I can go from there?
bad idea

By changing the diameter of the rollers you can
14.5 millimeter

change how your clutch shifts. A larger roller will
15 millimeter

increase engagement and shift RPM's. A smaller
15.6 millimeter

roller will lower engagement and shift RPM's.
16 millimeter

Rollers fit all '97 and newer models - priced in sets of 3.
16.5 millimeter

O.K so the outside d= 14.5 to 16.5 depending!
Might have to pull it apart and measure parts and search!
unless sombody else knows # where ,ect
Has any1 try,d doing this mod?
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modsrx said:
do u talk about bushing or bearing or roller

Maybe a bushing or bearing to fit in old roller would work!
I,m thinking more,,whole bearing where roller is now?

seen sleeves of bearings (10) $1 a piece! e of bay
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The Yamaha rollers have an I.D. of 9mm and an O.D. between 14.5mm - 16.5 mm. This results in a "wall" thickness between 2.75 mm - 4.75 mm. I have never heard of a ball bearing (or other type of mechanical bearing) that could have an I.D. of 9mm and simultaneously have an O.D. of 16.5mm. You could probably modify the pin the roller rotates on to allow for an I.D. of 5mm - 8mm, but I still do not think this would help. The Yamaha rollers either have Duralon or Vespel that seems to last several seasons. (I don't know the difference between Duralon or Vespel, maybe someone can chime in who knows the difference). Your clutch weights push against the rollers with well over 200 lbs. of combined pressure to fully shift out your primary. The Yamaha rollers are designed to handle this type of pressure and still roll, impressive if you think about it. If someone ever finds an alternative that would be great, but I am not holding my breath. lol
(I have heard of using "oil-lite"? to make clutch bushings that fit a little tighter than the oem yamaha bushings, I wonder if anyone has tried to make rollers from this same material)
I took mine apart again to get sizes!
I found them,,,, needle roller type 8 bucks a pop.
these are the 1,s
stock length is 14.5,,,these are 1.5 mm longer,,but the opening for roller is 16.8mm,,,so they will fit,,,,,gonna get anways,,,,might grind a little of clutch or new bearings,,,depending on what looks like will work for those plastic spacers
looks like there good for 1800 pounds
but whatever seems I,m the only 1 noticing wear on them,,most are getting years.

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those bearings MAY work or they may not. Make sure they are NOT caged or they will not be srtong enough and they will collapse. Cageless style have more rollers and more contact and are stronger.
I think they are good for 1851 pounds?
there on there way 30.64 to door
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chris189 said:
those bearings MAY work or they may not. Make sure they are NOT caged or they will not be srtong enough and they will collapse. Cageless style have more rollers and more contact and are stronger.

that's why rotax uses cageless wristpin bearings as well.
Just like the u-joints on any driveshaft in america, full needles all the way around. I don't have anywear issues on my clutch. Rollere spin very freely, last a long time & are probably lighter than a bearing set-up. If you are expierencing wear issues, you may have some other problems going on.
jasburrito said:
Had to replace the rollers on my clutch. was like 100 bucks,,,put like 40 miles on um and there already a bit spent. is there a trick to them lasting?
Does any 1 know of an actual bearing to put on there instead of that epoxy mesh type I ,m using?
not a cotton filled metal cylinder
97 600

I see you have a 600 twin...... the twins are hard on the clutch parts because of the vibration of the engine. The best thing I can tell you is to rebuild the entire front clutch, because it needs it. just replacing the rollers will just result in new parts taking the blunt of the worn out parts, theres just no way around it with the twins, they are hard on clutch parts. get new bushings in weights,new thrust washers, new spider bushings,etc. and it will give you good service life for a while.
I just installed new cam arms all pins look really good. I think the new rollers I installed might have gotton damaged from the old cam arms ( cam arms little chowed) anyways the rollers with 40 miles on um are still good,,but worn,,,appears little pieces of the epoxy stuff covering the mesh has broken loose and has started chowing out whats left.
So new setup is little worn rollers new (used ebay) cam arms,,grinded tip ribbit to 45 grams total//with half gram off rear ribbit,,,,44.5 grams total,,,,
have not tried yet! gonna in a bit!

did,,,,,,, Ok worked mint,,coming in around 4300-4400

Anyways I paid about 100 buck for 3 rollers local so I could ride,,,,,,,Gonna get another set from e of bay too (75-80 bucks)

I,ll see how those 30 dollar for 3 real bearings look? may not even try,,,are they cage less? I cannot tell,,,
That 1 guys spin makes me feel like I,ll shoot my eye out if I try em,,
, Is this a huge safety concern? ,,has any 1 try, somthing like this before?
thanks for the advice
Just trying to make my sled reliable is all. :brr
Gonna try and make that race in sand lake mi sat,,,,sounds fun
New to Sledding

somthing like this? very nice
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Thats why I use a HITECH 911 primary cover since new. 10k miles on my 02. Tight as a drum. I had to replace the clutch because the sheves were worn but the bushings are excellant.
Ok went to that race in sand lake,,great time,,,aonther 40 miles or so,,
got home ,,looked over clutch,,found those kind of worn rollers spent,,,,,,,,,,,
So I installed those needle roller bearings,,,all looked good.ran for about 20 miles,,,there binding and spent
Do not buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna give that guy a call that has those trick covers and thunder shift clutches
got to save some money up first though

Thanks for showing me that trick cover
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jasburrito said:
Ok went to that race in sand lake,,great time,,,aonther 40 miles or so,,
got home ,,looked over clutch,,found those kind of worn rollers spent,,,,,,,,,,,
So I installed those needle roller bearings,,,all looked good.ran for about 20 miles,,,there binding and spent
Do not buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna give that guy a call that has those trick covers and thunder shift clutches
got to save some money up first though

Thanks for showing me that trick cover

youll chew up that nice new cover as well, your other parts are spent, spider bushings, moving sheave bushing, etc. youll need to replace ALL of it or put another used clutch on in better shape on it, thats why its eating up all the new parts so fast.
