belt sits to low in the secondary

Well that was a major project but here is three. The spring, the secondary and the primary. I ran the sled on a stand for 3 min before the pics.

Thanks again


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looks like a problem with the primary..... FOR SURE!!!

looks like your belt is riding too high at idle!!!

check all the components in your primary.... I would start with weight bushings and spring.....
are you sure your secondary isn't binding and not closing all the way. i don't think its the primary. the belt sitting so low in the secondary could be the cause of all the burnt rubber on the primary. take a pic looking down into the secondary with the belt off and post if you could.
Here it is without the belt. Thank you all for your help....


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you have a problem with the sec. it is probably wore out bushings or springs or helix is bad . I just fixed a polaris today that drove me nuts , Had identical problem you have. problem was a cracked spline shaft and gumed up helix, take it apart and inspect!!!
Great minds must think alike. Its sitting on the table now. I have not taken one apart before so before I tear into it, it looks like the spring is wound. Do I need to mark anything or is that top under pressure from a wind? Basically is there any tricks of the trade that would be helpful?

Thanks again...
Okay, so I took this apart last night and cleaned it all up with brake cleaner and a wire brush. When putting it back together is the setting 1 and 6 for a stock set up? Do I have to wind the spring and if so how much.

Thanks again.
1 an 6 will it 70 degrees. wind it to the next cam and push down , then insert circlip!..How are the lil plastic slides ...wore down or still good? How are t he big collar bushings that go around the helix and the shaft?
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Taphee said:
Okay, so I took this apart last night and cleaned it all up with brake cleaner and a wire brush. When putting it back together is the setting 1 and 6 for a stock set up? Do I have to wind the spring and if so how much.

Thanks again.
Did you find anything obviously wrong?? Belt frabments,wore bushing.....etc.
If not I would have someone look at it that knows what to look for.
The palstic bushing are good. However, I gald you said this, there is no circlip (on the spring I take it) that I removed. You also mentioned bushings, I didnt take any off, where are they suppose to be.
Okay I looked it up, the bushing may still be on the shaft so I will have to check. The other bushing were inside the helix so I didnt remove it. I didnt see much wear on the secondaryor the faces of the bushings but there was a lot of crap on it. I am positive there was no circlip.
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Heres a diagram, #8 and 16 are bushings.They are pressed in the Helix and clutch sheave. I dont believe there is a circlip on your clutch, its held together with the 3 nuts.


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Thank you. That is exactly what I just looked at. For anyone following this thread, I would say just taking the secondary apart and cleaning it gave me a much better idea of how it works and what to look for from a wear stand point. I also have a much better idea of what you guys are talking about in the other threads. See you can teach an old dog new tricks.....
oops! sorry about the circlip info ...thats for a polaris helix.. the 3 nuts are right for yamaha.
And, the lights are shining down from the snowmobile gods......

Thank you all for your help. It was a great learning experience....


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It is running real nice. I just dont have any snow to take it for a run...50 degrees stinks....
Taphee said:
And, the lights are shining down from the snowmobile gods......

Thank you all for your help. It was a great learning experience....

One last thing you should do is clean those primary faces with acetone and then with a scotch brite pad or a little fine emery.
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