AT LAST... pics of my crank. opinions wanted!


Aug 9, 2003
Alton, NH
well, I was right. center crank bearing, not the common rod bearing that others seem to get. looks like the cage itself let go, allowing the bearings to bounce around in there. there is also some sort of little pin in between each round part of the cage and a few of those are in the bottom of the case. looks like those are what scored up my center piston. anyways, let me know what you think. there is some rust on the bearings, but looks like only on the OUTSIDE of the bearings, not the bearings themselves. also, I think synthetic oil is USELESS for foggin a motor. looks like it does not stick to, well, anything. to test my thought process on that I went to my jug of amsoil that has been sitting a month or so and when I take the cap off and stick my finger it around the inside, it comes out pretty much dry. thoughts on that?
at long last, THE PICS!! ;)!


amsoil changed the formula now on their intercepter, dominator, and 4-stroke oils to be more sticky. my bros viper that runs amsoil intercepter has a nice film of oil on things and no rust on the bearings at all, w/no fogging it last year.
so I guess I am onto something there huh?? had always had great luck with simply running it out of gas and flooding with oil. with something like 30 sleds over the time of my dad and all the ones we have had, this is a first. also the first sled that has been using synthetic amsoil.. thanks!
think I need to take a small vid of me showing what it looks like when I am rolling it around. cant really get a decent pic of whats actually wrong. wonder the cost to get all the bearings done. rod bearings as well. if its apart, I am going to do it all. sadly, I am thinking that will be a few years down the road. may have to "mothball" the motor, really dont want MORE rust anywhere, or more cost lol!
moisture,moisture,moisture is what looks to have caused the problems. You have pitting all over the place.

Do you keep the sled in the summer in an enclosed trailer?
Don, in a garage that we recently figured out gets VERY wet in the spring. much more than we thought. love to know what you can do for me as far as rebuild ;)! I was pretty aggravated to see the inside of the motor. I am always VERY particular with my sled, this was NOT what I was looking to see!
bolin22 said:
Not Fogging Properly Is Obviously The Culprit. $8 Can Of Fogging Oil Will Go A Long Way If Used Properly.

right. you can't just dump oil down the cylinders and pull it over. i like to let the engine idle and then i hold the oil pump wide open, by pulling on the cable and let it idle like this for 5-7 min. when she's puffing smoke pretty good out the pipes, then i kill it. this has always worked for me.
I have seen that in motorcycles and quads left in an enclosed trailer for months at a time in the summer.
mopar1rules said:
right. you can't just dump oil down the cylinders and pull it over. i like to let the engine idle and then i hold the oil pump wide open, by pulling on the cable and let it idle like this for 5-7 min. when she's puffing smoke pretty good out the pipes, then i kill it. this has always worked for me.
just dont trust the old amsoil to hold up like that!
what I said earlier, the amsoil did not stay on things. it looks like it ran off things in storage. like I said about the jug of amsoil I have, after sitting a little while it ran off the sides and is no longer coating the inside of the jug. we have 4 other sleds NOT using amsoil that have no issues. all stored right next to mine. just my suspicions is all. and you said they changed the formula to be more sticky as well. wonder why... ;)
There was a few posts on HCS about Amsoil not being good for storage.I'm truely surprised at the number of people that don't believe that fogging is needed.One of the Admin guy is over there telling members that it's basically a waste of time.

P.S.I even shoot some fogging oil in my 4-stroke stuff when storing.
interesting...I guess I'll stick with what I've been doing. I usually kill the motor with fogging oil and then do a nice heavy soaking in each cylinder and turn it over a few times before storing in a dry climate controlled garage.

03Viper....Did I read it correctly that you're going to wait a few years before doing anything with the motor?
yes, you read that correctly. I am in the sad position of having no cash to fix it at the moment. I am panning on cleaning up everything, heavily spraying it with oil, and wrapping it all up in plastic to prevent any further damage. trying to get figured out how much I am looking at to get things done so I can plan and save. sucks, but its where I am at right now. still have a spare sled (wifes '00 sxr 600) that I can ride, so I am not out of sledding. just off the viper a little while.
for my 99 from port yamaha
  1. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93310-32009-00 3 needed $15.89 $47.67
  2. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93310-5270A-00 3 needed $55.38 $166.14
  3. BEARING ASSY 1 for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    8DF-11415-00-00 $160.85
  4. BEARING ASSY 2 for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    8DF-11425-00-00 $146.95
  5. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93306-20723-00 $67.60
  6. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93306-20722-00 2 needed $67.60 $135.20
  7. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93390-00028-00 $198.11
  8. BEARING for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    8DF-1142A-01-00 $46.44
  9. BEARING ASSY 3 for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    8DF-11436-00-00 $157.43
  10. OIL SEAL for 1999 YAMAHA SRX700C/SRX700SC
    93103-34181-00 $20.29
    93103-32153-00 $11.53
    8DN-11603-00-00 3 needed$18.66 $55.98


with the cost of the just the bearings, its cheaper to buy a CRANKSHAFT ASSY
8DF-11400-01-00 $1,147.68. Well if you include the piston rings its about equal.
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