cutting down the w/s on my srx.

i dont see any reason it wouldnt work on the inside of the windshield, as long as you reverse the coating order.......and minus the primer i guess...

Yeah I would give it a shot. If for some reason it doesn't turn out you could always just do it on the outside.
im going to pick up a low clear windshield this summer, ill cut it down a little, then try this paint scheme. ill post pics of progress and what not as i go. thanks for the ideas guys
picked up a clear/black low windshield (thank you 427cobra). going to test this idea of painting the inside with the carbon fiber scheme on something else before i do the windshield. then ill cut the windshield down and paint it. pictures to come
got the windshield cut to the design i wanted today. my dremel fried itself just as i was about to start cutting so i had to use tin snips (much harder!! :o| :o| )

i started by creating some stencils to help make the arc i wanted. dont laugh at the pink paper....... SUPER1C got me hooked on pink ;)! lol. i then taped the stencils to the windshield and traced with a washable marker the line i wanted. really glad i used a washable marker..if the lines come out un-even simply wash and re-try.


some pics after i cut it down. using the tin snips made for a very rough edge, but with some aggressive sanding they smoothed right out.



next ill try and clean the windshield up a bit (lots of scratches) thought of using some of that headhlight lense cleaner to remove all the scuffs. has anyone done this with success??

after that ill attempt to paint the inside with the carbon fiber look. with any luck it will show through and you can still see the yamaha lettering.
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got the edge molding all trimmed down to fit. used a sheetrock knife, seemed to work pretty well. its not glued on yet, just cut it for fitting. getting all the angles to line up is next to impossible so i got it as close as i could and thats the best there is ;)!


well i just painted it............ boy genious that i am, bought the wrong clear coat. i bought a satin finish instead of gloss clear.. :o| :o| :o| of course i didnt realize this fatel error until i had allready sprayed it on.... :o| :o| .....but on a better note, before i FUBAR-ed the project with clear/satin it actually looked really good! which adds even more frustration lol. so i guess let it fully dry, and try again. oh well :o|
it faded the look and gave it more of a flat finish and it made splotches for some reason. so im doing the outside of it now. should still come out good once i get the right clear coat. lol
Good luck and keep at it. Its how we learn. Cant wait for the finnished product. I might try that on the outside of my daughters winshield depending on how yours turns out.
wow, when things go wrong, they go wrong in a big way! while painting the new layer of black on the windshield, i went back inside while it dried. about 15 minutes later i went back out and it is lying paint side down, in the grass!!! @#$%@$#@%#$#$ the only thing i can think of is some neighborhood kids knocked it off. so now i have this black/grass covered windshield. i call it "od to summer" lol. so im going to have to strip it down completely and start over. more to follow :o| :o| :o|

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lol that is funny..grass covered black should patent that..why not try a snowflake look to it..anyways good luck second time around...
ok...picked up some paint remover from lowes. made sure it was safe for plastic. then i bought all "krylon" brand paint this time from wal mart, got the gloss clear coat, a flat black and a gloss grey. along with a grey primer. i followed the steps of the youtube video to a tee. the key to this paint job is the stencil. it is a MUST that your stencil is touching all around the surface area or the grey will blend together and will NOT give you to right effect. i found it easiest to cut the stencil slightly larger then the object to be painted and then you can hold the edges with you fingers. when doing the grey, take your time but dont saturate it. anyway, came out great this time around( finally!). i painted the windshield as well as the handguard inserts to my powermadd star handguards.




That looks great ;)!, I'm going to do that to the one solid hood vent on my srx. The rest are white and I think it would be too much if that was white as well. This will be perfect though.

Did you use krylon fusion for plastic or just normal paint?
