Anyone know the angle and wrap needed for a hauck helix stamped G and green hauck spring?
the angle is 49/41 but don't know about the spring wrap for Hauck green
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TRY 70 DEGREE 1/6. 3:16 (yammie tony)

not 100% sure but I thought the hauck springs were indexed differently from stock so the formula for your wrap was different
The springs are the same I beleive, we run the Hauck springs


staggs65 said:not 100% sure but I thought the hauck springs were indexed differently from stock so the formula for your wrap was different
you were right, there was a differnt indexing. The only spring from hauck like that was the "red sno cross" spring, rest are the same as stock like stated.
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needaSRX said:the angle is 49/41 but don't know about the spring wrap for Hauck green
suppose to be a 49/41, but actual measurements will most likely show 47/39, as haucks helixs like to measure 2 deg less on start and finish from their stamped angle.