Got SRX in the Garage now..still looks purdy!!


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
Got the SRX out of the shed and into the garage now.When I get bored,I can start to remove suspension,track,chaincase,bearings , and front end.

some pics:





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thanks..this will be the 3rd time I will be changing tracks on a sled,so it will be much easier then the first time..but in no rush..will go thru the whole skid,all bearings thru out will be replaced.The adjustable ends of the control arms in the front are worn,have to replace them..that job is a little bit of a pain...Also all new bushings thruout.
hey is there an easy way to pull out the sway bar?The bushings are worn for them also..but looks like an impossible job to replace them bushings in the chasis..Mine wiggles around like crazy for the last few seasons.Maybe should of tried last year when the motor was out..but it can stay that way...ain't looking for trouble..
I must say... I do like the look of the Viper better, but man, this SRX looks pretty sweet. I really like what you've done to the appearance of it. Might be the windy and the headlight cover... not sure, but I like it. Great looking machine! mice this time around.Had traps and poison in the shed..but only caught like 4 mice all summer and the poison hasn't been touched.
I removed the foam pads and cover from all sleds and put in the basement.No mice present on the SRX as far as I can see.
super1c...winter may be close...we have Geese already coming down early.Farmers have not even harvested their fields yet..but Geese are here..wander what is going on with that.Do they know something we don't know.And it has been hot hot hot this Summer with the driest July on record..gonna be hot all next week..I hope this will not be the trend coming into Winter as a dry spell continues...

Still can't get into the mood of dismantling the SRX right now..but needed to see it up close I guess.I am on the Patch..the quit smokin Patch and maybe that is making me feel a little out of wack right now..Haven't had a smoke in a week now,going on second week starting least I'll get this bad habit out of the way by Winter.Money saved now goes into the sled and gas for the next season...
The farmers around here are saying a early winter also! My brother in law who im sure is daniel boon brought back from the past (big hunter, fisher, nature, weather guy) is calling for a good winter also. So no to jinx it but heres to a good winter to come!
Lookin good

Nice lookin' sled Blue! Still kickin' myself(not too hard) for not pickin' up an SRX instead of my Viper. Still love the classic "kick your ***" looks of the SRX and those extra goodies like the blue shield, headlight cover and blue wheels really set it off. For the sometimes crappy trail conditions I have to ride on around here, I think my Viper makes more sense for me for a turn key sled. If I had a bunch of money to drop into the suspension and other mods there would have been no questions asked. I would have the SRX. Viper is plenty fast enough to get me in trouble around here but being a speed junky we'll see what the future brings.
Glad your not having problems with the rodents this year. That'll help with the smoking. Atleast you wont be all stressed out trying to find electrical problems huh? Battling that tobacco demon myself but staying positive and money saved is gas money right? Good luck with it and stay positive, you can do it.
Lets hope it'll be a good winter. Few months to go around here.
:letitsnow :letitsnow :letitsnow
Blue what are you putting on for a track? What is the one you are taking off?
takeing off a 1 inch Predator since 2 windows are ripped out.Track is about 3 to 4 years old..Now I want to put on a Kimpex traxtion 1 inch track with 144 studs.. post #9

here is the old track(tried patching it)


here will be the new one


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Not dirty enough bring out for some grass drags 2morrow, because it sure looks fast sitting there ;)!
that tear out might be from the rail.Don't know how??? butthe rail tip is still good and nothing bent there.Have any of you used anti-stab while.SLP carries them..might be a good investment...
Never heard of an anti stab assy in a short tracked sled. In a long tracked sled with anti-ratchet drivers, sure.
