Got SRX in the Garage now..still looks purdy!!

thanks..I try and stay away from gravel and such,sometimes can't be helped.I always keep my sleds as clean as possible.My 2001 SXR600 is even cleaner looking..still looks like from the dealership...and it has more miles on her...not bad for 10 years already.
Well got my old track off and skid out,removing all wheels and replacing bearings now.Skid is in broken pieces anywhere.Even the bushings in the skid look brand new..must be because I shim around them with thin metal strips as betheviper suggests to keep skid tight and it works slop.
Getting track out took only 1 a sharp utility knife and cut across the track where the damage was..track fell off and presto.Of course getting new one in is a completely different beast.... :o|
Not looking forward to dismanteling the chain drive and axle/jackshft..but got to be done.Need to replace bearings there and replace the bearing retainer plates on the jackshaft end that I installed wrong and is now cracking.... :o|
Slowly but surely I guess.
Anyone have a better way to attach the seat on the sides instead of them snap bottons..Every year when I release them..they pull out of the seat material..driving me nuts.Wpould a velcro maybe work there instead???
Hey blue! grass drags are awesome should have showed up with your SRX felt lonely as I had the only Yamaha there it was like bringing a knife to a gunfight, but look who laugh last, went home with 700 Stock 1st and 800 Stock 1st no bad for 11 yr old sled and even raced a 2012 AC 800 and beat him 2 out 3 races I say pretty good for being down 25 horses and about 100+lbs up on him
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needaSRX said:
Hey blue! grass drags are awesome should have showed up with your SRX felt lonely as I had the only Yamaha there it was like bringing a knife to a gunfight, but look who laugh last, went home with 700 Stock 1st and 800 Stock 1st no bad for 11 yr old sled and even raced a 2012 AC 800 and beat him 2 out 3 races I say pretty good for being down 25 horses and about 100+lbs up on him

Nice work!
I am gonna have to come up there sometimes and keep you company.Having 2 SRX's taking out everyone else would be COOL!!!.|Let me remind is my parts you are useing to win the :2strokes:
bluemonster1 said:
I am gonna have to come up there sometimes and keep you company.Having 2 SRX's taking out everyone else would be COOL!!!.|Let me remind is my parts you are useing to win the :2strokes:
Yes it is the HC and the 50/40 helix brand new silver spring LOL! :2strokes: ;)!
what the?? my HC' helix and my spring even...what gives man.Did you have a bog or was it just a nice arm stretching launch..Whay track did you use for grass dragging??Only Yami there..wander why guys don't ride Yami's out there.Must of felt GREAT when you beat that 800 AC..Blue over Green any day..keep up the good work Andy..I am impressed bud... ;)! :2strokes:
bluemonster1 said:
what the?? my HC' helix and my spring even...what gives man.Did you have a bog or was it just a nice arm stretching launch..Whay track did you use for grass dragging??Only Yami there..wander why guys don't ride Yami's out there.Must of felt GREAT when you beat that 800 AC..Blue over Green any day..keep up the good work Andy..I am impressed bud... ;)! :2strokes:
no bog, the heelclicker setup cleared that up. loosened the helix wrap by 10%and WOW nice Arm stretching feeling ;)!

I have old polaris .5-.75 trail track that I put my 168 chisel studs on But I do have a speed track that I have to put with these studs for future races it will be way better
bluemonster1 said:
a little bit of advice..get a better camera man will ya..the sky looks good but prefer looking at the
the Camera boy was my 12 yr old son LOL and yes he not the best at it, I told him that and he laughed and walked away LOL!
needaSRX said:
Hey blue! grass drags are awesome should have showed up with your SRX felt lonely as I had the only Yamaha there it was like bringing a knife to a gunfight, but look who laugh last, went home with 700 Stock 1st and 800 Stock 1st no bad for 11 yr old sled and even raced a 2012 AC 800 and beat him 2 out 3 races I say pretty good for being down 25 horses and about 100+lbs up on him

Love the video, You Should post it in the "Head to Head" section!!
needaSRX said:
He's still crying Blue!! LOL! :o|
way to go blue...makin friends everywhere you go!! lol ;)!

great video though. i love how the yami drowns out the AC the whole race!! gotta love that triple roar!!
got the chaincase and shafts out,changed out all bearings with no issues..Changed the jackshaft bearing plates..if you remember last season I noticed I installed them the wrong way and my 2ndary was being gouged out in the back and the 1 plate was cracking on me..well it is now installed the right way..
One note for all you guys when you install your chaincase bearings.some keep the seals on and some take one off.I have always run mine with the seal off to the inside.It gets a steady dose of oil.The bearings are still in perfect shape,but changed them anyways since everything was apart.Will save them as spares.I also run Trans. fluid in my chaincase as well with no issues.Just waiting for my new hyfax and track to come by next week to get her all back together.Then the front end will be dropped and parts replaced..iy is never ending,but if you don't up keep these sleds..they will leave you stranded one day..I believe in prevenative maintenace and gives me something to do as well and I still haven't been smoking now since I started the patch 11 days ago... ;)!
