Got my new Kimpex Track and..


Dec 30, 2005
Howden ,Manitoba,Canada
would like to know if I can just stud the track with single carbides/plates.The track is punched out for double backers every 2nd row.Was thinking of using only one on each and adding extra holes in between that..any ideas.I have the Woody's template and it helps a little,some holes don't line up with the template.If I just eliminate 2 holes every second window.then I will only have 96 studs installed.Adding 1 new hole per row will get me to 120 studs or should I just purchase 48 double backer plates and be done with it.It is just I have enough single plates to do 144 studs....... :o|
man you guys are to go spend more money again... :o|
With a 10% Summer the Ultimate Traxtion for $377.00..of course there is some tax and delivery..I am happy with that.Guess I'll order the doubles then... ;)! thanks
Blue i have that exact track and found out the same thing after ordering it. I also just ordered the 48 double backers but only ended up going 120. I just did one double and then single on the other side and just alternated that pattern evey other row where it was double punched. I wouldnt cut the track if ya dont have to. It looks way good with the doubles. Its on my wifes viper so i thought 144 would be way to many. Seems to hook great for her and not push through the corners.
Well today I got the track under the tunnel,slide axle in place and installed the chaincase and components and all went smooth...tomorrow will slide the skid into place and align the track up.Stay waiting on parts to tighten up front end.
i had the pre-drilled 144 (2 holes every row) in the middle on my track when i ordered one years ago for my 98. i made doubles out of every other row and then i added the other 48 singles on the outside to every row that had just the 2 singles in it. works fine for me. ;)!
great!!!.. ;)! Got the skid in today.Always hate the initial process of ramming that skid in there.I remained calm,raised back end way up,rammed skid almost straight up to the front,kicked rear end inside..struggle with the lugs inside.In place on the back,pull down on the skid to get the front w-arm into position..all holes lined up easily also.First attempt at alignment and tension was right on.Went 1 3/16 gap down from hyfax in middle..track will stretch after.Has to trim 1/8" from top of lugs where the protectors are up front..that worked.Now slowly installing the single plate studs I hate working on the concrete floor..must be getting old or something.Had to place a heavy blanket down to lay my body will be aching tomorrow....
i did the same track last year, i love it ....

but you do have to trim a bit off of the lugs that line up witht the protectors ...
mattyg1405 said:
i did the same track last year, i love it ....

but you do have to trim a bit off of the lugs that line up witht the protectors ...
great to hear and have already trimmed the lugs where it hits the protectors...on top of it... ;)!
bluemonster1 said:
man I hate working on the concrete floor..must be getting old or something.Had to place a heavy blanket down to lay my body will be aching tomorrow....

Ya every leave a battery on the concrete over night. Concrete does the same to me. Make me feel like an old man.
A couple of bucks said:
Ya every leave a battery on the concrete over night. Concrete does the same to me. Make me feel like an old man.
lol..we are old men with broken backs from sledding to much..what more can I say.Could you see me jumping drifts or driveways with my SRX when I am in my 70's..ha!! well there might be a slight chance I could be doing 25 mph on the SRX..not exactly jumping..but that probably would finish me off right there...lmao
finished putting in the studs tonight and the suspension part is done..skid was removed and gone front end parts will be in soon to complete everything
here are some pics..




Looks good Blue!

Just a few procedural points since I will be taking my skid out soon.

Do you have your sled hanging from the ceiling our something? Guess what I'm asking is what is the best method for supporting the sled or do you just tip it over? Also, what do you cut the track with? hacksaw?

Any other tips. I just changed U-joints on my truck last night and don't like laying on the concrete so much anymore either.

