Yamaha.... No passion

i will just stick with my srxs easy to work on a blast to ride. i have so much fun on my sleds and no payments to boot.
As do I (although I do have one 4 stroke, the rest are 2 stroke).

03 RX1 Liquid Silver. Bought it used in the fall of 04. 556 miles. $5595 was the asking price. Cover, charger, 144 trail studs. I paid it. Great sled for puttin miles behind yer a$$.

Havn't bought a new sled since 86. No need. There is a smorgasboard out there to be feasted on.

Not like yesteryears.

I think one reason there are so many older yami's runnin around still is because most people who like yami are true loyalists & & love thier machines & keep them up & keep them going. A little maintance goes a long way, but on other brands it seems as though they still go to crap. There is a local A-Cat parts guy, says yami's take too long to strip, too many fasteners & rivets. I tell him that's a good thing!
Here's a link to a post i did last year during the x games. Kinda hits on the same thought. I am a true and loyal yamaha rider for sure. But man im uninspired by the line up for todays yamaha. I would love to have 3 new yamaha's in the garage. Its not about money cause if i want it i get it. But the way i think and ride here is what i need. Lookin for a house near sled trails, so i will have (i would love to buy those 2 attacks in the classifieds) 3 trail sleds left up north. Then my 3 river rats at home. But why should i need sleds up north for trail and getting lost riding and sleds at home. Because i would never be able to ride river, over dikes, roads with lots of gravel, tight woods trails with todays yamaha. NO WAY NO HOW. You can all dog me on how great todays 4 stokes are and i will agree! They are awesome and i want some. But They are just not the all around sled today's market asks for. I have never in all my years seen any 4 stroke yamaha sled on my local riding trails. But i love yamaha and see my fair share of srx's, phazers, enticers, and the occasional viper as was said in a previous post. I wont be getting rid of my vipers for a time to come but i dont want to own 6 sleds either. One for trails and powder and one for river fun. All the guys i hang with and talk to can do both? My link from X Games http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/showthread.php?t=78659 Chris
sure when you go to the Yamaha dealer and you see these new sleds in front of you..you are like a kid wanting candy.Few years back went to pu parts from my dealer..saw the Attack sitting there and just fell in love with it.Saw the price and dealer told me that sled would look real good with me on it..yeah yeah whatever!!He told me I could take it home that day and just make my monthly payments for the next 7 years..yeah yeah again..
But I don't like the higher seats,seem a little stiff to me.Like being laid back on my SRX or xR better to tell you the truth.My last brand new sled I purchased from Yamaha was the 1981 SRX440...it has been used sleds after.
I only ever bought one new vehicle in my life..a 1979 Ford 1/2 ton for $9300 cash..after that it has always been used vehicles.I was never one to be sucked in by a car salesman or sled salesman.I like used because it is way cheaper..couldn't see myself putting out my hard earned money on something new like that..I hate sales people and there tactics.I don't need the new stuff to be happy..and the new stuff out there is just to hiped up and to costly..sleds or cars...Luv old iron even if it has rust on it..lol
quebec#1 said:
The Apex for me was the most expensive sled to maintain for me. Im either taking a year off or going back to a viper or a srx.
I cant see paying $15,000 for a new sled or financing it for 8 years .
Id like to see a bit of a throw back to the srx days, im not a off trail rider nor do i care for the very exaggerated rider foward machines of today.
Second hand machines that i would look at $2500 to $5000 range would be a 2005 + mach z love the ride but wouldnt trust the engine or a f7 or crossfire but again not sure if the diamond drive would get me home at the end of the day. Engine wise YAMAHA RULES !
This perplexes me. My Attak is way cheaper to put 300 miles on in a day than my Mt Viper. I put that many miles on each sled dozens of times that way. My Attak is waaaaaay cheaper to drive all day and add up miles than my Mt Viper. Not even close. Mileage is better and no 2 stroke oil to add -- Just 3.2 quarts once a year during an oil change as compared to adding oil all day long. I'm just confused as to how the math adds up here. The only cheaper part is insurance is about $60 per less on the Mt Viper, but it's $270/yr total to insure both sleds and my covered trailer.

the price in buying a new 4 stroke is what is the killer..can't see that being cheaper.My insurance is $83 for each sled.I can buy a lot of gas and oil for $18.000 ..lol and I love the sound of a 2 stroke.I hear them 4 stroke quads going by,sounds like crap to me. Nothin like a 2 stroke sound flying by you.
Just got the latest AmSnow mag. Sled of the year competition. Best of the best- Ski-doo 800R e-tec. after that, A-cat pretty much takes the cake with thier new chassis. Yamaha took the ...... ready..... Best 4 stroke -Apex SE, & best touring - Venture GT. I want a mid-weight all around sled that can jump ditches, rip trails, climb hills, cross water, drag race, jump snowbanks, fly over moguls, etc. I don't think yamaha makes that sled anymore. But, what do i know, most of my toys are from the last millenium!
i understand the op, and i did commit brand treason but i think yamaha still has plenty of passion for snowmobiles for sure. the apex doesn't appeal to me at all but i think the nytro xtx is totally ba. i dont really know if i would have been as happy with a nytro as i am with my renegade or not. if the dealer would of had a nytro xtx when when i bought my sled i probly would have bought the nytro. the renegade was considerably cheaper and i really like the 'gade and think that ski-doo has some wicked technology of their own, but yamaha has them blown out of the water on fit, finish, and quality of materials in my mind. i decided to buy a motorcycle around memorial day this year. even though my mind was pretty much made up to buy a yzf-r1, once i compared the yamahas to the other three brands in person it was a no brainer. the yamaha wasn't the cheapest or the lightest by far, but they were the nicest.
snopax said:
With my srx approaching 11 years old I've been eyeing up a new go fast toy. I don't think it will be a yamaha. They seem to have just lost their passion, or at the very least do not seem to inspire it. Sure they have some of the most technologically advanced sleds out there but they seem to lack soul. Is our just me? Compared to companies like arctic car and polaris yamaha seems very uninterested inn the snowmobile market. Maybe It is all a lack of marketing. Anyway thats my rant.

Yamaha is definitely, first and foremost a motor company; although they abandoned 2-strokes too soon. And I believe that they are passionate about 4-stroke engines.

I just wish that they were more passionate about chassis development, though.

I am not brand loyal and in the last year or 2 I’ve ridden the new Phazer, an Apex 136, a Nytro 121, and a Nytro XTX. And for the money, I found the Phazer disappointing. The Apex had impressive power, but poor handling, poor ride, and was heavy. The Nytro 121 was a good step forward in chassis development, but handled poorly. I did rent a Nytro XTX and was impressed: great power, great handling, and great ride. I almost bought one. The main reason I did not was I would have needed a longer trailer.

I rode the Nytro XTX for 500 miles and this sled made it obvious that Yamaha can design a good handling sled with a great ride. But for whatever reason, they choose not to transfer this passion to the rest of their snowmobile product line. It just seems like every year all they do is tweaks … come on the Apex has essentially been around since 2003.

Meanwhile Arctic Cat, Ski-Doo, and Polaris move full speed ahead in chassis development coming out with brand new chassis every 4-years or so, plus new 2-cycle technology.

It is like Yamaha North American Marketing has little to no say as to what product development is doing back in Japan.
the yamaha rx1 warrior was their technological break through, i remember when they first came out. 1 four stoke in the world of 2 strokes. yamaha is aimed at four strokes now they proved that in the dirtbike class as well. with the yz 426f. was odd watchin motocross when there was 2 strokes zingin and this odd man out yami 4 stroke in the same class. ok when yamaha makes a breakthru ahead of the competitors they usually stick with it because it works. look at the banshee for the 2 stroke outlaw class.... they prolay figured thier r1 motor in thier sled was enough for the time being. but..... when they do make a another unexpected true break thru expect to be wowed. yamaha has this history and i would expect them to keep up this suit that they play.
Only reason we see four stroke motocross bikes is because they were allowed to be double the size of the 125 two strokes and 80% larger than 250 two strokes. The rules were previously cc vs cc no matter what kind of engine. At the time, nobody thought a heavy slow four stroke could compete with the two strokes so they gave them a huge displacement advantage(250 2T vs 550 4T originally in 1997) when Yamaha wanted to build the yz400f. No rule change, no four strokes.
